Sentences with phrase «less understood by»

Quiet salesmanship is probably less understood by brokers, or even by introverted agents themselves, Cain says.
One less understood by older generations is the relentless pressure on children to be «on» because their peers are also their paparazzi.

Not exact matches

Understanding the Landscape: Access to Capital by High - Growth Women - Owned Businesses, research commissioned by the National Women's Business Council, recently released that female entrepreneurs start companies with 50 percent less capital than male entrepreneurs.
These newest results boost the case of the those who argue that immersing yourself in a fictional world populated by layered, complex characters can't help but increase your understanding of how the human mind works and make your fellow humans a little less strange to you.
Researchers compared students» responses to those from the 1980s on things like «I have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me» and «I try to understand my friends by imagining how things look from their perspective.»
Shaikh had to scale down the comfort level for his employees on the road by choosing less expensive hotels and only subsidizing breakfast, instead of three daily meals, but he says employees understand the cut backs.
By understanding the mindset of millennials, the transition will be less painful than it needs to be.
It does take a lot of intellectual power and thought by people in government in various agencies to understand where to draw the line and comply with the desire of the Trump administration for less regulation.
By having a thorough understanding of your risk appetite, the purpose of each investment in your portfolio and the implementation plan of your strategy, it allows you to feel much more confident about your investment plan and be less likely to make common behavioral mistakes.
By selecting yes you are confirming that you are a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and / or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference.
At the same time, I saw that even with tribesmen of varying investment experience and knowledge here was a community which was less focused / obsessed on «which stock» or «when i will get my target price» or «will you tell me what to buy» and more focused on rational discussions — analysis which can be understood clearly by visitors with basic investment and stock market terminology knowledge.
Great scholars may have studied the Bible, but that does not change the fact that it was written by men whose understanding of the universe was less than that of today's average third grader.
In addition to that, however, Catholics in the West today must understand that we are very likely heading into a season of persecution ourselves, a season of the cross less dire than that lived by those Christians presently under direct mortal threat, but quite real nevertheless.
Although it, like all the others, is subject to idolatrous understanding, the conflict between serving the Earth and serving God is far less than the conflicts engendered by serving Christianity, nation states, or economic growth.
We understand «more or less» and understanding can often «deepen» by acquiring additional capacities through relevant disciplines.
According to this understanding, the role of religion in political debate is not so much to supply these norms, as if they could not be known by non-believers — still less to propose concrete political solutions, which would lie altogether outside the competence of religion — but rather to help purify and shed light upon the application of reason to the discovery of objective moral principles.
Perhaps you can understand why many find the apologetic form of the Nuremberg Defense no less palatable than when it was offered by the Nazi officers disclaiming any culpability.
In view of the central importance of this doctrine it matters less whether it is readily accepted by our contemporaries, provided that its message is not interpreted in a narrow, selfishly individualistic sense, but that the gracious divine act which opens man to God is from the beginning understood also as creating authentic community among men.
The Counter-Culture became less defined by a positive understanding of the alternative culture it offered, and more by a general antagonism towards the «Establishment.»
For a moment, I understood how I might expect better of Maha, not by expecting less, but by simply expecting Maha and refusing to let any image of my own obscure her presence and particularity.
But while Lindsell obviously intends to meet these concerns, his book is actually a repristination (and often less subtle than earlier expressions) of a particular timebound formulation of biblical authority that is being seen by increasing numbers of evangelicals not only to have outlived its usefulness but to have become a positive hindrance to the understanding of the fuller and deeper significance of the Scriptures.
Man has evolved from being closely connected to our environment, i.e. understanding the lunar and solar cycle, and creating a living off of what this earth offers to us to creating a living off the earth by damaging our environment and less and less of us knowing anything about the celestial bodies that surround us.
And for you and many others who are having a tough time understanding what love looks like in the context of our family, maybe we'd be a little less hurt, a little less disappointed, a little less wounded by our family if we truly internalized that a loving God came to earth and was «called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.»
Nor can I see that a single test, least of all a simple reference to the Bible as understood by the recipient of the special revelation, is now or ever will be a sufficient safeguard against the vagaries to which intensely sincere minds are sometimes even more liable than those whose convictions are less fiercely one - sided.
The fact that the most fruitful research has occurred only when this dogma has been denied (or bracketed, as by Freud) is not yet viewed as any grounds for lesser faith, nor are the extraordinary paradoxes that follow from this dogma for thought's understanding of itself.
If more of us start doing this I believe there would be less misunderstandings and less propagandistic stereotypes being tossed around about us by others who don't understand us... because we never explain it to them.
I would accept this stress on the importance of the categories of understanding imposed by the knower, but I would want to attribute them less to the given structures of the mind (as in Bohr's neo-Kantian view) than to the limitations of our experience and imagination.
Henry Rosemont, Jr. highlights the difference between Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, and to some extent Islam) which affirm an intelligible universe capable of being fully understood by human rational and moral faculties, while the less ambitious sages of Asia provide only directions, guiding us to lead more meaningful lives in this world, where full understanding will always be elusive and ambiguous.
Intensely aware of, but disturbed by, the pattern of self - segregation among young Korean American evangelicals, Ecklund is less interested in understanding the roots of their religious behavior than in analyzing its consequences for American civic life.
