Sentences with phrase «less words coming»

While the Brief Mode results in less words coming from Alexa, Follow - Up Mode reduces the words coming from users themselves.

Not exact matches

Where we see some progress is in the increasing male usage around fitness and wellness programs, but when the word counselling is brought up, less men come forward.»
In other words, there are less hurdles for a small business to jump over when it comes to innovation.
The team thought about the word «compact» and came up with Compaq, which they believed would be less generic and more noticeable.
CNN: My Take: When it comes to «God» in our political platforms, less is more Stephen Prothero, Boston University religion scholar and author of «The American Bible: How Our Words Unite, Divide, and Define a Nation,» discusses how the Republican and Democratic parties have used God as a ««prop» of our politics» during the 2012 presidential race.
I don't have an issue believing that Abraham and Moses were real - I think your 100 words or less essay is brilliant and written from the perspective of one, like myself, that came OUT from the religious slavery that they were born into.
The wake - up call came after I received a gracious, heartfelt email from a reader who said she loved the book because it gave her hope, made her feel less alone, and put into words what she had been feeling for many years.
Even if those who are to come from all directions to put to shame Jesus» fellow - countrymen are really Gentiles and not Jews of the dispersion, the words none the less naively assert that the chosen people and its heroes hold the central place in the Kingdom of God; afterward the Gentiles would join them, according to ancient prophecy.
Instead of coming off of a less positive view of the word I could see it as being encouraging, especially in a small group setting.
Half - a-dozen or so years ago I came to the conclusion that the older I get the more I am convinced of the authority of the Word of God (i.e. Bible); however the older I get the less confident I am in my understanding of the Bible.
The reply given by the Johannine Jesus appears at first to confirm this by saying, «If a man has faith in me, even though he die, he shall come to life», but then proceeds to add quite a new interpretation of the resurrection power of Christ in the words, «and no one who is alive and has faith shall ever die».13 C. H. Dodd concludes that «the «resurrection» of which Jesus has spoken is something which may take place before bodily death, and has for its result the possession of eternal life here and now... The evangelist agrees with popular Christianity that the believer will enter into eternal life at the general resurrection, but for him this is a truth of less importance than the fact that the believer already enjoys eternal life and the former is a consequence of the latter.»
The word «God» is a symbolic term which is no less a human creation than the class of beings called «gods», which «God» came to replace at the Axial Period.
To suggest, then, that religious believers (much less majorities who, qua majorities, also have a second claim on shaping public policy) are «wards» depending on the Constitution for their religious freedom and its scope is, to use Posner and Segall's words against them, «to turn the Constitution upside down when it comes to government and religion.»
The book is also my shortest book ever written, coming it at less than 10,000 words.
In addition, there are some words which are less significant theologically but equally characteristic of his vocabulary: verbs of motion such as «withdraw» («anachorein») and «come to» or («approach» («proserchesthai»), and favourite connectives like «then» «(«tote», ninety times), «thence» («ekeithen»), and «just as» («hosper»).
When I imagined what it would be like to give generously without wondering what is in it for me, to give up my grudges and learn to diffuse hatred with love, to stop judging other people once and for all, to care for the poor and seek out the downtrodden, to finally believe that stuff can't make me happy, to give up my urge to gossip and manipulate, to worry less about what other people think, to refuse to retaliate no matter the cost, to be capable of forgiving to the point of death, to live as Jesus lived and love as Jesus loved, one word came to my mind: liberation.
Buying all African talent (forgive my words) because they come for less salary is what we have done in recent past.
maybe you don't understand that Wenger's words are simply an attempt to recover some of the market value that was lost due to the way they have mishandled his contract negotiations, which means that everyone, once again, knows that we have little to no leverage when it comes to negotiating a transfer... much like we did with RVP, when we sold the EPL trophy to ManU for less than $ 25 million... any reputable team with a sporting director would never have allowed this situation to occur again and if they had heads would roll... if handled correctly the worst case scenario would have seen us get a minimum of $ 65 million for a player of his ilk in the present economic climate and we could have used those funds to purchase the best available striker in the early days of the transfer window... just imagine what outsiders must think about the state of our team if all you did was read the headlines... sadly, things might just might be worse than they think
In times where footballers are increasingly becoming less loyal than mercenaries, you can not help but appreciate words like these, especially coming from a U21.
Empathy with the overwhelming feelings of your child will get you a lot further when it comes to connecting with your child, building your child's self - worth and helping them handle their emotions in less destructive ways than telling your child off or letting your self - esteem be hurt by the harsh words.
Parents who find a person who is found by word - of - mouth rather than going through an agency may come at a lesser fee.
Well... can you see how it might be less confusing for people coming to your blog if you were a bit more specific with your word choice?
