Sentences with phrase «less than teachers»

Advocates have pointed out that, due to the state's outdated pay schedule, some assistant principals could earn less than the teachers they oversee.
«In North Carolina, teachers already are paid less than the national average — and less than teachers employed in neighboring states.
The NASUWT says the changes mean less - qualified people are being put in charge of classes - and are being paid less than teachers.
It is vital that we carry through Carwyn Jones» promise that there is «no question at all of teachers in Wales being paid less than teachers in England.»
Included in this report is a telling chart which shows that American teachers are paid less than teachers in many other countries.
A common talking point is that they are paid far less than teachers nationwide.
As reported in the Mississippi Business Journal, teacher certification requirements in the state are among the toughest in the U.S. — and the state's teachers earn less than teachers in many other states earn.
«They broke down the daily rate, and said they would earn less than teachers,» he noted.
It's an interesting phenomenon that today teachers in private schools are paid less than teachers in government schools, but express greater satisfaction with their jobs.
A teacher with seven years of experience makes less than a teacher with 10 years, regardless of relative skills, performance, or any other factor directly related to student learning.
«I can afford four full - time residents for what is still $ 10,000 less than a teacher
As an administrator (AP) who makes less than a teacher on the pay scale, I urge you to remember that some groups haven't had a pay raise in 8 years.

