Sentences with phrase «less part from»

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The move is part of the sweeping trend that is shaking the center aisles of the supermarket, as my esteemed colleague Beth Kowitt has written about so thoughtfully in the pages of Fortune: a migration away from processed foods to those that are simpler and less removed from nature.
Parents, for their part, would readily comply with kids» expectations: Less than 5 percent of those surveyed said that they wouldn't let their child move back in after graduating from college, although nearly 25 percent said that they would charge them rent.
The buzz this time around feels far less significant — in part because we've seen this product before, if not from Jawbone, from Nike (NKE) and FitBit.
While a hungry child is less likely to be able to focus, most of the research looks at kids who are part of school breakfast programs, which means the majority of those kids come from underprivileged backgrounds and may not be getting enough to eat in general.
Of the almost 5.4 million votes cast in 2012, only about 430,000 came from that part of the state — less than 10 %.
Baby Jogger's woes had been brought about, in part, by fierce competition from lower - priced rivals selling strollers through big - box stores and discount websites for as little as $ 99, less than half the price of a Baby Jogger.
Among the data's revelations are that in many parts of the Deep South, people have less than a 5 % chance of going from the bottom income level to the top.
This greatly minimizes the range of the blade's angle relative to the surfaces of your face, and while this is an important part of the safety razor design that keeps it from slicing up your skin, it's also a «one size fits all» solution that is less than ideal.
However, the actual worries and fears from this part of the world are much less dramatic.
Now, less than a year after opening, New Work City hosts anywhere from 40 to 50 full - and part - time members on a given day.
The SHRM survey from June reports HR professionals have seen less political conversation in the workplace as compared with past elections, surmising that it's in part because the presidential race is even more polarizing than usual.
Though the company had to alter parts of its branding, like changing its colour scheme from red to pink (the latter being less provocative), nixing forbidden photos of skin - baring women and axing Cupid imagery due to its religious connotations, it was still adapting to a culture that celebrates sexuality, albeit in a different way.
«I don't expect people to know the sum of all the parts, but I expect them to pick it up and be able to feel a difference in quality,» Winthrop says, noting that American Giant's heavyweight hoodies retail for a sensible $ 69 (the zippered version for $ 79), comparable to lesser - quality shirts from brand - name retailers.
In part, that's why you've heard less from me recently.
Since parts are built from the ground up, one of the big benefits is that it generates far less scrap metal than in traditional manufacturing.
They feed us, earn lots of export dollars and populate the less pleasant parts of the country far from the coast.
Opening new franchise stores is not a significant part of our near - term store growth strategy, and we therefore expect that revenue derived from our franchise stores will eventually comprise less than 10 % of the net revenue we report in future fiscal years, at which time we will reevaluate our segment reporting disclosures.
East Coast distillate prices have been strong due in part to both high export demand and less supply from the Gulf Coast.
But for the most part this story isn't that story: The main advice the banks are offering seems to be less «how to prevent activists from getting what they want» and more «how to do what activists want before they ask.»
The great part is that it's taken less time for me to get to $ 600 / month from $ 500 than it did the previous $ 100 / month increase from $ 400 to $ 500.
Increased levels of anonymity, faster and less expensive transactions, integrations with secure hardware wallets, and less accessible attack vectors for black - hat hackers are all part of the advantages that can come from decentralized exchanges.
He said the payment to Ms. Clifford as part of a nondisclosure agreement was made in October 2016 only to protect Mr. Trump's family from a false allegation, not to influence the election less than two weeks later.
It's part of an effort to use less electricity — and also helps to keep birds and turtles from becoming disoriented on the bayside campus.But the spotlights were turned all the...
Less hassle — The tiring part when applying for a loan from banks and other institutions are the paper works that you have to submit and fax to them.
«Women with children are often excluded from full participation in the labour market due to challenges in balancing work and family life, or they work part - time, which often means lower wages and fewer benefits, including lack of a pension, paid vacation and sick leave, as well as less job stability,» the document states.
It also plans to give one - time cash bonuses to some part - time and full - time workers, ranging from $ 200 (for workers who have been at Walmart for less than two years) to $ 1,000 (for those who have been working there for 20 or more years).
Thanks in part to falling interest rates and less stringent loan requirements by the country's major lending institutions, small business loans jumped from $ 584.1 billion in September 2012 to $ 586 billion by the end of the year.
The gas projects have encountered somewhat less opposition, in part because of the perceived lower environmental damage from a gas pipeline or tanker accident, but also because the economic fundamentals of gas exports provide more benefits to the local economy because much of the gas will come from BC fields and the need for construction and operation of LNG facilities on the coast.
