Sentences with phrase «less skill»

The rain also changes how the physics of the ball and the ability of players, as less skilled players are more likely to slip and fall in wet periods.
Less skilled in writing academic papers, lack of subject awareness, unable to collect necessary stuff, etc. can play the role of obstacles in the path of your business studies assignment writings.
It allows players with less skill against humans to play a support role and feel like they are contributing to the overall success of the team.
As a matter of social policy, consistent, good daycare, may ensure adequate early childhood education for children of less skilled parents.
It has allowed wages for less skilled work to fall and reduced both benefits and the safety net.
In compiling this list, consider which tasks require less skill but take your time away from such revenue - generating activities as listing.
While specialization is often a tricky concept, all therapists have folks they're better at working with, as well as less skilled at.
So, highly educated workers will have jobs developing these machines, and less skilled workers will be able to use those machines to boost their productivity.
If you're playing with players far less skilled than you, they can just press the A button to float in a bubble to where the other players are.
However, the rapidly aging workforce means that there will be even less skilled people available for work just as the Japanese economy shows its first sign of life for 20 years.
It is simple enough to allow lesser skilled players to be effective yet offers good variety in the amount of attacks to keep combat engaging.
People with more skill will win from time to time, but people with less skill still have a good chance.
I'd rather see him play on the 4th line against less skilled opponents where his individual style of play and skill could perhaps produce more success.
I have heard from other single adopters who have had to reduce their working hours, or take on less skilled employment because they are struggling with their child's behaviour.
As such, over the past 15 years, we've seen considerably faster jobs growth in skilled positions than in lesser skilled ones, as shown in the chart above.
Only if unable or less skilled does it make sense.
The more skilled gamers will say it's a challenge, while less skilled players will say it's BS.
Bonus: Applying a metallic lipstick requires a lot less skill than creating a sparkly smoky eye.
The role also demands providing repairing guidelines and standard procedures to less skilled mechanics.
For as long as I can remember I've seen less skilled, less athletic players who have had their effort showcased as a way to kind of even things out.
For example, if it's not obvious who is less skilled until death or injury occurs and someone loses their license anyway as a result, then there will be no difference.
Pick a younger child, or one who seems slightly less skilled than your child.
Any negative impacts on wages of less skilled groups are small.
Throughout adolescence, teens became increasingly less skilled at establishing autonomy and closeness in friendships and romantic relationships the more psychological control they experienced from their parents.
It's a great system to allow less skilled racers to experience the track and learn the pattern, even with a skill disadvantage.
Much money for less skilled investors gets lost as a result of buying near peaks (greed, or late imitation), and selling near bottoms (fear, or capital preservation).
I expect to see older people in less skilled positions, and perhaps a greater amount of younger people unemployed.
Less skilled teams that get feedback can outperform more skilled teams that don't receive it.
Historically, courts have awarded highly skilled senior employees longer notice periods than lower level, lesser skilled employees.
This is largely due to increased automation of jobs that require less skill.
Sure, I could play someone with less skill, but I've had to ask myself: Do I want to win games, or do I want to get better?
Help production workers by performing duties of lesser skill, such as supplying or holding materials or tools, and cleaning work areas and equipment.
And less skilled workers are more likely than highly skilled ones to see immigration as a worry.
It allows the game to keep being attractive to less skilled players who only want to pass levels, while also challenging the more competitive players to max out their score.
Less skilled people who relied on the private debt culture to keep getting larger no longer have jobs that pay well in finance, construction, real estate, etc..
Speaking to Windows Central, Moldenhauer said the game is expected to last three to four hours for advanced players, a couple more for average players, and «upwards from there» for less skilled gamers.
Even if we buy the idea that teachers at the Met are so talented that they should be trusted to demand high performance from every student, what about schools with less skilled teachers and lower expectations?
The elimination of breed type disqualifications lowers the bar of excellence and gives lesser skilled judges much power under the less rigid rules.
During the staff meeting I attended, Dr. Childress argued for education to be more personalized to the students, saying: «Our educational style was developed when America needed less skilled workers.
If the lawyers are unwilling to get involved in the system, you wind up with much less skilled lawyers because there's a brain drain.
That means the film's humor is more reliant on McCarthy's delivery to elevate scenes, and in less skilled hands, the whole thing would seem even more slight.
Plenty of people with lesser skill sets, resources and time, from all walks of life and of all ages have gone to live the life they've always dreamed of by simply putting one foot in front of the other.
Now, all this talk about the gameâ $ ™ s difficulty doesn't mean less skilled players are left to drown in frustration.
For example, a young person who demonstrates an impressive level of musical intelligence may be far less skilled when it comes to bodily - kinesthetic or logical - mathematical intelligence.
The result is that the skilled players still get the better power - ups, they still find the secret areas, and they don't get annoyed by less skilled players bringing them down.
If you are a good you know that you will be able to stop abruptly when necessary but the more problem will be on the other less skilled drivers who share the road with you.
Companies and recruiters who aren't great negotiators will become even less skilled in the practice of making correct matches.
He said that while he's had success protecting his crops through the DEC - controlled nuisance permit program, he worries how much people's safety would be put at risk if less skilled hunters were given more access through reduced restrictions.
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