Sentences with phrase «let's stop acting»

But all the same, I will not stop acting,» Macron said, seated a marble table in his office at the Elysee Palace.
He's been propagating the «day 1» mantra for decades, and it's meant as a reminder that Amazon should never stop acting like a startup — even though the company now boasts more than 560,000 employees and more than 100 million members of Amazon Prime, the company's paid service for free shipping on select items.
I was talking to one of our investors, and she said «when you stop acting like an asshole, you'll stop feeling like an asshole.»
But real safety comes from building an organization that stops these acts before they can take place.
Antigovernment populists who deride the Ex-Im Bank as «corporate welfare» or «crony capitalism» so far have won in Congress, blocking reauthorization of the agency and forcing it since June to stop acting as lender of last resort to the foreign buyers of American - made products, from aircraft to car seats.
One of the biggest money lessons came from the book Stop Acting Rich:... and Start Living Like a Real Millionaire by Thomas J. Stanley.
Maybe if you stopped acting so darn self righteous and made room for others you would be treated a bit better.
For G - d created the entire world in six days, and on the seventh He stopped His act of creation and began maintaining.
So, stop acting like you have some kind of divine mission too save America by bringing God into our court system.
Stop acting like people lack intelligence because they don't bow to your theory and they choose their own.
Religion does not solve all of our problems, so stop acting like it does.
In short, if these Christians stopped acting so antisocial they would have little difficulty getting along with everyone else, but they aren't interested in getting along, are they?
I don't go around telling YOU what to believe, so stop acting like everyone who disagrees with you is stupid.
-- On a lighter note my brothers and sisters in Christ should stop acting like 2 year olds whose parents are trying to take their Pixie sticks away.
Stop acting like 3rd graders and run a business for once», says Rob Jenkins.
So stop acting like this person existed.
he didn't «get» to be someone else, he was able to stop acting and be «himself».
I'll tell you what: how about you stop acting like those atheists (who do not represent all atheists, by the way), and desist in painting an entire body of belief (or lack thereof) based on the actions of its most militant and aggressive members?
I urge you, fellow atheists, remember, we are united in a belief, but we are NOT an organized religion, so let's stop acting like it.
I know, yall believe that Christianity is out to get you but stop acting to the point of fear that we can tell you did not read the article.
Some Christians need to stop acting as if a.) The American Right = Christianity and b.) that «Christianity is true because it is» is a good argument
And stop acting this nation of ours is so angelic.
Stop acting like such a victim all the time.
Stop acting like the West isn't a threat to anyone.
The day Israel stops acting as an arrogant bully, its relations with its neighbours will improve by a mile.
We are all guilty of sin so people need to stop acting self righteous like they do nt actually commit sin anymore!
So lets stop acting like gay people come from some far away planet.
As long as you are not harming other living beings then go ahead and howl at the moon in your birthday suits, but stop acting like everyone else has to subscribe to your BS.
Ever wonder how amazing the world would be if people stopped acting on beliefs and went on facts?
Stop acting like there's no evil and murderous people in your racial category.
Every man, woman and child that can physically be able to needs to gather in Washington to swamp the offices of the WH, the Democrats and the GOP to demand that they stop acting for their own pockets and their political welfare and start acting on behalf of the USA.
Thye had me until, «Finally, SBNRs need to give up the easy ideology that says...» STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING!!!
People have got to stop acting like the world will Fit in the Procrustean bed of their religious delusions.
Stop lying for your atheism and stop acting like spoiled brats.
It's time to stop acting like terrified children, who have been told all their lives that there's a monster under the bed.
So stop acting all high and mighty and try actually treating me like your equal.
Stop acting like he's serious, just ignore his outrageous posts and stop responding.
So stop acting like idiots.
So just stop acting like your comment brought anything to the conversation, because it was nothing more than useless conjecture.
These minor things the groups do have almost no effect on your life, no one is stopping you from practicing your religion, so please stop acting like a victim — you are the majority..
We, as atheists, are not an organized religion and we need to stop acting like it.
When you pro-life contradictions stop acting like life begins at conception and ENDS AT BIRTH, when you stop using abortion as a political wedge issue to shore up votes and show that you actually understand and act on ALL the complex issues at work, you might actually find others more sympathetic to your alleged cause.
(2) Stop acting like a belief is a fact and don't shy away from discussing interpretations of scripture that are different than yours.
You don't get to stop acting like adults just because this very, very good news is finally official, but the compulsion to run...
Stop acting like your opinion is sooo freaking awesome that other people can't disagree with you and go their own way..
Tax dollars have nothing to do with this... Really we are their to try to stop acts like those by the Taliban among others.
Dear fellow athiests: Please stop acting like crazy religous zealots.
To stop evil and suffering, God would have to stop every act that causes any suffering.
Balakian's book is a chronicle of terror, hope and occasional heroism, and — like most such tales — of the international community's resounding failure to prevent or stop acts of violence against a people.
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