Sentences with phrase «let babies die»

Laura Shanley, Janet Fraser and Ina May Gaskin let their babies die rather than seek medical care.
(She LET babies die)
Let those babies die.
Anybody can lower his C - section rate if he is he content to let babies die.
I think clowns like Gaskin who award themselves the title of midwife and let babies die preventable deaths are the lowest form of evil.
And letting the baby die isn't?
No, I am a hater of letting babies die preventable deaths for no better reason than bragging rights.
What Dr. Klein is actually saying is this: it's worth letting babies die in order to lower the C - section rate.
Hospitals lower the death rate of babies by recommending and performing interventions, including C - sections when medically indicated, rather than just letting babies die.
If you lived 200 years ago, would you just let your baby die because you did nt want to breastfeed?
If drought decimates the food supply, a red kangaroo can simply halt milk production and let her baby die — another will soon be on the way.
I am now supposed to take her back on Jan 16th for repeat x-rays to see if there is any change in the bone and that is supposed to confirm the diagnosis, but I feel like I am sitting here letting my baby die.

Not exact matches

While we are on that, why did he let so many Christian men, women and babies die in these events?
And just as many female animals will let the runt of the litter die by refusing it nourishment, so also many human societies have survived for hundreds of years by exposing their unwanted and deformed babies.
Each day we must learn to die, to let go, to be plunged under the waters so that God might pull us forth like newborn babies.
Some of us may still remember when in 1982, the courts of Indiana allowed a mother and father to let their baby boy die from starvation because he was born with Down's Syndrome.
Let baby women choose whether they want to live or die.
Urofsky gives us the current state of the law in regard to «the right to die,» suicide and assisted suicide, mercy killings, the right of condemned criminals to be executed if that is what they want, letting deformed babies die by refusal of care, and «living wills.»
To let's think123: Those babies who die of cancer were given eternal life at birth, same as you.
Honestly, those who would deliver a baby on their own, by choice, are no better than those who would let their child die for reasons of «religion» as opposed to getting their child the medical assistance they need.
I think the sleep training rigidity can go both ways — by that I mean, there are an awful lot of die hard «no cry it out» mamas who probably think I'm an AWFUL person for letting my baby cry a little.
Thousands of infants die in cribs every year, but they never say «don't let your baby sleep in a crib» — they say «here are the guidelines for safe crib sleeping.»
Let's not sugar coat reality too much by saying if a baby dies in hospital it's never the OB or nurse or surgeon's fault.
Ina Maey also let her own baby die rather than take him to a hospital.
Let's see, While Ina May was on her caravan to Tennessee she had a preterm birth at 32 weeks and decided not to be in a hospital and the baby died.
I think no matter how many babies die or how they die, it's too many, but let» t not pretend that midwives are the only ones who make mistakes.
I would not let a woman and his baby die.
She has blood on her hands; homebirth kills babies, and indeed she let one of her own children die.
So you think the kind thing would be for us to sit back and let more and more babies die because women get encouraged by idiots on the internet to do foolish things.
Let me be very clear here, that a baby died is a horrendous tragedy.
The overwhelming priority is letting «birth junkies» pretend to be midwives and if the babies of trusting women die preventable deaths in the process, so be it.
Now, in December 2011, my due date was still three months away, and I knew too much about pregnancy and babies dying to let my guard down.
Mothers should pay them and let them recover after traumatizing them with births that veered way outside the norm and of course, it was all the mothers» fault because babies don't die all that frequently at all.
To close, shareholders, as we think of these 150 years let us also remember the mistakes Nestlé has made in the past and the babies who died as a result.
So let's look at the raw numbers instead: Among the 1,472 babies who died of SIDS, 22.2 % were bedsharing with parents; of the 4,679 control babies who did not die of SIDS, 9.6 % were sharing a bed with parents the day of the study interview.
I took a lot of flak for that and because of the nasty comments I received (including a horrible woman who flat - out told me my baby would probably die of a horrible plague because I was using formula instead of breast milk and robbing him of antibodies), I am actually very passionate about letting women know it's okay to choose to formula feed, that it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Ina May let her own baby die rather than seek medical help for it.
Let's give a little context to what these numbers mean: for every 10,000 babies born at home in the Netherlands, only 6 - 7 babies will die; for every 10,000 babies born at home in the USA, 17 - 18 babies will die.
let me pose this question: Do you assume that a hospital birth is 100 % safe and that babies Never die if born in a hospital?
She's the one that let her own premature baby die rather than seek medical care for it, right?
hey even pumping is stressful to do when your baby may be dying lets relax lady on the whole at least pump for your baby thing I needed any sleep i could get with what was going on and with a 1 yr old at home getting jealous of me going to the hospital i did not want to be pumping the when I did get to see her in betwen hospital visits with my son she was jealous enough
Without blaming each other, let's just admit there is major fault in our medical system if hospitals are not required to report on specific cause of death when women and babies die in childbirth.
Let me start by telling you that I am a nanny, a very busy one too: o) I LOVE my Danskos and would die if anything ever happened to them... even now, 4 years post traumatic pelvic injury, i can wear very few other shoes and manage to bust out a normal 9 hr day with a baby, a super 3yo and twins.
It's so sad and disgusting that vets let these poor babies die if the owner can not afford the costs.
So the normal player just sees Samus turning into a baby for no reason and letting a person die.
Aside from the fact that she lets a person «die», which ruined her character way more than turning into a baby, she is also freaking out over something that's not the same Ridley!
You acknowledged the baby dies above in your post and lets see... how do they die?
@Jordan Sutherland There's plenty of good options between a 10 year old impala and a $ 20k SUV... you're just asking for it though when you get the call saying «my stupid car you wouldn't let me get rid of just died on the side of the highway with 3 babies in it, Jordan!»
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