Sentences with phrase «less sympathy»

A small difference, but enough to create much less sympathy for the people whose survival we're supposed to root for during the next hour and a half.
In one experiment, men with higher testosterone levels felt less sympathy and less need to respond to the sound of a crying baby.
Getting rid of flashy cigarette packets means I can sell more birthday cards and less sympathy cards.
The request will get even less sympathy unless the effort of doing the search is proportionate to what is at stake in the case.
The reaons for the elites» not wanting to answer the question directly was that they had gone through two decades or more of hard battle in the 50s and 60s and 70s trying to help right the inequalities that French Canadians, notably Quebeckers, had dealt with for decades, and righting them required some ambiguous compromises that were understood by those close to the battle but not necessarily by those farther away, and with less sympathy to the «other» side.
I have somewhat less sympathy for Brookhiser's second caveat.
The sneering reply that Vince's contribution to the debate was simply «spreading alarm without substance» tells the audience outside Westminster why a Prime Minister, with an attitude like this to critics, ends up with so few friends in the House and, now that his pack of cards has come tumbling down around the voters» ears, even less sympathy outside.
In a quote from an American academic, we learn, «Nowhere in the democratic world is there less sympathy for populist and participatory forms of democracy than England.»
Or will Speaker garner less sympathy because he is a lawyer, and his conduct — which Bainbridge accurately describes as «selfish, narcissistic, and wholly lacking in regard for others» — is regarded as typical for lawyers?
I suspect a male with this proclivity would garner far, far less sympathy.
Previous research has also shown that men with high testosterone levels feel less sympathy or need to respond to the cries of a baby.
As the secrets start to unravel, readers might feel less and less sympathy for these narrators.
The greens would have less sympathy and funding for doing so if they had achieved their overriding objective of enacting a national climate strategy (involving emissions caps) in Canada and the United States.
If the kids are going hungry because they don't LIKE what's being served, I have less sympathy, however.
They have less sympathy and are more efficient.
Possibly a non-lawyer will have less sympathy with the profession and may drive the costs cutting exercise somewhat harder.
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