His life is less than authentic; it is properly to be described, by the phrase that Heidegger uses, «inauthentic» — that is, false, based on wrong understanding, cheapened and superficial.
So far our comments have been largely a contrast of stances toward human existence: a plea for a more truly dialectical, less dualistic understanding of the relation between form and energy, a plea for a similar openness toward the past, a question about the future to the effect that the incompleteness of the present ought not to frustrate Dr. Altizer into insisting that the total reversal promised by the glimpsed eschatological future be the only standard or norm of faith.
There are, in the history of philosophy, continually renewed controversies between those who, where the theory of knowledge is concerned, are commonly called realists, and those who are sometimes called idealists, but also constructivists, between those for whom truth resides in the end in correspondence between proposition and fact, and those for whom it is something brought into being by more or less autonomous understanding.
Legalisms, of this day's timeliness, dare I say convolutes and discombobulates the suggestiveness recognitions upon physicalities of the very timid bunglings of inward inter-fractals of cosmological paradigms not fully understood by the masses and seldomly aspired upon by science abridgements being too nauseatingly complex to be meaningfully understood by laymen and much less so by the commoners who could really care less.
It is less than the church because it is a product of the church and can be understood only in the context which the life of the church provides; it is greater than the church because it is, by and large, the only record we have of the events which not only brought the church into being but also through which its reality must be continually renewed.
So the understanding does not, in this way, simply become less plain because it has become crooked and awry, but rather it has become less plain — to go by.
Lessing was not merely one of the most comprehensive minds Germany has had, he not only was possessed of rare exactitude in his learning (for which reason one can securely rely upon him and upon his autopsy without fear of being duped by inaccurate quotations which can be traced nowhere, by half - understood phrases which are drawn from untrustworthy compendiums, or to be disoriented by a foolish trumpeting of novelties which the ancients have expounded far better) but he possessed at the same time an exceedingly uncommon gift of explaining what he himself had understood.
The lesser kinds of reverence have been noted only in order that we may be quite clear that even in Catholic circles the term worship is applied normally to God and none other, although it is important that we understand that by association with God and His presence and work, creatures are seen in the Christian tradition as worthy of something even more remarkable than the respect for personality of which democracy has spoken — they are worthy of reverence which is religious in quality, reverence about which there is a mystery, just as in human personality itself there is a deep mystery by reason of its being grounded in the mystery of God.
Do not also the atheists have faith in much of sciences theories that many atheists can less understand yet do remain faithfilled by thoughtless amalgams in obscured relativities?
The secular substitute — the belief in the perfection of life on earth by the endless extension of a choice of pleasures — is not merely callow by comparison but much less realistic in its understanding of human nature.»
Must we not conclude with Lessing in The Education of the Human Race that the aim of God's revelation of himself in history was to render itself superfluous by becoming an abstract idea loosed from its historical moorings — in fact, an understanding of human life?
20This is not, however, to say that all interest is «biased» or «ideological» in the sense that it expresses, in Ogden's words, «a more or less comprehensive understanding of human existence, or how to exist and act as a human being, that functions to justify the interests of a particular group or individual by representing these interests as the demands of disinterested justice» (The Point of Christology [San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1982], p. 94).
For my part I can in a way understand Abraham, but at the same time I apprehend that I have not the courage to speak, and still less to act as he did — but by this I do not by any means intend to say that what he did was insignificant, for on the contrary it is the one only marvel.
No lesser a Christian than Martin Luther understood our predicament: Anyone, he wrote in ìOn Temporal Authority, î who tried ìto rule the world by the gospel and to abolish all temporal law and the sword on the plea that all are baptized and Christian, and that, according to the gospel, there shall be among them no law or sword» or the need for either»... would be loosing the ropes and chains of the savage wild beasts and letting them bite and mangle everyone, meanwhile insisting that they were harmless, tame, and gentle creatures; but I would have the proof in my wounds.î I do not believe that Hauerwas sees America's enemies as harmless, tame, and gentle creatures.
In those churches that do promote it, many of the members who have been affected by some substance abuse are not able to understand the one - shot message, much less discern how to help themselves.
i have been very affected by the control of the amygdala, so it is extra important that i call my fears and adrenalin release in to question... others may be less aware of how the brain works and leads them because they have not experienced the damaging effects of fight or flight quite so dibilitatingly... as i understand it, it drives us all to some degree.
Third, he championed comparative religion, understood by him as an umbrella term for objective studies, by specialists, of the historic religious traditions, no more and no less.
What is less clear is how this is understood to be related to the schooling in applicable skills that is required by their functionalist understanding of «professional»; thus the farther their approach in excellence is followed, the deeper theological schools are driven into internal incoherence and fragmentation.
The formation of a consensus is considerably less important for this exercise than the development of an understanding of the range of values held by members of the same congregational household.
The reality is that physicians, though they are classically understood to be professionals, have themselves become much less professional by this understanding.
Yes of course have understood what you meant after all the country is a country of all Egyptians whether Muslim or Christian or Jewish if any... those all have suffered for 30 years in the hands of this dictatorship which cared less for the people of Egypt only was there a greed for their money beside the control of their life and destiny... but above all only people with true faith can achieve what they have achieved, as people with no faith have not that will and power within granted by God to his believers...
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