Sentences with phrase «let yourself fall victim»

«Will you keep letting yourself fall victim to life's curve balls?

Not exact matches

But let's be honest: it's easier to fall victim to Apple's pre-order supply constraints if you're living on the East Coast.
More than a few questions linger in the wake of these six attempts to reimage redemption: How, one may ask, can we experience the process of letting - go without falling victim to the surrender imagery that has done such harm to women and children, particularly in abusive situations?
Let's hope Paul can make a full and speedy recovery after falling victim to this atrocious boarding penalty.
He also advised parents to be wary of letting their children follow any preacher and thereby, falling victims of indoctrination, warning that poisonous ideas are as destructive as a bomb.
Our advice is — don't fall victim to your lustful desires, it is so easy to let them slip out of control altogether.
Or it could lead to a lot of people feeling let down, the film falling victim to overhype.
Unfortunately, experts believe the victims» information was accessed by purchasing it or hacking it from another company; you place a genuine order for some random object, and that company sells your data or lets it fall into the wrong hands.
My husband had a crazy busy work month and we fell victim to «Let's just grab something easy for dinner» too many times.
That increase in confidence means you're more likely to let profits run and less likely to fall victim to emotional decision making.
Let's say that you do fall victim to fraud and an unauthorized user gains access to your bank or credit card accounts.
But let's face it, you are more likely to fall victim of their danger if you own one as opposed to not owning one.
The game let's you set up an elaborate combo of traps for the victims to fall into, but most of the time it is quicker and easier to just put up a springboard and knock him into a built in trap, doing so much more damage.
If that's not impressive enough, let's talk about monthly security patches, a new initiative designed to prevent Android devices from falling victim to the latest hacks and vulnerabilities.
Victims will not necessarily take the initiative in sharing a history of abuse even with their lawyers, let alone with others in the system, which means that the onus of inquiry often falls on these others.
Let's examine some ways to protect your relationship from falling victim to the shadow of negativity.
So don't let your mudroom, basement or garage fall victim to clutter and neglect.
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