Sentences with phrase «less irrigation water»

Working with our local officials, we are trying to get support for repairing and adapting irrigation systems of greater efficiency so that we can grow more crops with less irrigation water.
Longer growing seasons, less irrigation water, earlier grain harvests, lilacs in the farmyard blooming ahead of «normal,» and hayfields that «don't produce like they used to,» are conveying a consistent long - term message, even when prices, net revenues, and other measures of the farm economy are variable.

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The irrigated water is contained around each tree, and irrigation takes less than an hour, instead of 10 to 12 hours.
The main advantages of drip irrigation are that it conserves water because less is lost to evaporation, and it efficiently delivers water to individual plants.
They have lower attitudes toward water conservation and less confidence in their ability to adopt good landscape irrigation practices and technologies.
Need for strong public outreach Agricultural production accounts for the greatest amount of global water consumption, and in this sector the authors suggest a variety of efficiency proposals such as improved irrigation systems and switching to crop varieties that consume less water.
«Assessing the potential is tricky: If upstream farmers reroute otherwise wasted water to increase irrigation and production, less water returns to downstream users and consequently this can affect their production,» says co-author and team leader Dieter Gerten.
They do less well than traditional varieties in drought conditions, but much better (providing double the yield per unit amount of water) when both are grown under irrigation.
Less than 10 % of Nile water now reaches the sea, and most of the nutrient - rich sediment is trapped in the delta by a dense canal and irrigation system.
«The results showed that, during moisture deficit periods, green turf cover (GTC), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and leaf relative water content (RWC) were most affected by substrate depth, moderately affected by irrigation regime, and, to a lesser extent, by substrate type,» the authors said.
«higher quality diets were associated with greater food waste but less waste of cropland; as well as greater waste of irrigation water and pesticides, but not fertilizer.»
In addition, exclusion of human - related impacts such as irrigation, land use, and water diversion from most current climate models makes reliable projection of drought even less certain (Sheffield and Wood 2008).
The second is to adopt more water - efficient irrigation technologies and shift to less water - intensive crops.
From water conservation to less pollution to women's empowerment, a founder of Netafim explains why drip irrigation is the future of agriculture.
Overhead, matched - precipitation rotor systems are the best for irrigating green roofs, and they do a better job with less water than drip or sub irrigation methods.
Substrates that were watered with overhead irrigation retained more of the water dispersed with less waste than sub-irrigation and drip systems.
Designers and builders can construct green buildings that use significantly less water than conventional construction by incorporating native landscapes that eliminate the need for irrigation, installing water - efficient fixtures, and reusing wastewater for nonpotable water needs.
Researchers at Iowa State University estimate that corn farmers in that state would use 40 percent less water and lower their energy bills by 15 percent with drip irrigation.
These include water tables falling as a result of overpumping for irrigation, the loss of fertile topsoil due to overplowing, and weather patterns becoming less predictable as the planet warms.
More irrigation water in the future may require agricultural expansion to help with food security whereas less water might mean the region moving out of agricultural altogether, decisions with major implications for investment in regional infrastructure.
But there are solutions that hold far less energy, like cutting the bottom off a water bottle and sticking it in the soil, then filling it with water for sustained irrigation.
Pumping water from this far down raises pumping costs so high that farmers are often forced to abandon irrigation and return to less productive dryland farming.
Variables explaining a significant component of yield variance are nitrogen, irrigation water, and precipitation; temperature was a less significant component of yield variation within the range of observed year - to - year variability at the study sites.
In my present place of work, I was credited, and highly commended for my ability to create and implement an irrigation plan, which was efficient, yet used 75 % less water resources than the one that was already being used!
Consider soaker hoses and drip irrigation systems that use less water than traditional sprinkler systems.
ULI notes that an increasing number of golf courses have been implementing strategies to use less water or shift to non-potable water sources, including using more drought - resistant turf grasses, replacing grass with native plantings, installing computer - controlled irrigation systems, increasing the use of recycled water, and in many cases, just watering less and letting some grass turn brown.
or shift to non-potable water sources, including using more drought - resistant turf grasses, replacing grass with native plantings, installing computer - controlled irrigation systems, increasing the use of recycled water, and in many cases, just watering less and letting some grass turn brown.
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