Sentences with phrase «less stimulation»

Your dog's heart rate may slow, the lower thyroid output leading to less stimulation of heart contractions.
Additionally the mother receives less stimulation when the baby is given water supplements which may have an adverse effect on her milk supply.
They may also put formula in the bottle not realizing they could put breast milk in the bottle and every time they replace the feeding that way their body is getting less stimulation.
Babies of depressed parents tend to receive less stimulation which, eventually, could lead to slower development.
It doesn't take long for your palate to adjust to less stimulation from spices and sweeteners.
Less stimulation of the breasts makes a woman's body think she doesn't need as much milk.
Adding these will result in your baby nursing less often and you getting less stimulation.
Now that the baby will be satisfied with the supplements, your breasts will receive less stimulation to produce milk.
For example, if your baby started out with his days and nights mixed up, you can provide less stimulation at night by feeding him in a dark room and putting him to bed once he is done feeding.
In new research at Los Alamos National Laboratory's Nanotech Team, the ~ nanometer - sized dots are being doctored, or «doped,» with additional electrons, a treatment that nudges the dots ever closer to producing the desired laser light with less stimulation and energy loss.
Sometimes less stimulation leads to less crying, especially for babies with colic.
Dr. Bohn's team has identified several molecules considered to be «biased agonists» because they act at the opioid receptor to stimulate pain relief, but cause less stimulation of the pathway that leads to respiratory suppression.
Less stimulation means less uncontrollable behavior, outbursts and repetitive nervous movements — which is further enhanced by...
Reduced testosterone equals less stimulation of androgen receptors in your skin's sebaceous glands.
«Extroverted individuals will thrive on having additional stimulus from their environment, but introverts generally prefer less stimulation at work,» he notes.
Introversion is a preference for less stimulation and for quiet, but shyness stems more from the fear of social judgment.
Over the course of the study, the researchers noted that the participants were able to activate movements with less stimulation, demonstrating the ability of the spinal network to learn and improve nerve functions.
We will help your baby distinguish night from day with darker room lighting, white noise use, using soft voices and less stimulation at night so they can learn that nights are for resting and days are for playtime.
Tracey actually recommends night flights and red eyes, simply because there is less stimulation to keep your child alert and interested in their surroundings.
but I would guess that he either needs less waketime and / or less stimulation or longer waketimes and / or more stimulation during play.
I don't know if it's because everybody is a little calmer or more relaxed and if it's their quiet time or there's less stimulation or what.
I would not do cabbage right now, just stick to less stimulation and adding in peppermint.
Also, c - sections are more likely to offer longer separations between mom and baby; some theorize that the less stimulation in the early hours can delay things slightly, too.
Because, you'll want sex more, and you'll even get harder, better erections with less stimulation.
Some indoor cats become bored due to reduced exercise and less stimulation, and the lack of interest in their surroundings can manifest in extreme grooming.
When there is decreased production of thyroid hormone with hypothyroidism, there is less stimulation of the bone marrow and anemia results.»
Keep in mind that vaccines given within two weeks of each other can interfere with each other so you do not want to separate vaccines by less than a two week period but separating vaccine can mean your pet has less stimulation to deal with at one time.
Avoid Giving Several Vaccinations at Once Keep in mind that vaccines given within two weeks of each other can interfere with each other so you do not want to separate vaccines by less than a two - week period but separating vaccines can mean your pet has less stimulation to deal with at one time.
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