Sentences with phrase «less opportune»

There will very likely be a time when this letter comes at a much less opportune time.

Not exact matches

I've always been a gregarious, outgoing guy, and as a professional journalist and former TV and radio reporter, I've never thought myself to be lacking in the charisma department, so conventional ways of meeting people seemed to me much more opportune and much less shallow than some mobile app that asks you to judge someone based on your first impression of a photo.
After some speculation and an opportune footstep on a paint - covered magazine, he decides that his big idea is nothing less than an exclusive autobiography from reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes.
Guillot also sees this as an opportune time to teach kids how to help those less fortunate.
There was a time when «ninja games» referred to an indomitable force of shuriken chucking momentum that was less about hiding silently in the shadows while waiting for an opportune moment to strike, and more with slicing through monstrous demons and T -800-style car wreckers.
With less emphasis placed upon the aesthetics of the object, All the Actors Have Withdrawn depicts, rather, a violent conflict carefully paused at an opportune moment.
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