Sentences with phrase «less testosterone»

"Less testosterone" refers to having a lower amount of a hormone called testosterone in the body. Testosterone is typically found in higher amounts in males and is important for things like muscle growth, bone strength, and sex drive. So, having "less testosterone" means having a lower level of this hormone, which may affect these areas. Full definition
It's natural for men to produce less testosterone as they age.
With less testosterone in the body, the dog is less likely to have male - to - male aggression, general aggression, territorial issues, and other testosterone - related behavioral concerns.
If you experience the higher 2 % decline in testosterone production each year, then by age 40 you could be functioning with 20 % less testosterone in your body.
For starters, as us men begin to get up there in age, the body begins to produce less and less testosterone on its very own.
So you can use less testosterone and get a bigger benefit.
While women need less testosterone than men, we still need to maintain an optimal level for a healthy metabolism.
Men with less testosterone are likely to be less aggressive and more caring.
Pine pollen has shown to help hormonal fluctuations that happen with age, since as we get older we produce significantly less testosterone.
SHBG helps carry testosterone through the body, so it makes less testosterone available through the body.
I would actually say that if you could measure the amount of testosterone produced by the above two activities that the 4 minutes of bench press would produce far less testosterone than the 4 minutes of isolation exercises.
I think I'd like a little less testosterone,» it does make sense for parenting.
Dandona and his colleagues also are interested in how obesity in young men affects testosterone levels, a topic they published on in 2012, when they found that obese teen boys have 50 percent less testosterone than their lean peers.
When forced to control their emotions, teens with less testosterone tend to rely on their limbic systems, Tyborowska's group now finds.
Having said that, it needs to be pointed out that women produce a lot less testosterone than men do, and research has already concluded that hormones play a crucial rule in how much muscle we can build.
Women are told...» You don't have to worry about putting on as much muscle as a man and bulking up, because you have much less testosterone than a man.»
Women are a bit handicapped regarding muscle growth because they have roughly ten times less testosterone than men.
Men do not produce less testosterone as a result of eating soya proteins.
Another study showed that men who had a low saturated fat diet had significantly less testosterone production and lower circulating levels of androgen.
Therefore if you take saw palmetto and inhibit the conversion process, you have the same amount of androgens in your body (because less testosterone is being converted and it thus increases) but overall lower sebum production.
Aromatisation is when testosterone gets converted to estrogen, more estrogen equals less testosterone / less DHT, and thus less oily skin.
However, taking supplements will predispose the body to being lazy and to produce less testosterone on its own.
With age, both men and women make less testosterone, leading to more fat deposits at the breasts, hips, and buttocks.
The study found that male mice exposed to DEHP prenatally had significantly less testosterone in their blood and fewer sperm in their semen.
It is possible for a man to be born with less testosterone and more estrogen in his body, which in a sense, would make him feel like a man trapped in a woman's body, and make him feel like he was born to be gay.
All men produce less testosterone each year beginning around the age of 30.
Furthermore, the fathers involved in childcare had less testosterone than those who were not.
Raised and housed together, the mutated and nonmutated mice all had less testosterone than nonmutated mice raised in genetically similar groups.
As men age, our bodies tend to start producing less and less testosterone and, if left unchecked, it may even develop into full blown andropause; the male equivalent of menopause.
This means that the more fat tissue you have, the more estrogen you'll have in your blood and less testosterone.
One study showed that obese teen boys have up to 50 % less testosterone than their non-obese peers.
If there is less testosterone than is optimal, then there is less to be aromatized (converted into estradiol), and that could cause low estrogen levels.
Studies suggest that men today have around 20 % less testosterone than men the same age did just two decades ago.
With each decade we're producing less testosterone.
The older you get the less testosterone you have.
However, the older you get the less testosterone you have.
Women produce less testosterone than men but the amount they do make helps with muscle growth.
First point — Women don't get huge muscles from lifting weights, not because they aren't lifting heavy enough but because they have less testosterone than men (women have approx 10 % of the amount men have), simple nothing much else to it.
It's just the natural aging process that leads to having less testosterone.
Less testosterone is also a problem in maintaining lean muscle.
Snipes continued to focus on less testosterone - saturated projects after a turn as a baseball player in The Fan (1996), starring as an adulterous director in Mike Figgis» One Night Stand (1997)-- for which he won a Best Actor award at the Venice Film Festival — and as Alfre Woodard's handsome cousin in Down in the Delta in 1998.
«The Finest Hours» is a quiet and less testosterone - fueled film of heroics.
Less testosterone should equal more docile behavior... right?
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