Sentences with phrase «less readable»

It will just make your resume less readable.
The smaller your fonts get, the less readable they become.
It was a little less readable under the midday sun.
That would add significantly more length and make the policy significantly less readable.
Moving from cases where the moving party's brief is significantly less readable than the non-moving party's brief to the opposite situations, the likelihood that the moving party prevails on the motion for summary judgment more than doubles from 42 % to 85 %.
His study's «legalese» sample was much less readable than the other two.
U. L. Rev. 1461 (2016)(analyzing Supreme Court opinions for positive / negative sentiment, defensiveness, and Flesch - Kincaid Grade Level over time); Stephen M. Johnson, The Changing Discourse of the Supreme Court, 12 U.N.H. L. Rev. 29 (2014)(using Flesch - Kincaid test to describe brief readability during the Supreme Court's 1931 - 33 and 2009 - 11 terms); Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, & Patrick C. Wohlfarth, How the Supreme Court Alters Opinion Language to Evade Congressional Review, 1 J. Law & Courts 35 (2013)(analyzing cognitive clarity of Supreme Court opinions, and hypothesizing that the Supreme Court crafts less readable majority opinions when confronted by an ideologically hostile Congress in order to deter legislative review of their decisions).
«Meanwhile, the law - review articles have become less readable and less relevant, as the best legal writers and legal minds have reserved their analyses for blogs or for supporting briefs they file in cases that interest them.
Michael Curtotti reported on research that found that as the more diverse the vocabulary of a sentence, the more readable it is, hence due to the need for consistent terminology, this makes legal documents less readable than other text.
The HTML version loses the indents as well, making it a little less readable.
His smatterings screw up the comment thread and make the site less readable, and that isn't fair to the others.
By the mid-1950s, abstraction had successfully attracted collectors and critics whose passion for these visceral, less readable artworks was in itself noteworthy.
That said, a book of 500 pages would be far less readable than one of 300 +.
That would add significantly more length and make the policy significantly less readable.
Because it introduces uneven spacing and removes visual anchors created by a ragged right edge, justification is often less readable than flush left alignment.
DisplayMate says that the OLED display on the S3 is not as bright as the LCD, it is less readable in high ambient lighting, it has saturated green and distorted and exaggerated colors.
I will be adding the comment fictions as public notes in the Kindle version as well, just a bit later, but the UI there is a lot less readable IMO.
My concerns with the touch screen interface: 1 — Fingerprints / smudges on the screen 2 — It doesn't appear to have a next page button, requiring me to block the screen to turn the page, and leaving a smudge behind 3 — The Sony Touch screen interface made the screen less readable, is it the same with the Kindle?
For an additional reason that B&N has alienated its customers, I would like to point out that the Nook Glowlight Plus makes books less readable compared to the Nook Simple Touch.
But certainly my journal articles are significantly less readable on this device than a printed sheet of paper under the same light conditions.
Tablets with full app stores and e-book apps, Web browsers, and more - robust processors and graphics capabilities typically offer more versatility but have shorter battery life and less readable type than single - purpose e-book readers.
Dynamic typing, variables are declared as they appear, tons and tons of show - offy syntactic sugars, which only make code less readable and the logic less obvious, tons and tons of very weak and lenient rules about scoping and visibility.

Not exact matches

In praising the unique skills of its secular author, Bloom has demoted the author's chief subject matter to the lowliest estate, «less mature and sophisticated than the aristocratic ironist J.» It is an odd day when the Bible is commended as a readable classic — on par with Shakespeare!
Expert Wikipedians came over to train scientists on how to edit and create content on the free encyclopedia to develop accurate, balanced, readable, and less jargon - stuffed science entries.
In the machine - readable metropolis, a specific address — 15 Lombard Street, say — becomes less useful because it is not specific enough.
Likewise, a study at a Ohio high school revealed that students who received handouts with less - legible type performed better on tests than the students who were given more readable materials.
• MERCURY POISONING: THE UNDIAGNOSED EPIDEMIC This 2013 book by David Hammond provides more context and less physiology than Cutler's book, in a rendition that some may find more readable.
Looney insists that the transcripts will be readable by admissions officers in two minutes or less.
That said, it still shares many of the downsides if you primarily intend to use it for reading: these tablets are more expensive, bigger, thicker, heavier, and more complicated than e-ink readers, and they have less - readable LCD screens and much worse battery life.
These ebooks will only be readable on the iPad, giving you no advantage as far as audience is concerned, and they are even less convenient to use than an app since you have to launch the iBooks app before you can read the book.
Yes, The Name of the Rose is the obvious antecedent, but Pears» effort, while equally daunting at 704 pages, is finally much more readable, much less of a literary Rubik's cube.
Its specialty is that the display is clearly readable even with just ambient lights on and consume much less power than their standard LCD counterparts.
E Ink's customer Central Standard Timing announced CST - 01 the World's thinnest watch at 0.8 mm weighing less than 10 grams that takes advantage of the low power, sunlight readable, thin, light and curved E Ink SURF display.
It costs even less than the Glo HD, and while its screen isn't quite as sharp, it's perfectly readable.
And sorry but any screen less than 24 inches is compromised in regard to viewing entire pages with all fonts and elements readable.
If you're in the market for a color e-reader, the Nook Tablet has the clear advantage, with its superior layouts and more readable, less glary display.
Featuring a 32 - inch electronic paper display, the sign is easily readable in even the brightest sunshine and is solar powered, the technology requiring less energy than a traditional digital screen to run.
But for those of you that want the benefit of E Ink over LCD — readable in bright light, less eye strain, much better battery life — the Icarus Excel provides an adequate alternative to tablets with LCD screens for reading ebooks and especially PDFs.
The extra layer required for the touchscreen, coupled with the built - in LED sidelights, caused the screen to reflect more light, making the text less clear and readable compared to the Kindle and the PRS - 505.
Part of that support includes making the process of actually getting readable copy less difficult and expensive.
In the case of publishing, I've heard publishing execs boast about how only they can pay author advances (critical for authors seeking to make a living from writing, but less so for enthusiastic hobbyists), and only they can get a book onto that front table at a big bookseller chain (also important, but less so in the era of digital book stores), but I believe the most important role that publishers perform is the one they are strangely reluctant to celebrate: the editor and the process of editing an author's manuscript into a readable book.
Everything you really need to know about investing is packed into this short, readable book that's now available for less than the average cost of a movie ticket.
The book is highly readable and both I and my wife read the book in less than hour each.
The transcribed code is more or less human readable, and has been used by various speech synthesizers.
How many mercury thermometers are accurate, or at least readable, to less than 1 degree C?
We are always on the lookout for ways to make the blog more readable and less formal, so that writing style reflects that as do some of the topics we write about.
Perhaps there's a role here for a third party developer to come up with a tool that can consume machine readable legal data and output a more or less integrated report for the consumer.
First - class b2c writers charge a lot less than lawyers do, and (with respect) generally write more accessible copy and, where there is a big case which has just broken to report, they'll get readable, correct and compelling copy out a lot faster than will lawyers (we use court reporters).
These data contrastingly suggest a cautionary tale about the negative outcomes that can arise from less - readable legal writing.
More - readable positive disclosures led to higher valuations than less - readable positive disclosures, and more - readable negative disclosures led to lower valuations than less - readable negative disclosures.28
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