Sentences with phrase «less oxygen as»

But lowering air intake means the body gets less oxygen as well as fewer pollutants.

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As a result the plant produces more oxygen, consumes more carbon dioxide and has less environmental impact.
For example, how is that a sea lion, once they enter the water, that it's heart rate drops, blood vessels constrict, and lungs begins to collapse, whereby blood flows as usual to the heart and brain, but less reaches non-vital organs for swimming, and are now able to draw on oxygen in the muscles and blood?
Clay minerals consist of crystals in which atoms of silicon, oxygen and a number of metals, such as aluminum, iron and various rarer and less frequent ones, are arranged in a three - dimensional lattice.
These fast twitch muscle fibres take longer to recover as less blood and oxygen flows through them in comparison to slow twitch fibres.
Diaper services are also an eco friendly diaper alternative to home laundering; while most parents find this service more expensive than the costs of buying and laundering their own cloth diapers, diaper services use less water and energy per diaper, and most use green detergents such as oxygen bleach rather than chlorine bleach.
But we didn't have time, as the cord was wrapped tightly around him multiple times, and the tighter he was squeezed, the less able he was to get oxygen - rich blood.
The staff, which includes developmental pediatricians, neonatologists, a nurse practitioner, a psychologist, a psychometrist, and a nutritionist provide services for infants who were born weighing less than 1250 grams, discharged on oxygen or a monitor, or who had other special problems as a newborn.
The apnea is significant as it leads to hypoxemia (oxygen blood content is less), which causes the brain damage.
As such, the ongoing climate change poses the following problem for marine animals: the warmer the water gets, the less oxygen it can absorb and store.
She reported at the American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting in March that women who carry more oxygen in their blood have more than twice as many surviving children as women who carry less oxygen.
The hydrogen replaces oxygen in the acids and other compounds in the bio-oils and makes them less corrosive, and the zeolites break the large hydrocarbons into compounds such as toluene and benzene that are commonly used building blocks for a large number of industrial chemicals.
As phosphate precipitates from the body's fluid, the weightier, less energetic oxygen - 18 is preferentially trapped in the solid mineral.
Because diffusion becomes less efficient as the tubes get longer, the atmospheric concentration of oxygen is a powerful constraint on body size, especially for active insects that fly.
To make matters worse, German and Japanese researchers recently increased CO2 levels in seawater and found that the greenhouse gas can damage some marine organisms directly: Squid slowly asphyxiated as the excess CO2 crowded out oxygen in their blood, and fish embryos and larvae were abnormally small and less likely to survive.
Scientists anticipate that future oceans will be slightly warmer and contains less oxygen (a condition known as hypoxia).
As oxygen increased in Earth's atmosphere and organisms became more complex, different forms of metabolism evolved, from plants» photosynthesis to the lesser - known chemolithotrophy.
In fact, the completely unplanned «experiment» had left the crew gasping for breath as the oxygen concentration gradually fell from 21 per cent to less than 15 per cent, making the atmosphere as thin as at an altitude of 4000 metres.
Meanwhile, reduced oxygen circulation has forced one species of snail, Tiphobia horei, which lived as deep as 984 feet a century ago, to move to depths of 328 feet or less.
«One, as water becomes warmer, the solubility of oxygen decreases in it, so it can hold less oxygen.
«Our goal is to develop less expensive, more environmentally friendly, and lower energy selective oxidation processes by using molecular oxygen as the oxidant,» Manz said.
Similar islands of material in the early universe could have held as much water vapor as we find in our galaxy today, despite containing a thousand times less oxygen.
In cancer cells there is a switch to using glycolysis, a process that requires less oxygen and produces lactate as a by - product.
The 10 - year Warfarin and Aspirin for Reduced Cardiac Ejection Fraction (WARCEF) trial is the largest randomized, double - blind comparison of aspirin and warfarin (also known by its brand name Coumadin) for heart failure, following 2,305 heart failure patients whose heart muscle pumps less oxygen - rich blood into the body, known as reduced ejection fraction, at 168 study sites in 11 countries on three continents.
Less oxygen dissolved in the water is often referred to as a «dead zone» (in red above) because most marine life either dies, or, if they are mobile such as fish, leave the area.
The researchers are now working to make their oxygen evolution catalyst more efficient and less expensive, as well as teasing out the physics of what makes the material work so well.
The sensors detected changes in oxygen pressure as small as 15 millimeters of mercury, and it took less than 10 minutes to see the effects of a change in inhaled gas.
As less methane was available to to remove oxygen from the atmosphere, however, the result was a build up of oxygen over time during the subsequent «Great Oxygenation Event» (or «Great Oxidation Event») between Years 2.2 and 2.3 billion (Devin Powell, New Scientist, January 12, 2009; 2007 NASA press release; and Anbar el al, 2007).
