Sentences with phrase «less variability over»

After the propofol kicked in, brain networks had reduced connectivity and much less variability over time.

Not exact matches

The MST technology gives more precise control over elements added to the silicon channel, a process Mears says reduces variability so smaller transistors that consume less power are practical.
While I've had a good response to my HR (WAY less variability and rarely even over 100 now) but in addition to the weight gain, I've had a decent increase in my BP both supine and standing... Supine pre-florinef was 90's / 50's and now its 110/70 or so..
Good risk management translates into better performance over time with less variability.
He writes: «the data of landfalling hurricanes in the U.S. is less than a tenth of a percent of the data for global hurricanes over their whole lifetimes», and shows that from such a small subset of data and given the amount of natural variability, there is no way you would be able to detect a trend by now.
Most of the variability in this gravitational pull occurs over time scales of less than a year.
The atmospheric warming is the factor that can best explain this consistency, up to ~ 0.7 °C since 1950 and more marked since 1976, while the trend in precipitation is much less homogeneous over this area and is affected by a significant decadal variability.
It suggests the variability of the mean climate over the holocene has been less than I had thought.
manacker, it means that the proponents of natural variability have to find something with this exponential - like shape over the last century or so, or maybe it is a less than quarter - wavelength section of some new multi-century several - degree oscillation that hasn't been noticed before -LRB-?)
They should have, however, emphasized more the fact that they can not tell anything about variability over periods of about 300 years or less.
The apparent «pause» or «slowdown» in temperatures is a measure of internal variability over periods of less than 20 years.
«Over relatively short, non-climate timescales (less than 20 - 30 years), these patterns of natural variability can lead to all kinds of changes in global and regional near - surface air temperature: flat, increasing, or even decreasing trends,»
Having evolved in a region with less climate variability over both the years and the millennia, tropical species may harbor a less diverse set of genes related to heat tolerance and similar traits.
It has enhanced variability, because averaging the reconstructions results in a redder time series (there is less common variance between the reconstructions at the higher frequencies compared with the lower frequencies, so the former averages out to leave a smoother curve) and the re-calibration is then more of a case of fitting a trend (over my calibration period 1881 - 1960) to the observed trend.»
This variability in the contract means that more or less premium may be required over time.
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