Sentences with phrase «let's guess how»

They then had to guess how others would react to what they had written.
And guess how I'm feelin»?
Downes says it's anyone's guess how the federal appeals court will rule.
It gets even harder if you hope to take advantage of seasonal clearance sales, since you have to guess how big your child will be months from now.
See if you can guess how loyal the SOBConners were feeling after that introduction.
You're left to guess how much you need to operate.
And guess how many of them get implemented — almost none,» says Stevenson.»
«Can anyone here guess how many shootings there have been in the schools since then in Australia?»
I never would have guessed how successful it would become.»
As an early investor in E-Trade, Yahoo and China's Alibaba Group, and a bold risk - taker who recently bought 70 % of Sprint Nextel for $ 20 billion, you would never guess how Son grew up.
That's cheaper than most of the plans available from the major carriers and doesn't lock customers into guessing how much data they may need and paying unnecessarily extra when they use less.
«It's also a tool to communicate with each other, a basis of understanding that prevents clients from guessing how the money should be managed.»
The lure to that story might be, «You'll never guess how manipulative headlines are backfiring,» but the answer — as it always is — will be obvious.
Canadian companies have been operating in some of the most corrupt countries in the world for decades, but guess how many successful prosecutions there have been under foreign bribery laws in the history of our nation.
But at this point it is anyone's guess how the photo - sharing service's users will react when ads do start showing up.
You can use these cues to your advantage to try to guess how it is all going to play out.
The long - anticipated slowdown in Canadian residential real estate is now underway, and guessing how far national home prices might fall has become a popular pastime — scarcely a month goes by without
The long - anticipated slowdown in Canadian residential real estate is now underway, and guessing how far national home prices might fall has become a popular pastime — scarcely a month goes by without a new estimate making headlines.
«Williamson assured investors there was no risk involved and they would receive annual returns of 8 to 12 percent,» and guess how that ended up.
But anyone who has seen The Social Network's depiction of the acrimonious founding of Facebook could guess how long that brotherhood would last.
Before you read any further guess how often 5 % corrections have occurred over the last 110 years.
Let me guess how you ended up here.
Guess how many mutual funds the average household earning $ 50,000 to $ 100,000 owns?
Though it's anyone's guess how the data might influence the Fed's thinking about the pace of rate hikes, the contrasting views of policymakers suggest that now may be time for investors to model the impact of the three scenarios on their portfolios.
Successful businesses do not just guess how they are performing, they perform detailed analysis on a regular schedule.
We didn't guess how our finances worked, we understood everything from revenue sources to expenses for every product and customer.
Guess how many miles were on this Prius.
When Gotham Asset Management co-founder Joel Greenblatt was asked to teach stock market concepts to ninth - graders in Harlem, he brought a large jar of jelly beans to the class and asked them to guess how many were in the jar.
It would be difficult for me to ever guess how Apple's business works, why phone users might or might not be «sticky», why service revenue would grow over time, etc. just from reading that 10 - K.
It's hard to guess how much Morneau's second budget might fuel future Canadian prosperity.
With all the spam websites in the search result pages running AdSense ads and all the low - quality traffic Google gets from their parked domain ads, we can only guess how widespread the click fraud problem actually is.
Read the New Testament, my friends, and then try to guess how many modern capitalists are in heaven.
I wonder if the cops can guess how fast the lightning was traveling too.
We can all guess how you feel about * your * rights.
After reading «Good Night Moon» and «Guess How Much I Love You» tonight, I held onto her just a little longer and I sang into her hair because my heart was aching.
Except guess how God is going to help your annoying neighbor or coworker come to Christ?
Sweet leaf or sap smells: conversations renewed between trees now so graceful in their drapery of green you'd never guess how lately they have taken it from winter storage and have shaken it out and put it on.
And for those five years, I couldn't even begin to guess how many times I've been hinted at or just straight - up told that I should be dating or married.
Can you guess how many violent crimes occur at the week long festival?
And I can guess how many want to move to the paragons of equality called Cuba, North Korea and now Venezuela.
Guess how many forms you have to fill out to get a meal at a Catholic charity?
, not that you'd be able to tell from the movie itself), so it's anyone's guess how close this film will be to the source material.
If you were to guess how many verses in the Bible warn against false teachers, what would you say?
When this old F *** er kicks the bucket... can you guess how long that 80 mill will last?
I guess how I feel as it's insulting in this day and age to believe in such magic and force (yes it is still forced) down all of our throats on a daily basis to believe in a higher power.
Want to guess how our evening played out?
Thank goodness — that's one pretty sick cult — the kids get raised to be breeding stock — girls to marry unquestioningly the old man being rewarded with another young bride, the boys to be very obedient in hopes they'll get a bride, rather than kicked out (when you have polygamy, you have to maintain a very high female to male ratio — guess how they do that).
You can guess how things will play out.
As a Type 1 diabetic, I can now try some of these recipes without guessing how much insulin I would need!
I'm sure you can guess how.
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