Eventually, Stars Aa and Ab will lose much of their current mass, from intensified stellar winds that eventually puff out their outer gas envelopes of hydrogen and helium (and lesser amounts of higher elements such as carbon and oxygen) into interstellar space as planetary nebulae.
«Lens membranes with a high content of saturated sphingolipids... are less susceptible to oxidation because there is relatively less oxygen in these ordered bilayers, as well as fewer double bonds to become oxidized... (W) hale lens lipid composition and structure support the finding that lens lipid hydrocarbon order is directly related to the sphingolipid content and indirectly related to the phosphatidylcholine content of the lenses of many animals.»
While about 1,000 times less dense at Pluto's orbit than at Earth's, solar winds carrying protons and electrons, as well as ionized helium and oxygen, gust outward at about 300 to 500 km / s (187 to 311 miles / s).
As time goes on, less and less oxygen makes it to the heart, which can cause a heart attack.
If you rest too long, you begin to lose this support, as less oxygen can get to the muscles you're working.
As Booker explains, the more you do this, the more efficient you become meaning your body is able to deliver oxygen, pump blood, and meet the demands of exercise with less work.
In the short term, your body will undergo the following changes: ventilation (respiratory rate) increases in response to a lower amount of oxygen in the blood, blood then becomes more alkaline (meaning less acidic) as you hyperventilate, and this alkaline state in turn signals your body to breathe less than you should in order to get substantial oxygen to your tissues.
As a general rule, the shorter the carbon chain, the more efficiently the MCT will be turned into ketones, which are an excellent source of energy for your body — far preferable to glucose, as ketones produce far less reactive oxygen species (ROS) when they are metabolized to produce ATAs a general rule, the shorter the carbon chain, the more efficiently the MCT will be turned into ketones, which are an excellent source of energy for your body — far preferable to glucose, as ketones produce far less reactive oxygen species (ROS) when they are metabolized to produce ATas ketones produce far less reactive oxygen species (ROS) when they are metabolized to produce ATP.
It should come as no surprise that if eating less food can lower the amount of oxygen we use, and hence lower the metabolism, then eating more food could increase metabolism.
Fat oxidation on the other hand occurs in the oxygen CO2 exchange ratio of 1:0.7 so not only do you produce less CO2 as a by product which allows for slower breathing, but you also aren't dealing with the ever increasingly acidic environment created by glucose metabolism.
Not only does HIIT take less time, but it helps you burn more fat because of an effect known as EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption).
Also, cut out caffeine (except when it is used as an enema), because caffeine restricts the blood vessels, meaning less oxygen gets to the cancer cells.
With less blood flow, your skin doesn't get as much oxygen and important nutrients, such as vitamin A.
For living beings, love may not be considered as essential as oxygen and water but for human beings, it is also no less than that Online Dating: There are thousands of online dating sites where we can search for partners but what if you are suffering from HSV?
The result is fluid building up in the lungs, and as more and more fluid builds up, there is less space for oxygen.
Space Engineers is much less forgiving in that aspect, as starting off on a planet with little to no oxygen will most likely result in you running out of your supply before you can even start constructing an oxygen tank, let alone shelter.
A future hydrogen economy could use the gas as an energy carrier As this method doesn't produce oxygen which needs to be kept separate from hydrogen, safety from explosion of the two gases is much less of a problem with electricity in the national grids carried by ageing cables, it would be useful to replace them by passing the hydrogen along gas pipes used currently for natural methane gaas an energy carrier As this method doesn't produce oxygen which needs to be kept separate from hydrogen, safety from explosion of the two gases is much less of a problem with electricity in the national grids carried by ageing cables, it would be useful to replace them by passing the hydrogen along gas pipes used currently for natural methane gaAs this method doesn't produce oxygen which needs to be kept separate from hydrogen, safety from explosion of the two gases is much less of a problem with electricity in the national grids carried by ageing cables, it would be useful to replace them by passing the hydrogen along gas pipes used currently for natural methane gas.
Soot - Particles formed during the quenching of gases at the outer edge of flames of organic vapors, consisting predominantly of carbon, with lesser amounts of oxygen and hydrogen present as carboxyl and phenolic groups and exhibiting an imperfect graphitic structure.
One result of this stability is that as the summer wears on, there is less and less oxygen below the thermocline, as the water below the thermocline never circulates to the surface, and organisms in the water deplete the available oxygen.
Climate change caused by fossil fuel burning is the cause of the large - scale deoxygenation, as warmer waters hold less oxygen.
After graduation, she moved to New York to lead a short - lived talk show, «Trackers,» which she described as «less Bad Girl's Club and more I Am Woman Hear Me Roar,» on the then newly launched Oxygen network.
Scientists have long known that increasing ocean temperatures can lead to more ocean dead zones as warmer water holds less oxygen.
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