Sentences with phrase «less than a minute scanning»

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From computerised tomography (CT) scans of hives taken at 5 - minute intervals, Greco's team found the mummifications are completed in less than 10 minutes (Naturwissenschaften, DOI: 10.1007 / s00114 -009-0631-9).
Then, by applying the same diagnostic rules to the second cohort, all the remaining patients were correctly categorised into MS or non-MS, by the blinded observer, taking less than two minutes per scan.
Livermore physicist Adam Bernstein, leader of detector design, says he and his team are close to their goal: detecting as little as a few pounds of plutonium while taking less than a minute to scan each container and creating no more than one in 1,000 false alarms.
In contrast, phased - array radar sends out multiple beams simultaneously, eliminating the need to tilt the antennas, decreasing the time between scans of storms to less than a minute.
As the studied chemical reactions occur very rapidly — in less than a second — and the ALS technique can take about 20 minutes to scan a single spot on a particle, the researchers used a layer of chemically active molecules, which were attached to the surface of the particle, as markers for the catalytic reactivity.
With our free multiple choice bubble sheets you can scan and score 6,000 student responses in less than 10 minutes.
FOR BODY SCANNERS: The TSA claims, «Each full body scan produces less than 10 microREM of emission, the equivalent to the exposure each person receives in about 2 minutes of an airplane flight at altitude.»
With my bulbs turned on, the hub scanned for them and added them to my setup in less than a minute.
Most hiring managers will scan the highlights of your resume and make a decision in less than five minutes about whether to take the next step.
Research shows that hiring managers typically spend less than one minute skimming over a resume and many companies are utilizing computerized applicant tracking systems these days to scan resumes before they even make it to a set of human eyes.
Professional Summaries: Research shows that hiring managers typically spend less than one minute skimming over a resume and many companies are utilizing computerized applicant tracking systems these days to scan resumes before they even make it to a set of human eyes.
In the vast majority of cases, someone will only scan your resume for less than a minute to make a determination about you.
Since employers spend less than a minute to scan each cover letter that they pick up, it is important for job seekers to concentrate highly on writing their cover letters in a perfect way.
Usually the recruiter or hiring manager will scan and decide in less than one minute whether you may be a good candidate for the job.
It takes a recruiter less than one minute to scan a programmer resume and to start a short list of eligible candidates for an interview.
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