Not exact matches

Less than half of Gen Y lists their employer on Facebook, and unless they're job hunting, there is little reason for a teacher to advertise their profession on their personal profile.
High school teachers who believed they were making a difference were found to be less likely to burnout than those who didn't.
Conversely, 36 % of Canada's employed labour force falls into the low - risk category, including registered nurses, elementary teachers, early childhood educators, and secondary school teachers — all of which fall within a less than 1 % chance of automation.
Less than a decade later, the association garnered criticism for distributing API's «Fuel-less» film to teachers while API funded the association's educational website for kids.
Less than two weeks after the worst mass school shooting in Florida history, teachers and staff returned to the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for the first of two work days with a rainbow shining in the distance.
I eventually decided that their disapproval was less important than the boredom and creeping dread I felt attending lectures I didn't care about taught by teachers who didn't want to be there.
Republicans and Democrats Agree Arming Teachers don't make schools safer TALLAHASSEE — Less than two weeks after the Parkland shooting, Florida Republicans are playing politics with public safety and embracing one of Donald Trump's most widely derided proposals to reduce gun violence.
This is a higher proportion than those that were concerned about making friends, bullying, and getting in trouble, but less than the proportions that were worried about exams, homework, having new teachers and new subjects and classes.
What university professor has not had the experience of hearing a student gush with praise about another professor whom he or she personally finds to be a less than excellent teacher?
Only < than 1 percent of priests have ever abused a child, far less on a percentage basis than coaches, teachers, and ministers of other faiths.
Highly educated professionals - middle managers, college teachers, even lawyers - often claimed that they earned less than unionized blue - collar workers.
Rather than praise the college for warmly inviting President Bush to give its commencement address, Neuhaus chose to chide the institution because one hundred teachers (less than 30 percent of the faculty) published a respectful letter disagreeing with the very reasonable view that the Iraq War policy is not de-facto «God's will.»
For instance, a hypothetical public high school teacher who advanced New Age ideas and attitudes under a neutral or secular wrapping would be far less vulnerable to legal challenge than would be a teacher who spoke of God by name or who expounded on the biblical foundations of Western thought.
I owe it to the fact that my teachers told me to read Science and the Modern World at an early age that I have found these conundrums less confusing than I might otherwise have done.
It is a warning to all teachers that motion pictures using biblical themes often have less religious significance than secular ones that deal with the real issues of life.
The teacher's approach to such problems might start from three assumptions: (a) the teacher should be concerned with how science fits into the larger framework of life, and the student should raise questions about the meaning of what he studies and its relation to other fields; (b) controversial questions can be treated, not in a spirit of indoctrination, but with an emphasis on asking questions and helping students think through assumptions and implications; an effort should be made to present viewpoints other than one's own as fairly as possible, respecting the integrity of the student by avoiding undue imposition of the lecturer's beliefs; (c) presuppositions inevitably enter the classroom presentation of many subjects, so that a viewpoint frankly and explicitly recognized may be less dangerous than one which is hidden and assumed not to exist.
Ed Pawson, chair of NATRE and head of RE at The King's School in Devon, added: «It is great news that teacher training bursaries for prospective secondary RE teachers have been brought back, although we are puzzled as to why the figure for RE graduates is less than 50 % of that offered to Geography or D&T graduates earning a 2:1 degree.
But when the Christian learns virtue from Christ, the teacher is much less limited than a math professor in his ability to stoke the flames of love.
Among them: determining what constitutes acceptable state tests; establishing criteria by which to approve a state's school accountability plan; defining «qualified» teachers; and deciding how broadly to interpret a clause that lets schools avoid sanctions if their students make lesser gains than those required under the bill's «adequate yearly progress» provision.
Share Our Strength reported that 500 Illinois teachers said serving Breakfast After the Bell takes less than 15 minutes and three out of four of them see students coming to school hungry at least once per month.
The winner must demonstrate exceptional ability as a teacher at an at accredited college or university, be an active teacher when nominated with not less than a total of 10 years of active teaching preceding, and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five years.
The schools they attend are likely to be segregated by race and class and to have less money to spend on instruction than the schools well - off students attend, and their teachers are likely to be less experienced and less well - trained than teachers at other schools.
They are full of student discussions and group activities large and small; teachers guide the conversation, but they spend much less time lecturing than most public school teachers do.
We argue with the teacher about our kids» less than perfect grades in middle and high school, as if the teacher has made a mistake instead of our perfect kid.
In contrast, teachers were more controlling, had lower expectations, got angry more often, and showed less nurturing toward the children with difficult attachments — and who, sadly, had a greater need than the securely attached kids for kindness from adults.
Keep pushing to raise teacher sensitivity but, given that change takes time and there will always be someone in a child's world that is less - sensitive - than - desired, give that child McGonigal's tools too.
Middle school teachers tend to offer less social support to students than do elementary school teachers.
Modern safety precautions also mean that there is less for the student to do and more for the teacher, meaning that much of science is observed demonstrations rather than hands - on experimenting.
The teacher reports on the bad behavior, Mom or Dad is then disapproving and cross (and probably embarrassed at having a less than perfect child!).
You spent less than $ 5 for a gift that shows a love for reading and for the teacher who taught you how!
After reviewing the individualized education plan, parents, teachers, counselors and other members of the IEP team may decide that the child should receive new forms of individualized instruction or needs less SDI than he did the previous year.
Still, the cafeteria costs less than what music teacher Carolyn Porick otherwise might bring from home or buy from a local store.
And if the grilled chicken sandwich costs less than $ 3, you'll attract even more teachers.
Shirley, a teacher, blogger and busy mother of three, used to see the cozy little nook in her office as little more than wasted space, but thanks to a sudden burst of inspiration and a quick trip to IKEA, Shirley's kids now have a cozy reading room of their own, and all for less than $ 80!
Many practicing pediatricians have had far less formal education on development than teachers and early intervention workers.
By using the same system of all the diapers at preschool it makes it easier and less confusing for the teachers than using a lot of different types of cloth diapers.
On average, children who were breastfed for ≥ 8 months 1) scored between 0.35 and 0.59 SD units higher on standardized tests of ability or achievement and teacher ratings of school performance than children who were not breastfed, and 2) were considerably less likely than nonbreastfed children to leave school without qualifications (relative risk = 0.38; 95 % CI: 0.25, 0.59).
Cons: Large classes and over-worked, underpaid teachers can provide a less - than optimal educational environment.
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