Sentences with phrase «less skin irritation»

They are water - soluble which allows for less skin irritation, as well as the ability to be mixed with other soothing substances such as aloe vera or lanolin for application to irritated skin.
These services translate into shorter baths, less shampoo, less skin irritation and, most importantly, less stress for your pet.
Our super soft, flexible shield follows the shape of your baby's cheeks, leaving fewer marks and causing less skin irritation.
Plus, cloth products are usually made of natural materials that may cause less skin irritation.
It keeps baby feeling cooler and gives a better idea of when the diaper needs to be changed, which means less skin irritation for baby.
This German engineered, hand crafted Double Edge Safety Razor provides superior glide with less skin irritation and less cost than a multi-blade cartridge.
This means less ingrown hairs, less skin irritation and smooth close shave.

Not exact matches

In addition, the less times the blade touches your face, the less irritation your skin will experience as a result.
Because these types of razors are less likely to cause irritation or nicks during a shave, they are perfect for men with very sensitive skin or men with lighter / weaker beard growth.
Try these top 5 essential oils for nourished skin and enjoy less inflammation, fewer rashes and irritations, and more radiant skin... naturally!
My batch has less baking soda and arrowroot powder (or corn starch) than some recipes I've seen because I experienced skin irritation from these ingredients at a higher ratio.
With no harsh chemicals, there is less to worry about babies developing rashes or getting skin irritation when wrapped in the swaddle blankets.
The oil base means less scrubbing to lift sticky messes, and less irritation for delicate skin.
These non-chemical minerals are less likely to cause irritation to sensitive skin, making it the ideal choice for infants and toddlers.
These fabrics will keep your skin dry so there are less chafing and irritation.
When your skin is hydrated and elastic, you're less likely to develop cracks that could let in any external particles that could cause irritation.
Here are some of the benefits Liver Balance Plus users report: 93 % reduced stress 92 % higher energy 89 % mood elevation 89 % feeling calmer and more relaxed 85 % reduced or no headaches 83 % less muscle or joint pain 82 % eye or vision improvement 80 % relief from skin irritation 76 % enhanced mental clarity 74 % less congested (sinus and chest) 50 % improvement with skin conditions such as age spots, improved repair of liver dysfunction, relief from constipation, improved gall bladder function, faster healing, stronger immune system, and overall improved state of health.
I love a good contour more than you know but less product allows your skin to breathe a bit more and if you are someone who has a lot of skin texture [think those little - raised skin bumps usually on your cheeks] then less makeup for your daily routine overtime will help reduce skin irritations and texture.
Less dangerous consequences of contact for kids are the same as those for pets: irritation of the skin, eyes, mouth and throat and stomach upset.
Although hookworms are less likely to reach human intestines, they can cause itching and skin irritation.
Hot Spots are one of those less then desirable skin irritations seen in pets.
She's less prone to hotspots and skin irritation since switching to Sojos!
Another advantage to the extreme dilution used with this system, according to Falkenberg, is that it reduces the chance of skin irritation, as less detergent is needed.
However, Picaridin is less likely to cause skin irritations and has a more pleasant fragrance than DEET based repellents.
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