Sentences with phrase «less scarring»

"Less scarring" means there will be fewer marks or visible signs left behind after an injury or a medical procedure. Full definition
Surgery may allow the cornea to heal faster with less scarring, improving your pet's ability to see.
Dogs and cats that have surgery to repair joint and soft tissue injures (knees & hips most commonly) will heal in half the time and form less scar tissue with cold laser therapy and gentle range of motion exercises beginning 2 days post — op.
Investigators found that frequent coffee consumption was significantly associated with lower odds of high liver stiffness values (⩾ 8 kPa as proxy for liver fibrosis), i.e. less scarring of the liver, independent of lifestyle, metabolic, and environmental traits.
The presence of UMF ® (MGO ™) Manuka Honey provides a moist healing environment that prevents the formation of scabs and in turn less scarring occurs.
Two months after therapy, tissue analysis showed less scarring and higher levels of regenerative agents such as fibroblast growth factor — which accelerate healing — in rats treated with SIS plus stem cells compared with those treated with SIS alone.
They found that frequent coffee drinkers had significantly lower risk for liver stiffness and less scarring regardless of their lifestyle and environment.
They found mice that receive this oil heal more slowly but have much less scarring compared to the control group.
Can we do better than produce 6 percent heart improvement and 6 percent less scarring
I've used this instead of stitches several times and it healed faster and left less scarring than the places I've had stitches.
Plus, you'll get through your authorship journey with a lot less scars and bruises along the way.
We haven't handled this all perfect, but we have tried to leave her with less scarring than maybe might have happened.
I hope this new Christian Lite / Pop Christianity is less scarring and damaging.
So if you can try to stay above it and know that it's something your kid is trying to work out, and not a battle that you have to emotionally invest in, you might be able to come out of it with less scarring.
Using these mice, the researchers found that if they triggered CHI3L1 production early after administering bleomycin, the mice fared well, experiencing less injury, less damage and less scarring than controls.
Neuroendoscopic procedures generally result in less pain, shorter recovery times, and less scarring than craniotomy (open surgery).
They found that rats with stem cell - laden grafts had less scarring and better erectile responses, as measured by the animals» reactions to electric stimulation, than did those with stem cell - free grafts.
MONDAY, Aug. 1, 2016 (HealthDay News)-- Heart attack patients who took high doses of fish oil supplements for six months showed improved heart function and less scarring, researchers report.
Sure there's nothing stopping you from jumping into it with no prior knowledge, but the ones who use keto «training wheels» are usually the ones that have more success crossing over into the land of fat burning... and less scars to show too.
Faster healing times, less scarring, reduced inflammation and pain — these are just a few reasons why pet owners are referring their family, friends, and colleagues to DVMs who offer laser therapy.
Benefits of laparoscopic surgery include smaller incisions, less pain, quicker recovery time, and less scarring.
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