Kids who can do so are less likely to reach the behavioral boiling point where strong emotions come out through behaviors rather than communicated with words.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos this afternoon cracked open some daylight between himself and Gov. Andrew Cuomo when it comes to his proposal for a new, less generous pension tier that's included in the $ 132.5 billion budget proposal, saying that «we're too tied into the word «Tier Six.»»
In other words: those who currently intend to vote Conservative are «firmer» in this choice than those who intend to vote UKIP, and thus less likely to be swayed in the coming month by whatever events or political developments to still change switch in their choice.
The chase for perfection goes on and on, but with every shortcoming comes the risk of thinking less of yourself — even considering the f - word (we're talkin» Failure).
With fashion blogs, people mainly want to see outfit pictures and less is more when it comes to words!
Online, men who come across as less confident in their outgoing messages, using words like «sorry,» «awkward» and «kinda,» are more likely to receive continued responses, dating site OkCupid found.
That however is just a way of thinking and when it comes to this, their motto — «Less words and more action.»
The overqualified supporting cast gets even less to do than before: Marcia Gay Harden congratulates her son and daughter - in - law at the beginning and then comes back for a few words of wisdom, while Jennifer Ehle still gets a credit for playing Ana's mother but only gets a wordless cameo.
So we're less than 100 % confident that these words actually came out of Freeman's mouth, but we don't much care because of all the jokes we can make about it.
While there seems to be less word on major deals and potential Oscar players in the year to come, one premiere that has quickly become must - see material is Ari Aster's horror debut Hereditary.
So you were talking about this kind of karmic circle where it comes back around — where now «Hoop Dreams,» a film Ebert helped make successful, he was someone that shined a light on these less - well - known films that had weaker marketing budgets or so forth, drew people's attention to Errol Morris, who you saw on screen, really helped launch the careers of some of these people by shining that light on them... and you were saying how from your experience as a critic and all that, you say in your own words, you yourself feel the same desire, that your job is to cast that light.
In the hands of a lesser filmmaker, that could come across like a tract; here, it surfaces in sharp observational moments, like Ines leaning over and whispering just the word «hair» into her female assistant's ear during a presentation, in response to which the assistant immediately lets her hair down, for the benefit of their all - male clients.
In other words, it more or less laid - out the formula for many home invasion films to come.
No word if Metallica are returning to Billions but less than a month after the second season of the big money high stakes drama debuted to large numbers, Showtime said today that the series is coming back for a Season 3.
Students like that the words come across one - at - a-time, which is less daunting for less skilled readers.
In other words, we should worry less about what our students don't know, and focus first on what they already do know, including all of the knowledge that doesn't come from school.
Less attention has been given to the mayor's speech last week, in which he announced a plan to spend an additional $ 75 million per year to ensure (here comes that word again) «universal second - grade literacy» by 2026.
In other words, even when the share of math course taking rose, the increases were coming largely from students taking less - demanding math courses, not algebra, geometry, trigonometry, or calculus.
That's why we should fight less about the word that comes before «school.»
So significantly less that the Washington Post's Lyndsey Layton wrote, «In other words, when it comes to math, it's as if the [online] students did not attend school at all.»
On one side I see smart, well - intentioned people continuing to discuss school reform strategies via the illusory lens of achievement, and refusing to acknowledge the ways in which that word has come less and less to reflect any fully conceptualized reflection of the real thing we seek — learning.
Then, flicking through Twitter earlier today, I came across 99Fiction, a flash fiction website with a free online competition for stories of 99 words or less.
COMING UP SHORT Dear Author Enabler, Within the last three months, I've written about 40 short stories (flash fiction — less than 1,000 words).
From what I know about editors and publicists in the Christian publishing business, most are aware that the challenges and vices of their world are more or less open secrets — especially when the word «business» comes into play with anything that's supposed to be «Christian.»
In five years (or less, or maybe even now) the validation of a given author is not going to come from associations with a publisher, it's going to come from word of mouth (or text) in your social network.
- Vivian Gornick, author of Fierce Attachments and The Odd Woman and the City «This book is for anyone interested in a dazzlingly brilliant, uncommonly compassionate, and often hilarious study of human nature... for a writer so gifted at locating the excruciating commonalities of isolation, Jamison manages this greatest feat of magic: when I read her words, I come away feeling less alone.»
Sadly, these were the days before everyone carried a cell phone much less invented he word «Selfie,» so I don't have a picture with him, but he signed my copies of Fahrenheit 451 and Something Wicked This Way Comes, which I treasure to this day.
I don't want to risk leaving a paltry, ragged edge today of maybe less than a thousand words and then have to come back and finish on Monday.
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