Sentences with phrase «less the learning of»

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The news comes after we learned that Foy, who plays Queen Elizabeth — i.e. the wearer of the titular crown — was paid # 10,000 less per episode than her co-star Matt Smith, who plays Prince Philip.
It's a story of a less wasteful and more humane health care industry, more attuned to the experiences of real people and better able to learn from those experiences, faster.
When you learn failure isn't fatal, you become less afraid of it.
I also advise allocating another 10 percent of income for giving because you help others and learn to spend less at the same time.
But she also quickly begins to suppress her accent, shed any quirks of personal style and learn how to handle «celebrity» co-workers — the junior analysts able to work less because of family money and influence.
I'd sometimes correct people, but I quickly learned that the questions were less out of concern and more akin to gawking, kind of like bystanders passing an accident.
The more easily we roll with the punches and learn to tolerate the quirks of other human beings and the unpredictable ebb and flow of the cycles of success, the less stress we experience and the more resilient we become.
These are all validated assessments that can give you less biased and more accurate views of a candidate's ability to learn and adapt.
Just like we're about to learn what happens when you price low - end Linux computers at less than a movie ticket, and what happens when you give millions of developers access to a few terabytes of memory.
It's one less tool I need to switch to, limiting distractions as well as the learning curve of a new tool.
There's no denying that learning to code is becoming less of a choice and more of a must.
Though much of the success of craft breweries (which are technically defined as those that make less than 6 million barrels per year) and microbreweries (which make less than 15,000 barrels) can be credited to shifts in public taste, those in the industry say they've learned a few truths along the way that have aided in their success.
Others say nonprofits may now learn to be less controlling of their message and donors.
VR has a bright future, to be sure, but if there's one thing that we've learned from the last five years of VR being «The Next Big Thing» each year, it's that VR's handicaps make fuller adoption limited and leave the door open for a much less invasive technology with a much brighter future: augmented reality, or AR.
Although I was feeling slightly less enthusiastic about my potential purchases with Sweatcoins after learning how they could be spent, I kept the app running in the background of my phone.
In fact, figures no less respected that Albert Einstein, his fellow physics Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, and super entrepreneur Elon Musk have all offered practical advice anyone can use to accelerate their learning of the subject of their choice.
A better bet is to devote your energy to acknowledging the talents and abilities of others and seeking out ways to learn from them, even at the cost of sometimes appearing less than brilliant yourself.
But after a few years of rubbing elbows with tech bros and wannabe visionaries, I've found there's often more to learn from founders with ambitions less grandiose than changing the world.
«As AI pervades more of our physical world experience, AI determines how we interact and learn, offering us less experience in the physical world.
With Chinese growth slowing, a paramount issue for President Obama and American business will be learning what the direction of Chinese policy will be — toward greater opening of its market in the tradition of Deng Xiaoping, or much less welcome alternatives.
Many of them reported going out of their way to learn as much as possible about the patients whose rooms they cleaned, down to which cleaning chemicals were likely to irritate them less.
«You end up flipping back and forth between tasks, which makes all of your learning less effective.»
There is another philosophy applied much less frequently which promotes the concept of learning from successes and building on those.
When we are in fear because of a deadline or external pressure, we are less likely staying open and vulnerable enough to learn and understand something new.
But there is another philosophy applied much less frequently which promotes the concept of learning from su...
All of a sudden, it feels less like I'm learning a new product and more like I'm making progress on Level 1 of Dropbox!
While you could be forgiven for thinking it was expensive considering the use of organic ingredients, we were pleasantly surprised to learn that it typically sells for less than $ 10 for a 7 - ounce bottle.
Both are fairly small, intimate experiences with the school entering less than 100 students in each of the past two years — and both are filled with a good bit of experiential learning opportunities to offset the younger age of the students here who tend to have a bit less work experience.
«By allowing investors and their financial advisers to efficiently learn about our REITs and invest directly, there is less cost involved in raising equity capital than there would be through more traditional public distribution formats,» said Amy Tait, chairman, CEO and co-founder of Broadstone, in a statement.
In fact, cities with less tech culture could benefit from participation in a group of startups learning and earning together.
Once you learn how to bring all this together you should be unstoppable, far less stressed, hopefully more profitable, and most of all, living a happier, healthier lifestyle.
I believe that if you can learn how to manage your finances effectively as well, you can save a ton of time, have less stress, and focus on the things you truly want to in life.
Greg represents the type of experienced entrepreneur who has learned the lessons of scaling a team - at one of the world's most dynamic companies, no less - and is eager to apply those lessons to his next endeavor.
When people speak the same language, there's less of a learning curve when talking about the technology.
As you pick out some of your less - than - ideal leads and customers and learn more about them, you'll identify common characteristics and habits that will help you shape your exclusionary personas.
If that sounds ominous, it should — the more one learns about Facebook's business model, the less appealing letting it run so much of the online world sounds.
And a study by Mara Cecilia Ostfeld that was published last week in the journal Political Behavior similarly concluded that «as White Democrats learn about Democratic outreach to Latinos, they become less supportive of Democrats.»
Franchise Development: When you come across an owner who is looking to expand their existing business, you'll learn how to work with our established networks of partners to help business owners duplicate their concepts with franchising in less than 30 days.
Forex can not be of lesser value.It should be learned inside and out before one should go into it.
This approach came from a tough lesson learned regarding less reliable sources of revenue.
For detailed entry, exit, and target prices of the stocks discussed in the video, and to learn our proven trading strategy, become a subscriber of our nightly ETF and stock newsletter, The Wagner Daily, for less than $ 2 per day (based on annual subscription).
With me in hell, and because they love me, their heaven would be a little less heavenly; which calls into question just how heavenly heaven could be when one of those billions of angels loves someone who is in hell simply because they learned what love was on their earthly adventure.
I suggest that Mr. Miller spend less time writing odes to his Jewish alienation and start on the lifelong task of learning Torah.
I might know inportant things like that if I spent more time reading and learning and less time praying and pretending to read the Bible, which most of us Christians only pretend to do, but the truth is that we don't like to read.
None the less, I applaud your far reaching attempt to make a point although the fact that you even know about Euhemerus is a product of Christian learning and appreciation of alternate views.
Think of what we learn from the stories of Flannery O'Connor, a lesser writer than Twain, certainly, but one who knew something very important about the world he didn't.
Indeed, the modern awareness of so much victimization imposes such a burden of sympathy and responsibility on the less victimized that they have learned to depend on the media to make the burden more tolerable by turning it into entertainment.
For someone simply wanting to learn about the Crusades, however, it is less so - as though Tyerman expects his reader to be well - versed in the history of the Crusades before reading his history of the Crusades.
Although many outside the US are drawing conclusions about Americans based on our presidential candidates, they might be surprised to learn that only 14 per cent of eligible voters chose either Clinton or Trump during the primary elections, (where both parties vote to nominate a candidate to represent them in the general election) and less than 30 per cent of eligible Americans voted at all.
If there is a lesson to be learned, perhaps it's that generally Christians would do well to be less concerned with an imminent return of Christ, and more concerned what what we are doing to facilitate Christ's love and His message on earth, in the here and the now.
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