Sentences with phrase «less of a purist»

Not exact matches

Though this makes it less attractive for blockchain purists drawn to decentralized protocols, it has made Ripple more viable from the perspective of banks and other financial institutions.
While purists may hotly contend the addition of eggs, a less - strict approach can be more sustainable for some.
Sunshine is more of a purist sci - fi film than has come out in recent years, perhaps just a shade less esoteric than another notable entry, Soderbergh's remake of Solaris, less philosophical than Aronofsky's The Fountain, less menacing than Alien, less action - oriented than Armageddon or The Core, and definitely far less jocular than Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, although it shares many story elements and themes from all of them.
In less spoiler - y territory, the first footage of Chad Coleman as Tyreese has hit the web via an international promo for the midseason finale — if you're a spoiler purist, though, you may want to steer clear of this one as well.
There's plenty of room and resolution to include a fifth row of icons, but at least purists should appreciate less manufacturer bloat.
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