Dan Caplinger: One surprising area that has been extremely lucrative for long - term investors is the auto - parts industry, and, among its major players, AutoZone (NYSE: AZO) has scored impressive returns over the past decade, seeing its stock price rise from less than $ 100 to almost $ 700 over that time span.
Also, being part of the regulated oligopoly of consumer utilities delivering a core need for people in the United States, they aren't likely to be disrupted by a technology change (in fact, they may benefit from it if it costs them less).
Recent data from other parts of the world have also been stronger over recent months, though less so in the euro area.
«Kanye and the Yeezy is a very important part of our brand — from a revenue standpoint less so, but it's a very important part of how we promote our products in the US.»
The more educated one becomes the less religious one is... when you see educated politicians and professional people of all kinds talking religiousness it's lip service for the ignorant... it's part of their job... other wise there's trouble from the little people.
His relating of his sister - in - law's experience in lower Manhattan on the morning of September 11 is eerily effective, I think; his account of a flight from Montevideo to New York with his daughters» this is the boredom part of «Terror and Boredom»» far less so.
I won't give you the full quote but it talked about how church as part of active discipleship can make strangers seem less threatening, but how the pull of human nature keeps trying to take us away from that (ie strangers become more threatening).
The majority of ethnic Poles felt the impact of a Polish form of Stalinism from 1948 until 1956» one for the most part looser and less bloody than those visited upon most of Eastern Europe, but this was an irrelevance to them, not having volunteered to be subjects in a comparative politics «experiment.»
From the gospel accounts of his spoken words at the Last Supper, the unity of Catholic tradition holds that the Real Presence is divinely given in the sacrament of the Eucharist — substantively more than any lesser parallelism on our part of either seeing or hearing.
The distinctive denominational claims of all — catholic and protestant — have grown less spiritual with the years and therefore more foreign to the religion of Christ, so that the world has judged the religion thus set forth as in large part fictitious, and from it the multitudes are slowly turning away.
But we have not identified God or perfect being with the totality of things in any sense which prevents him from being personal and free with respect to them; for he is the flexibly self - identical totality, which is so radically independent of its parts (and they, in another way, of it) that it will be itself, no matter how they, as contingent and more or less free beings, develop....
«His work in philosophy forms part, and a very important part, of the movement of twentieth - century realism; but whereas the other leaders of that movement came to it after a training in late - nineteenth - century idealism, and are consequently realistic with the fanaticism of converts and morbidly terrified of relapsing into the sins of their youth, a fact which gives their work an air of strain, as if they cared less about advancing philosophical knowledge than about proving themselves good enemies of idealism, Whitehead's work is perfectly free from all this sort of thing, and he suffers from no obsessions; obviously he does not care what he says, so long as it is true.
Rather than viewing each society as a separate entity moving along a track from less modern to more modern, the critics of modernization theory argue that societies interact with one another as parts of a larger system.
Reflect on the fact that this is less than one of some 160 pages of only one Kanda describing only one sacrifice, and that the Satapatha - Brahmana of which it is a part is but one of many Brahmanas, all of which were regarded as sacred by the early Hindus, and transmitted orally from priest to priest for centuries.
«If they go back and take the cardinal from Milano, there is a possibility he will be a little more of a politician, get along better, be less concerned about sex sins, but he is part of the corporation.
Even if you personally do not change the world, you will find that doing well with less helps to make you feel better by giving the satisfaction that comes from doing your part
Do you remember all He's delivered you from, all He's brought you through and the miraculous way in which He did it — no less awe - inspiring than the parting of the Red Sea?
This may explain, at least in part, why Pentecostal theologians have been less interested in historic doctrines like the filioque («and from the Son») clause in the creed (which are related to the person and procession of the Holy Spirit) and more interested in doctrines like Spirit baptism (which are related to the works of the Spirit).
When it incorporates a commitment, it is usually able to direct far more sustained attention to it than would come from the less institutionalized parts of the movement alone.
As Christians from other parts of the world have found a home in the UK so they are increasingly finding that their own young people are less interested in a monocultural church experience.
The ancient saying that the first maker of the Gods was fear receives voluminous corroboration from every age of religious history; but none the less does religious history show the part which joy has evermore tended to play.
T. S. Eliot, in his essay on «Religion and Literature,» neatly sums up both the approach and the goal: «So long as we are conscious of the gulf fixed between ourselves [as Christians] and the greater part of contemporary [culture], we are more or less protected from being harmed by it, and are in a position to extract from it what good it has to offer us.»
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