Sentences with phrase «less sunshine»

However, cities with less sunshine may not see benefits as drastic from cool roofs and the like.
In winter your body works longer with less sunshine; therefore it needs proper rest and a proper diet.
So what do you think happens now that most of the animals in our food supply are raised in horrendous indoor environments and see much less sunshine than our animals from farms several decades ago did?
In the winter there is a lot less sunshine and when it gets cold outside most of us hibernate.
Last year, Massachusetts added more solar jobs than Texas, despite enjoying less sunshine.
The reason is because Germany had significantly less sunshine and wind in 2016 than 2015.
being raised in indoor factory environments nowadays and are seeing MUCH less sunshine than the animals are meant to see
Vitamin D testing — studies suggest a link between MS and vitamin D deficiency, as it is more prevalent in Northern climates with less sunshine.
Although things are hopefully going to be lessening as the day progresses, I'd be a lot less sunshine and a lot more snowman if I stick so much as a glitter - clad toe out the front door right now.
The season has just turned here in Australia and this mushroom soup has come at a perfect time to make up for the shorter days and less sunshine!
Blooms can persist for as long as the favourable conditions remain in place — so good rain, cooler weather or less sunshine will reduce blue - green algal blooms over time.
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
«After the mid-1990s, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures entered a warm phase, decreasing average summer atmospheric pressures and causing more rain, and less sunshine, in the UK.»
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
And let's not forget about mood... many of you might notice you feel more blue in the winter when there's less sunshine.
Now with that said, one of the other major reasons that the majority of the population in «westernized» countries are more and more vitamin D deficient is that our animals are being raised in indoor factory environments nowadays and are seeing MUCH less sunshine than the animals are meant to see.
Vitamin D production is lower in winter because there's less sunshine, and D is necessary for immune health.
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
Well, Melbourne only gets about 10 % less sunshine than Sydney, though if you listen to Sydneysiders you might think it was 90 % less.
With the spread of Islam to parts of the world with less sunshine than the traditionally Muslim counties, and the apparent trend toward total body covering by Muslim women, vitamin D deficiency problems will increase.
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
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