Sentences with phrase «letdown about»

This alone would have been a minor disappointment, but the thing that's really a letdown about the game is the action itself.
I need to address BlackBerry App World because it's the second biggest letdown about the Torch 9850 aside from the software itself.
The perhaps inevitable letdown about Viagra and its family of drugs — known as PDE5 inhibitors — is that they may not be the great sexual cure - all many men were hoping for.
I'm finding that I get a letdown about an hour after I pump, another one 45 mins later and I pump every 3 hours.
Apps / Programs One of the biggest letdowns about the Kobo Vox is the fact that you can?t access the official Android Market on it, but this is also par for the course with its contemporaries, the Amazon Kindle Fire and NOOK, which have their own, and well stocked, web stores.

Not exact matches

@Neal Those who get co-cky about what fate awaits whom beyond the grave are setting themselves up for a BIG letdown.
Everyone expected an emotional letdown to follow, but the Flyers won their 12th straight game that Saturday in Hartford, beating the Whalers 5 - 2, and on the flight home Keenan, so proud of his young team that his eyes misted over when talking about it, helped the stewardesses serve meals.
There was much discussion about the emotional letdown the Vikings could have been feeling from the Minneapolis Miracle.
A letdown against Navy raised more questions about Charlie Weis's ability to return Notre Dame to prominence
I'm worried about a letdown.
More than a few Liverpool fans were worried about the potential for a letdown against Bournemouth on the weekend.
The letdown, though, has been their much talked - about defence, or the lack of it.
According to Summit Medical Group, thinking about your baby, or picturing nursing causes Oxytocin to flow, which triggers letdown.
From the mess of milk spewing everywhere with the painfully forceful letdown, to my child getting hammered in the face with white streams that made him sputter, I was totally seeing oversupply for all its inconveniences, and not for the gift it provided so I never had to worry about making enough for my kid.
The pathway for the nerve that controls the MER runs through the brain, so infant sucking or thoughts about your baby can trigger the MER, causing uncomfortable letdown sensations in some women.
Since you letdown on both sides at the same time (based on messages from your boobs to your brain), this makes any concerns about letdown less of an issue.
When my daughter latched and my milk letdown, I experienced a rush of negative emotions about myself, my daughter, and life in general.
As time goes on, it gets harder to get a letdown while using a breast pump (especially after your milk supply has regulated at about 10 - 12 weeks postpartum).
Because I don't know about you, but my baby LOVES to pull off while breastfeeding, in the middle of my letdown, and milk goes EVERYWHERE!!
Letdowns are all about hormones and oxytocin so it's totally possible that your menstrual cycle is affecting.
Don't be worried about feeling letdowns at feedings; some people feel letdowns and some people don't.
However, the single control for both cycle speed and vacuum strength (beyond the initial faster cycling that encourages letdown but switches off after about two minutes) isn't necessarily the most effective means of expressing milk.
Reading some of the other comments — I forgot about those weird letdown sensations, because they've definitely diminished now.
MARIE BISHOP: Well with my 4 month old I'm still dealing with it, with my 4 year old he nursed until 2 and a half and I think it was until he was about 15 months or so that we still had a pretty strong overactive letdown and oversupply but by toddler age he was gulping anyway because he got things to do
KRISTINA CHAMBERLAIN: Well the causes aren't really known but it does tend to coincide most of the time with oversupply so there's probably some kind of connection to that feedback inhibition of the letdown of lactation that I was talking about.
ROSEY RODRIGUEZ: I think I have regulated about 3, 4 months but at that point you know I think I did continue to have the oversupply and the overactive letdown but as you know we we're talking about we'd learned how to deal, how to manage and as you know our babies grow it's kind of better for them that they can take it so much and you know 5 minutes and sleep we're done nursing and that's it and you got all your nutrients your ready to go
So, we just spoke a lot about oversupply, so, Kristina can you let us know, what is overactive letdown?
And we are continuing our conversation about Oversupply and Overactive Letdown.
Today we are talking about Oversupply and Overactive Letdown, this is The Boob Group, episode 70.
Well ladies that's it for today, so thank you so much Kristina and to our panelists for sharing this incredibly valuable information about the symptoms causes and treatment for oversupply and overactive letdown and your information was fantastic Kristina, thank you so much
Whereas with me and my overactive letdown, feeding sessions lasted about five minutes on just one boob before Paloma got all the milk she needed.
Here is everything you need to know about how letdowns work, including what a letdown looks like, how to boost milk supply when pumping by getting more letdowns, and what to do if you have a hard time getting a letdown when you're pumping....
The panic attacks lasted from about 30 seconds to about 2 minutes, EVERY SINGLE TIME I had a letdown.
The baby could just be fussy about breastmilk because of poor production, letdown issues, a growth spurt, or a poor latch.
The mother does not even have to be thinking about breastfeeding (for example with spontaneous letdowns) for the dysphoria to happen when a milk release is triggered.
Everyone is different, but my output for subsequent letdowns was generally about half of the previous letdown.
If you take a break for a minute or two and then start the pump over again, you can usually get another small letdown of milk (maybe about 1/4 of what was expressed in the first letdown).
However, if you take a break for a minute or two and then start the pump over again, you can usually get another small letdown of milk (maybe about 1/2 of what was expressed in the previous letdown).
The stress that first time moms can experience with an overactive letdown is another potential feature of the breastfeeding experience that women don't tend to tell each other about.
Obviously the more we stress about it the more it impacts our milk supply the more we don't have the letdowns we want to have when we are breastfeeding and so I just thought it was a good tip to keep in mind.
We actually did a whole episode about stress and breastfeeding because that can totally impact supply and your letdown and all this kind of stuff so I feel like snores were just working against ourselves in that regard.
By the time my oversupply settled down, however, I'd gotten so USED to the sensation of engorgement and that crazy letdown reflex that I started to worry about low supply all over again.
I worry about their little hearts being broken by their first loves and letdowns from trusting people whom they shouldn't trust.
Be real about family fun Expecting relatives to be one big happy family can lead to letdown if yours aren't the kind who get along for extended periods.
Then, write about your day from start to finish: your thoughts, actions, achievements, letdowns, feelings.
Whereas with me and my overactive letdown, feeding sessions lasted about five minutes on just one boob before Paloma got all the milk she needed.
SO sorry to hear about your prom night — it gets so hyped up that it's almost more of a letdown when it doesn't look the way it does in teen movies.
The Big Lies People Tell In Online Dating — I know this will come as a big letdown to the... and straight people and see what else we can learn about the sexual continuum.
Nevertheless, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg deserve enormous credit for convincing a major studio to release an R - rated film about talking food and religion, because despite the letdown, it's so wonderfully stupid and strange that you have to see it at least once.
But I am the last person to want to think too hard about fairy tales, and so while that whole issue didn't bother me anymore than it had before, I did think Watson's performance was a letdown.
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