Sentences with phrase «let's have a look»

Headlines about Zika, West Nile or any other mosquito - borne virus might have you looking at the mosquitoes buzzing around your backyard with some suspicion.
Quickly, please have a look at this troubling essay by historian Jay M. Smith about a giant business — big - time college sports — that hasn't reinvented itself in years.
New iPhone models have looked the same pretty much since 2014 and the iPhone 8 doesn't have a lot in there to convince people to upgrade from the iPhone 7.
And I think I would look forward to sitting down with you and others in a bipartisan way to address this issue so that we as business leaders can recognize that we can make a difference and address this issue and not wait for Washington.
«People I've talked to who have looked at the books — to the extent you can — of the state - owned enterprises and estimated what would be their profit margin if they had to pay market rates for their inputs is that a lot of them would go bankrupt or they would be far less profitable,» Dobson says.
DR Shane Oliver from AMP Henderson's has looked at the state of the world at large.
The world we live in would look a whole lot different without electricity.
Such moves now would look like punishment.
«What we decided... was that we were going to set up a G7 group that would look at Russian malign behavior in all its manifestations - whether it's cyber warfare, whether it's disinformation, assassination attempts, whatever it happens to be and collectively try to call it out,» he told reporters.
Instead, they publicly tweeted that they would look into it.
They were a couple years older than me when I was reading them, so I also kind of read them as a fantasy ideal of what high school would look like.
Anyone who reads Inc. would look at this model and realize it's garbage.
«Five or six years ago,» says Pat Perkins, VP of Marketing for HMS, «we really started putting a stake in the ground in terms of Hendrick - generated original content, in terms of utilizing social and digital platforms... and in the process we defined what success would look like, and developed a series of checklist and filters that would guide us in evaluating projects.
As more businesses go paperless, Fujifilm has looked elsewhere for growth, expanding in biotechnology and healthcare.
If any one of us performed this dance flying solo we would look delusional.
If anything were to happen beyond what we have saved, we would look into what the best option would be for us.
As a psychologist and native of Denmark, I've looked into this question.
Cobbold said that UBM would look to raise spending on deals a «little bit,» adding that it had a pipeline of attractive opportunities.
Having looked for remote jobs in the not so distant past, those sites have yielded some great opportunities.
«With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,» Comey said.
We've looked at the best platforms available on the market today and will help you find what's best for you.
Recent research has looked into the health consequences of that mismatch, tracking a group of study subjects for more than six years.
One of their most notable innovations was the beauty box, where shoppers could select a makeup brand and color and see how it would look on their skin.
After the game, Cavs coach Ty Lue said he would look into possible changes to the Cavs» starting lineup.
iiNet has looked after its customers and its staff, If it wants to attract staff members that do the same it really needs to pay attention to the company's previous operations.
Recently, I've looked at how the SEALs» leadership principles can help your kids to become more resilient, or even how to make your life more extraordinary.
Chagger has looked comfortable in question period and will bring a more civil and co-operative tone to Parliament, he says.
The neuromuscular signals are undetectable to the human eye, so to the outside world, it would look someone is simply walking down the street, when really they could be communicating with the computer system.
When Jobs would wake up in the morning, he would look in the mirror and ask himself, «If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I'm about to do today?»
Whereas entrepreneurs may have looked to their investors or board members in the past for guidance, founders are discovering that their investors are increasingly strapped for time, which leaves them with nowhere to turn when making tough business decisions.
Let's have a look at some of them that might be the perfect solution for you.
If you're not convinced, have a look at these numbers.
But by flipping the auto - replenishment switch off, the system wouldn't report an item as out of stock, so the analyst's numbers would look good on paper.
Voucher website VoucherCloud has looked into the average cost for one person to stay in an Airbnb vs. a three - star hotel across every capital city in Europe to work out in which cities an Airbnb is a savvy decision, and in which locations «splashing out» on a hotel might actually save you some pennies.
«I thought it was one of the most timely and disruptive of ideas that I've come across in my career, and I've looked at thousands of start - ups,» she told Variety.
It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, «If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?»
Regulators had looked at the CFM56 engine that exploded on Southwest flight, leading to one passenger's death.
Anyone in this country would look at it as a magazine publisher that is struggling.»
To get a successful outcome in any situation, you first must determine what victory would look like.
We would look at all of that.
So, have you looked into providing live chat?
«To be honest, it's kind of snuck up on me, it's only just recently I've looked up and gone, «Oh wait, look how close we are to that [$ 1 million benchmark] in just five years.»»
An Army Magazine article from 1956 that made the rounds on Twitter predicted what the soldier of the future would look like.
If you asked people that, they'd look at you like «I du n no.»
Using the authors» analogy — despite its condescending overtones — of kids and adolescents growing more quickly than adults, if we took away the extra gallons of milk and after - school snacks, if we stopped providing education, if we penalized a kid for an inadvertent mistake, if we took away all the extra tools and resources required to usher kids through childhood, what would that look like?
For as long as I can remember, I've asked the Wesfarmers leadership when they would look at an international expansion.
If you'd like to properly count the beans but maintain most of your focus on the mission of your business, have a look at the LessAccounting solution.
If you're looking for a quick way to create invoices at no charge, then have a look at Simple Invoices.
Regulators had looked at the CFM56 engine that exploded on the Southwest flight, leading to one passenger's death.
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