Sentences with phrase «less variation»

Although it provides lesser variations in swing motions, the swing speeds are still in your favor.
The perk about this is that they end up being better standardized, with less variation, for more reliability.
The list of names for boys have much less variation on it than the name list for baby girls.
You can see that the two track fairly closely and if you extended these graphs to 20 or 30 years, there would be even less variation between the two.
This means the population will develop less variation in its DNA.
There was less variation when I looked at the most popular articles.
Because there is less variation in size between cats as compared with dogs, size is more of a consideration in selecting a dog.
Larger districts will have less variation between grades than smaller districts because they have more students in each grade.
Authors David Lordkipanidze, Marcia S. Ponce de León, Ann Margvelashvili, Yoel Rak, G. Philip Rightmire, Abesalom Vekua and Christoph P. E. Zollikofer say significant anatomical features of this skull can be found in earlier fossils assigned to the genus Homo, such as H. habilis, H ergaster and H. rudolfensis, and argue all comprise a single species within the genus Homo, with less variation among them than can be found within contemporary Homo sapiens.
For Seattle homes as a whole, the lowest number of sales in any one month was 357 so can expect a lot less variation in the data.
The TSI reconstruction with lesser variation shows a decrease in global temperature of around 0.09 °C while the stronger variation in solar forcing shows a difference of around 0.3 °C.
38 Domestic depository institutions are subject to a regulatory leverage ratio that is calculated as an average over the quarter and thus experience less variation in balance sheet costs at the end of quarters.
The probe's laser range - finder measured less variation in the height of the planet's surface than it did in the first flyby in January, which imaged a different part of the planet.
Many studies find less variation in teachers» effect on reading achievement compared to teachers» effect on math achievement, a pattern that is also evident in our data from Cincinnati.
In addition to Porsche's acrobatic electric Targa top, the 911 receives the usual GTS additions to separate it from lesser variations of the 911 range.
The return numbers are for the entire (rolling) period specified — one year (with significant variation), five years (with somewhat less variation), ten years and 20 years, not annual returns for the years included.
Lymphocytes in lymphoma demonstrate less variation in their size than in a normal lymph node.
Actually though, there is slightly less variation in the transients than you would expect from the equilibrium results.
Integrated Family Therapy: the detailed case - work approach to assessment provided below should result in far less variation in implementation and fewer misinterpretations.
«We see much less variation among these new H1N1 viruses than we do for typical seasonal influenza viruses,» Cox said.
And it works - in Finland there is less variation between the most and least able students than anywhere else in the world.
Fakers» mouths open with less variation and too regularly.
A 2010 study by Richard Freeman and colleagues shows that countries that perform best on TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) not only have a higher average score, but also have 1) less variation in performance and 2) smaller achievement gaps between different demographic groups.
They chose these by finding regions where the general population has less variation than expected, suggesting that genetic changes there could be detrimental.
Within a breed, they have less variation in their DNA sequence than do humans.
Because of its rapid rise, the gene becomes fixed in the genome with less variation than a gene that spread more slowly and was subject to the shuffling effects of recombination.
But, your results would be more accurate if you have the same person measure it all the time (there would be less variation with your measurements if you do this).
There are still tension differences throughout the movement, but it's less variation than free weight.
The gameplay is horrible to control, frustrating to endure and monotonous to the point of having less variation than one of those tabletop metronome ball things.
There tended to be less variation in the performance of TFA teachers than there was among non-TFA teachers.
We should caveat this finding by saying that the year 5 task was non-fiction, while the year 3 task was fiction, so it may be the case that there is less variation in non-fiction writing than in fiction.
Having said that, filling tires with nitrogen has a few benefits - Nitrogen filling systems usually supply moisture free nitrogen gas which results in - lesser variation in pressure with tire temperature changes.
Although there is less variation in size between cats than in dogs, an older cat is fully grown so you can see what you are taking on - large, medium or small, longhaired, semi-longhaired or shorthaired, placid or active.
All of the music is wonderful, but with less variation than the rest of the game, it does not stay as fresh as the rest of the game does over the course of the gameplay.
Luckily all the other unique elements outweigh the lesser variation still making the game feel different every time you play which always is a blast!
While there is less variation in solar strength in the past decades, the activity still is high and the oceans may not be (yet) in equilibrium with the extra heat inflow...
The combination of a hot climate and less variation in temperatures result in faster life strategy and less focus.
It is well known that Sun is very unusual star, exhibiting much less variation than known similar stars.
It fails to show the type of variation in temperature that happens on a yearly basis, much less the variation that takes place over time.
I don't see any reason why the variations from the peak of the Mediaeval Warm Period to the bottom of the Little Ice Age and all lesser variations could not be accommodated within the term «relatively stable» in terms of the planet even if not in terms of human sensibilities.
By comparison, the same chart, as recorded with the Garmin, shows much less variation.
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