Sentences with phrase «lesson about human nature»

It teaches a lesson about human nature and why digital mob rule could become dangerous.
But, it's also a great tool for learning valuable lessons about human nature, the importance of cooperation, and the hurtful nature of bullying.

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The most critical of the lessons offered by neuroscience for policy - makers lies in the findings about the underlying emotionality of human nature.
He details its lessons about how nature and humans coexist everywhere, and how what we often presume to be pristine rainforest or grassland turns out to be nature's response to some past human invasion.
Even when the men she meets fail to emerge as keepers, Halperin takes away a lesson about herself or human nature.
«We are honored that the Environmental Film Festival and The Nature Conservancy have chosen to support our story of a remarkable, self - sustaining people who can help illuminate our past while teaching us unexpected lessons about how humans might better live cooperatively in the future,» said Bill Benenson.
However, if there are any «lessons» to be learned from archaeology, these are not about «if» or «how» particular human groups adapted to climate change events or developments at a specific place and time in the past; such an emphasis would fail to recognise the unique nature of modern climate change.
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