Sentences with phrase «less powerful dog»

What this data could mean also is that if a dog does exert that much bite force, the resulting bite could be much more severe than a bite from a less powerful dog.
And that means that bites from this type of dog are more likely to be reported than bites from smaller, less powerful dogs leading to a news reporting bias.

Not exact matches

These dogs are large and powerful and need some serious training to be under control and socialization is a must so they are less likely to becoming protective when not necessary.
They would have been fine with a less dangerous («powerful» — Cesar Millan) breed of dog.
I did a lot of reading and attended some classes when my son brought home his Pit Bull, this is where I learned about the their attitudes and tendencies... about their fear factor, they are tenacious and strong but they are actually less aggresive than some of the more common breeds that nobody seems to fear, Rotties have a very powerful bite and a record of people attacks, but no one is banning them... so I would suggest you get your puppy, take him / her to classes and get him / her socilized early on, let him / her play with other dogs so they know that there is nothing to be afraid of... you'll have a wonderful time and you will become so much more wise from the experience.
In most cases, kneeing or kicking such a dog is less powerful than the dog's desire to greet people by jumping on them.
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