Sentences with phrase «less one thing»

It also gives me one less thing to worry about the next day.
It's one less thing I have to remember to bring with me — if I have my phone on me, I have my MetroCard, too.
«People usually retire without a mortgage, and unless they're doing a lot of travelling, it's remarkable how much less things cost.»
That's one less thing you'll have to think about in launching a business.
The payoff, Buffer CEO and cofounder Joel Gascoigne told Business Insider, is that it gives employees one less thing to worry or gossip about and introduces a level of fairness.
In many cases, improvement is not about doing more things right, but about doing less things wrong.
And, more importantly, the less things I will need to «correct» because in a very short time those will become irrelevant.
Whether you're catching a flight or a show across town, you'll have one less thing to worry about.
So when PCS season rolls around, finding a job will be one less thing to worry about.
In a world full of anxiety, my goal today was to give investors one less thing to worry about.
If dealing with payroll is making you tear your hair out, let us give you one less thing to worry about.
But after everything they've been through, Stoneman Douglas students say waiving the testing requirement would give them one less thing to worry about.
But when everything is in order, this option means one less thing to worry about over the holiday period, so it is worth considering if you are worried about remembering to make payments.
«In this digital age, it's now more important than ever that we talk openly about body image, so that young people can feel comfortable in their skin and have one less thing to worry about when they are going through puberty, which is already one of the most difficult stages of their life.»
Leave it out of the meeting and it will be one less thing that we have to disagree about.
But none the less these things exist.
This diverse flock needs shephering of the Word (Jesus Christ) because it is the human condition to want to walk away from that central Truth and make the lesser things the focus.
«In this room, we have various minor points of difference between us... but we are united by a gospel too great and a mission too urgent to let any lesser thing stand in our way.
Stop holding your breath, hiding your gifts, ducking your head, dulling your roar, distracting your soul, stilling your hands, quieting your voice, dulling your mind, satiating your hunger with the lesser things of this world.
Is it not a pitiable prudence, shrewdness, faintheartedness, it has found, which sits in high places and cravenly makes men believe they have accomplished the greatest things and insidiously withholds them from attempting to do even the lesser things?
It was one less thing to worry about for me.
Then comes a list of lesser things «beyond necessity, purely as a special service to God, which is contrary to faith... Tonsures, chasubles, albs... altar cloths, lights... bells, holy water, holy salt, incense», and a further list of ambivalent things: «veiling of statues, keeping fasts (except for the clergy), Litany of the Saints, Hymns to Mary of an evening, Confession torture, Palm swallowing, Passion sermons eight hours long, Consecrating the fire,... St Martin's Goose... three Christmas Masses, Oats on St Stephen's Day, St. John's draught».
So I thought it would be nice to give you a delicious side dish that was stress free, meaning you have one less thing to worry about!
Your Thanksgiving hustle will thank you for preparing this ahead of time — it's just one less thing you have to worry about.
So here's one less thing to worry about as you send your kiddos off to school!
You know, full of things that are pretty good for you and less things that just taste good.
This takes a stressor off your plate, and it's one less thing to think about later.
All good reasons, including the fact that they should totally be made a day or two before so it's one less thing for you to worry about on turkey day, and if you're stressing out about other dishes, it's cool, I've got a couple more things coming your way this week.
I can get these rolls ready for the freezer weeks in advance, which means one less thing to worry about when I have a big meal to prepare.
This vegan chili recipe is quick and easy (less than 20 min), and you can make it the night before so you'll have one less thing to prepare on Super Bowl Sunday.
I took a note from last year and split the process into a few days, which is perfect for busy cooks or if you have an entire Thanksgiving meal to prep and want one less thing to worry about.
Totally going to recommend this, and also I feel like I have one less thing to worry about in case I have issues with breastfeeding.
Those dishes are nice because it's one less thing you need to make the day of your meal.
And baby potatoes are perfect if you want one less thing to chop.
It will transform your baking AND it has the extra bonus of less things to wash.
Then there's one less thing to remember when all we really want to do is enjoy our baking project, right?
One of the reasons I love these so much (there are many) is that the dough for the base is the same dough used for the crumble, so there's less bowls to dirty, less things to measure.
You could even make it in advance and freeze it so you have one less thing to make on the big day!
It's not complicated or anything, but then when you are in the throes of making the actual chili, it is one less thing to do.
Getting Corner Bakery Cafe's 200 proprietary products across the country is not a top - of - mind concern for the organization, making distribution one less thing to worry about.
One less thing to think about when planning out breakfasts for the week!
It's one less thing to prep for your party or get together.
One less thing to worry about Thank you!!!
One less thing being put into the trash, and one less bag of greens I need to supplement my CSA with.
I love that I can skip a step and have less things to scrub.
Also, the banana and blueberries make it difficult to over cook so one less thing to stress over in the mornings!
This vegan and paleo «cheesecake» is a huge hit with everyone, and gives you one less thing to make in your oven.
For a start, there are way less things to wash up when you just dump ingredients in a bowl and cut out the middle man.
The salad gets better the next day, which means it's perfect for Christmas party planning because it's one less thing you have to think of on the day.
I liked that it can be made ahead - saved time the day of our thanksgiving dinner and made for one less thing to stress about.
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