Sentences with phrase «less on»

More than 1 in 3 of India's 1.2 billion people are children, yet India spends less on health and education than comparable emerging economies.
This vision, if taken seriously in this country, for example, would lead to more emphasis upon a positive strategy to overcome the growing gap between the rich nations and the poor and less on the dominant negative strategy of containing the enemy by filling him with fear of our power to destroy him.
Would our economies better serve us if they focused more on local and less on international markets?
Focus more on helping your fellow man, and less on trying to force your beliefs on them, and people will accept you (even if they think you're a bit childish in your belief).
It was a white wedding with a difference when up to 40 people helped the couple defy the weather and made sure the bride got to the church more or less on time.
Handout photo issued by Sarah Thew of Rebecca McKenzie and Daniel Hodgson, who were married on Wednesday and were helped by drivers in 4x4s and a tractor with a plough to clear steep roadw outside St Cuthbert's Church, Benfieldside, in County Durham to make sure that the bride got to the church more or less on time
Fortunately, their influence on American ministers has been relatively small and even less on laymen.
In fact, although the United States is one of the most religious developed countries in the world, most Americans scored 50 percent or less on a quiz measuring knowledge of the Bible, world religions and what the Constitution says about religion in public life.
Advancement in most universities depends less on teaching ability than on what a man publishes.3 Writing for professional journals is of great value, of course, because only experts in the same field are able to judge a man's contribution and benefit from it.
Put theologically, this means that Christians need to concentrate less on remembering in faith what God has done in Christ in reconciling the world to himself and more on anticipating in hope what God will do through the Spirit to bring men into the ecstatic joy of the promised Kingdom.
And I have never been one who is willing to turn a blind eye to those real problems — a lot of people wish I would speak up less on the problems of evangelicalism.
How far he can move in these directions, as in exploiting others to one's own gain, driving a shrewd deal or pursuing an advantage, stretching the truth, «having a little affair,» or drinking in moderation, depends for most persons less on the will of God or the revelation of God in Jesus Christ than on what is and what is not done in one's community.
People would socialize and bond less and less on the kinds of values that form rigid barriers to others» values and more on who THEY are — and when faced with billions of individual people, the reasons for fighting wars become less defined.
Their fidelity to the faith and their acceptance of the truths of the faith are based less on obedience to their pastors than on understanding and conviction.
The Danforth Study of Campus Ministries, published ten years ago under the audaciously inclusive title The Church, the University, and Social Policy, has probably had little measurable impact on any of the three communities addressed — which focus respectively on goodness, truth and power — much less on strengthening their linkage with one another.
As Wallace explained, Christians should focus less on what role they have and more on Who they work for.
In the UK at least, there's a sense in which people choose their church less on its dogma and doctrine and more on the very real issue of whether or not it has a pulse.
Thank you for explaining this to me I'll try and remember to focus more on God and less on my feelings.
More recently the emphasis has been less on action and more on conversion.
Speaking of teachers, you should focus less on religion and go back to school.
Nakedness was taboo in Judaism, and shame fell less on the naked party than on the person viewing or causing the nakedness (Gen. 9:20 - 27).
Fulbrook's study illustrates especially well the importance of resources such as political support and economic patronage, both of which may depend less on the nature of the popular audience than on macro-level linkages among institutions.
So far as Gandhi was concerned, it was towards a syncretism of mystic Hindu spirituality with the self - giving and suffering love of Jesus the Crucified Messiah producing the politics of nonviolence aimed at a secular nation - state based more or less on inter-religious understanding and the decentralized socialism of Sarvodaya.
Stephen Neill also argues more or less on the same line.
Men (with a few exceptions) focus less on the emotional dimensions of being overweight than on its detriments to physical health, stamina and vigor.
Another part of the question of postmodernity focuses less on cultural or ecclesial shifts than on more strictly intellectual problems.
We should focus more on the centerpiece of the Bible, Jesus, and less on «religion».
The liberal view of America focuses less on the nation as such, and more on humanity in general.
Maybe the emphasis needs to be less on content and more or learning how to learn, though that might work only if denominations built expectations for continued study into the way they think about the careers of their pastors.
Instead of pushing back on the advocates to depend less on him and broaden their base of support and leverage, Marty opted for the special status he needed to feel significant in his role.»
«This covers most areas of life (body, soul and spirit), with the emphasis less on «me» and sheer pleasure, and more on «others» and the bigger picture,» Parnham explains.
Men were Catholics, Protestants, or Jews, categories based less on theological than on social distinctions.»
Video marketers focus less on words and more on creating a buzz around their product that will prompt the users to act in a different way.
Butler shows how in the early national period, as the line of distinction between religion and the civil authorities («separation of church and state») developed and the citizenry relied ever less on the government for things spiritual or ecclesiastical, church life prospered.
Gregory advises each marriage partner to think less on what one is forced to endure from one's spouse and more on what one's spouse is required to endure from oneself: «If one considers what is endured from one's self, that which is endured from another is more easily borne.
I sang loudly and more or less on key, and because my father was organist and choir director of the various Lutheran churches we attended during my boyhood, I was always drafted for the children's choir and occasionally even given a semi-prominent role, but I was never as good as my family heritage or personal eagerness might have predicted.
Until Judge Martin re-learns American values, he has no place in this great nation, much less on the bench.
I didn't want to admit my sin of racism publicly, much less on the Internet.
People need to focus less on being offended by what someone else believes (especially when it really does no harm except causing some offense) and be more secure in their own beliefs.
It sounds good to say «spend less on a building and send the extra money for mission endeavors instead», but in reality that amount money would not be received and sent out by the local church otherwise.
After the first year or two Joe will begin to put greater emphasis on the psychological and spiritual aspects of the Alt program and less on his drinking history.
They insisted more on the priority of the monetary discipline and fiscal reforms and less on the drastic cuts of social expenses.
The security system at the school failed Schools need to spend less on sports and each school needs a full - time ARMED guard on location.
Aren't most «Histories of the Primitive Church» a kind of paper - chase, in which a lack of genuine historical controls leads to ever more elaborate and ever less plausible «reconstructions» based less on facts than on the demands of developmental models?
And what makes each of us feel less on the outside is knowing that we are sought out.
Each State would then have a larger workforce for keeping highways clean or public cemeteries mowed and spend far less on keeping people incarcerated and you get to keep more in your pocket.
But the real good news is that the movie wrapped more or less on time, despite Harrison Ford's bum ankle.
If our perspective is right, if our trust is in the One who both opens and closes doors, and if we focus more on our relationship with Him and less on the door, we will see every closed door as an opportunity to learn something about ourselves and our God.
I get what you're saying and in essence, I agree, the church seems to the world a myopic organism, focused less on the work of the church in Acts which provided real spiritual and physical care for the masses, and more on church culture and agenda.
Only < than 1 percent of priests have ever abused a child, far less on a percentage basis than coaches, teachers, and ministers of other faiths.
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