Sentences with phrase «less temptation»

That leaves you with less temptation to spend it.
If you're looking for something that offers a lot less temptation, a prepaid card could work for you.
So property owners have much less temptation to take the property out of the affordable housing programs, renovate it and raise the rents.
Ensuring that no food is left on the counter, and all spills and waste are cleared away, means there is less temptation for your cat.
In his new book, Wealthing Like Rabbits, author Robert Brown makes the case for favouring RRSPs over TFSAs most of the time because the former usually means less temptation to access your retirement savings early.
Less temptation later if you fuel right to begin with!
Once you relearn how to turn to your partner, you will notice less temptation to seek outside validation.
Brown rice, corn, ground turkey, and homemade pico de gallo give you a healthier combo with less temptation to indulge in sides like chips.
That's because it seems like it should have the opposite effect: reducing the amount of credit in your name means less temptation to overspend, after all.
I agree with a fresh mouthwashed mouth I'll have less temptation to mess it up — and have deemed the bedroom a beverage and food free zone, except for water.
The less area your child can cover, the less temptation they'll have to touch things they shouldn't.
The less temptation for little fingers, the better.
If your short outing turns into a long one, there will be less temptation to drive in the drive - thru.
Low - carb diets emphasize protein, which tends to be more satisfying than carbohydrates, so there may have been less temptation to fall off the diet wagon.
For someone who is tired of dating and looking for something a little more serious, less temptation is a good thing.
The more such entities do to ensure sound practices in state - level tax - credit scholarship programs, the less temptation there will be for government agencies to clamp down on them, with likely adverse effects on legitimate schools and needy pupils.
And the fund managers may still make overly risky investments that can leave the plan underfunded, although one suspects there will be less temptation to do so if the guaranteed return approximates the rate on risk - free investments, as is typically the case.
While there might be less temptation to go on a spending spree with a store credit card, the balance still needs to be paid in full and on - time each month, like a credit card, to avoid incurring interest charges and late fees.
Plus you'll have less temptation to spend the money on frivolous things because it will be hidden away inside your TFSA.
There will be less temptation and fewer hassles, but at the same time, one or two cards paid on time will be a big boost for your credit rating.
Open a safe, liquid account, like an FDIC - insured savings or a money market account, and keep it separate from your everyday savings so there's less temptation to «borrow» from it.
Credit line is low though but I'm okay with that since it's less temptation to spend.
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