Sentences with phrase «less variety»

This week I had a lot less variety in my diet than I usually would because I stuck to the same few meals that I knew were inexpensive and easy to prepare.
To focus on the chic daily wear, very less variety of pieces and colors were presented.
This week I had a lot less variety in my diet than I usually would because I stuck to the same few meals that I knew were inexpensive and easy to prepare.
With less variety to explore on board, you are encouraged to spend more time exploring in town.
That being said, the buffet is significantly smaller so there is less variety if that's what you're looking for.
The parts you DO get have a lot less variety too.
Not only will shopping be easier, but having less variety in your diet will actually help keep your weight down!
Thirty years ago, growers there could produce only a few, lesser varieties of grapes.
Photoswitches inserted into retinal ganglion cells (RGC) of blind mice produce much less variety of response (all evenly red means the cells fire at the same time), while blind mice with photoswitches inserted into bipolar cells (ON - BC driven) exhibit much more variety in their retinal response to light, closer to that of normal mice.
But in order to keep their favorite items, consumers whose budgets have shrunk to a particular amount will opt for less variety than someone whose budget has increased to that same amount, according to a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research.
This process has become particularly rapid in last 20,000 years and more recently, as we switched from being hunter gatherers to agriculturalists — a lifestyle that meant less variety in both diet and physical effort.
I still haven't ventured into the gluten - free cookie - baking world other than flour less varieties, and I was super busy when I was trying to squeeze in making desserts for a party, so I cheated a bit and used a prepackaged gluten - free cookie dough from the refrigerator section.
«The Costco effect: Do consumers buy less variety at bigger stores?.»
Consumers choose less variety when investing or shopping.»
OTOH too much variety has been indicated as a prime source of overeating.If optimal health involves less variety overall, it may be worth it, especially for those more metabolically resistant.
Long and short sleepers» diets also showed less variety, included less tap water, and were more likely to be restricted (low in calories, carbs, or protein), with long sleepers consuming the most alcohol.
The current generation of children have 1/3 less variety of gut bacteria compared to our generation and especially our parents and grandparents generations.
There's a lot less variety in terms of the different chassis this year - in fact, there's no variety in terms of the chassis as every team is running an Oreca 07.
This process has become particularly rapid in last 20,000 years and more recently, as we switched from being hunter gatherers to agriculturalists - a lifestyle that meant less variety in both diet and physical effort.
When the average goes up, the Amazon fund will be spread across a lot less variety in books, with a lot higher lengths.
If Harts - horne's philosophic world has less variety in it than, say, Paul Weiss's there are philosophic reasons for it.3
No less variety is found in color... and the same difference is found in form and shape.»
It's weird, this idea that a bunt hit is cheap or somehow a lesser variety of hit.
So there may be fewer frogs, or less variety, than the surveys suggest.
By looking at 41 studies, researchers at Queensland University of Technology found that both men and women who lived alone ate less produce and fish and had less variety in their diets compared to people who lived with roommates or significant others.
The movie points out that a baby born via c - section has 1/3 less variety of bacteria in his or her gut than the gut of a baby born vaginally in an optimal environment.
Yes fewer clothes mean you are wearing those more frequently, which one could argue leads to less variety.
Sweater (similar) Boots (similar) It's no secret that cooler months bring an onset of deeper hues, darker colors, and less variety to wardrobe just recently filled with pastels...
It's not good, the virtually identical sections are hardly exciting, and there's a lot less variety in the mayhem than you might be led to believe, but it is an enjoyable, compulsive score - chaser.
Now that Sony has gone over to them thee is less variety in the market — replaced by this woeful joke that is Kobo.
While the protein sources are just as high - quality as Wellness and Orijen, there is less variety of protein sources in this recipe, however.
Yes, the game didn't sell well, not every game appeals to mainstream, but that is ok, because if they did, we'd have much less variety, and all games would be shallow.
It can become repetitive though, with enemies having less variety than i would like and the general gameplay of the game can become stale after a while.
Okay I only tried the Cat for 20 min but it didn't show me anything new, less variety, less exciting.
The more people like them are there, and the less gamers are there which buy 20 - 30 gamers per year = > The less variety in games there will be since developers will not risk it like allways = > the more people will go to Smartphones and other platforms like PC instead where they can get what they want.
Detail would be the most needed improvement as there are still a lot of bland segments in environments, and just a lot less variety than what we saw in the environments in the first game.
The mission packs» level sets are decidedly more barren than Spear «s, featuring quite a decrease in the amount of decorations, and certainly a lot less variety in the textures, considering that the colors are primarily blue.
Compared to a mere 50 years ago — nothing in terms of geologic time — we have created an entirely new planet of less variety, less abundance, lessened ability to sustain the web of life.
You'll also be able to opt for more or less variety in the recommendations setting to get content that you're specifically looking for.
There's less variety for power users in terms of which protocol they can use, compared to StrongVPN, but practically speaking the restriction of Windows, Mac, and Android devices to OpenVPN and iOS devices to IPsec isn't cause for concern.
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