Sentences with phrase «less joint stiffness»

My husband and I play a lot of tennis, and I have to say that we feel much less joint stiffness and discomfort after playing than we used to feel.
They reported less joint stiffness, fatigue and headaches, and were able to focus better on calculation tasks.

Not exact matches

The evidences come in many shapes, sizes, ways and degrees: stiffness of joints, forgetfulness concerning names, the feeling of being less and less «with it.»
The diabetes and neuropathy groups had more stiffness in their Achilles tendons and less range of motion in the joints than the control group did.
Less inflammation, less stiffness in joints, eLess inflammation, less stiffness in joints, eless stiffness in joints, etc..
Warming up improves the flexibility of your muscles and the connective tissues that support your joints — the better they move, the less stiffness you'll experience.
When we lose collagen, our tendons and ligaments start moving with less ease, leading to stiffness, swollen joints and more.
Benefits to the increased range of motion include joint mobility, less friction in the joints, enabling of joint function to diminish stiffness and joint relaxation.
The signs that your bunny is ageing * A decrease in energy levels * Stiffness in the joints * Losing or gaining weight * More quiet, less destructive behaviour (which is a good one!)
Previously I noticed stiffness in the joints and she started to seem less interesteded in playing or anything that involved her to move.
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