Sentences with phrase «lesser quality partner»

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Dennis Lombardi, executive vice president of food service strategies at WD Partners, said the low quality scores aren't surprising or worrying for Taco Bell, which pioneered fast - food value menus and still sells some food for less than $ 1.
Chris Smalling has qualities but these qualities make him a less impressive version of Bailly, so he's not suited as a defensive partner.
• A Randomised Controlled Trial in which depressed pregnant women received twice weekly massage therapy from their partners found those who received the massage reporting less depressed mood, anxiety and anger and better relationship quality than women in the control group (Field et al, 2008).
Additional reasons for deciding not to breastfeed can include concern about the quality and quantity of breast milk, and partner and family support, which are common across developed and developing countries.10, 11 Women who decide not to breastfeed are also more likely to have smoked during their pregnancy, be primiparous mothers (i.e., having their first child), and to have a child born low birth weight or with complex health issues such as cystic fibrosis.9, 12 Prenatal and post-natal stressful experiences may also reduce the duration of breastfeeding.13 Finally, several studies suggest that mother's who return to work within the first 6 months postpartum or anticipate an early return to full - time employment, are less likely to breastfeed.
Along with international partners, his research group is now hoping to obtain data of similar quality on the outskirts of the Perseus cluster, where, Thorsten Lisker adds, the environmental influence would have been less strong, preserving more of the original appearance of the galaxies.
At the same time I always instill in my clients that they must not settle for anything less than a quality partner.
In fact, 74 % of sporty singles admit physical appearance is an important quality in a partner, while only 46 % of less active singles deem it significant.
It is very often desirable to think that with right encouragement or by guidance, all less attractive qualities, you noticed, when meet with a man can be removed, while he is an ideal partner.
A sampling of the findings suggests that high quality preschool results in fewer years of special education, less grade retention, a higher percentage of high school completion, decreased chance of being arrested or spending time in jail, fewer sexual partners and abortions, higher adult monthly earnings, and less time spent on welfare.
• 3 students traveled to France for the DCPS Study Abroad Program last summer • Our students partnered with The Story of Our Schools to create a museum quality exhibit in the lobby of the school • Last year, our students created holiday cards and spent time with the elderly, distributed toiletries to the homeless and had a thanksgiving food drive for the less fortunate
As a smaller firm, Elliott Greenleaf offers quality work at lower rates because conservative management results in lower overhead, fewer junior attorneys, greater partner involvement, less debt and a long - term view toward clients, regardless of their size.
If a project succeeds in increasing value to clients by delivering better or equal quality service for less cost, the payout, as it were, means less profit - per - partner (at least under a billable hour model).
Those who focus on changing their partners are less successful at improving their overall relationship quality.
The second part of the survey was a scale asking participants to rate their attitudes toward physical affection and how it can influence the quality of the relationship (e.g., «There is less conflict in romantic relationships when partners give each other physical affection.»)
When people perceive that both the costs of maintaining a relationship and quality of alternatives are high (which may be the case in college, especially for possible hook - ups), they will be less motivated to maintain their relationship.6 Indeed, feeling that an alternative is more attractive than a current partner may predict not only dissolution but also engaging in infidelity.7, 8 Thus, increased costs of maintaining relationships and presence of [often «tempting»] alternatives at school may lead to challenges in keeping the relationship going during the transition to college.
Men were less able to evaluate the quality of life of their partner suffering from cardiac arrhythmia than women respectively.
Couple Premarital Behavior and Dynamics We examined 14 behaviors and dynamics related to the focal relationship as predictors of marital quality: age at marriage, length of relationship before marriage, whether the couple had a child or were pregnant together before marriage, whether they began their relationship with hooking up, whether the respondent had sexual relations with someone else while dating his / her future spouse or knew that his / her partner had, whether the respondent reported any physical aggression in the relationship before marriage, whether the couple cohabited before making a mutual commitment to marry, the degree to which the respondent reported sliding into living together vs. deciding to do so, whether the respondent perceived that he or she was more or less committed than the partner before marriage, whether the couple received premarital education, and whether the couple had a wedding, as well as how many people attended the wedding.
Those who have had more romantic experiences — for example, more sexual or cohabiting partners — are more likely to have lower - quality marriages than those with a less complicated romantic history.
However, low relationship quality in early childhood years may have long - term consequences for relationship dissolution when children get older and parents may feel less restraint to leave their partners.
What if you need lots of quality time together, but your partner prefers to spend less time together?
For example, one could test the hypothesis that those with higher quality relationships or more shared activities would be less likely to develop diabetes or some other chronic condition than those with poorer quality relationships or fewer shared activities, or that the unpartnered would do worse later in life than those with a partner, or that an individual's welfare might depend on the characteristics of the partner or might differ by race or ethnicity.
Compatibility theories of marriage arose from interdependence theory and postulate that married partners who share similar goals and behaviors tend to have better quality relationships and less conflict (Levinger & Rands, 1985).
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