Sentences with phrase «letdown when»

We all know that feeling: the initial «pink cloud» of emotional energy when we first decide to make a change, followed by the inevitable letdown when the newness of the change wears off.
The Blu Vivo 6 has a design that would fit most flagship devices but may be a bit of a letdown when it comes to the spec inside the phone.
There's also 2 GB of RAM on this phone, which should be fine but feels like a bit of a letdown when you consider that the Force and Style each come with 3 GB.
The primary camera is bit of a letdown when compared to the supremely fantastic front camera.
Because it was a huge letdown when I downloaded the trial PC version and found out even maxed out, the game looked kinda bad.
However, it was a letdown when it finally landed with a suspension that was far from buttoned - up, with its sloppy steering response and feel — and it was on the porky side.
While it's always a letdown when any movie doesn't live up to its potential, Spy Kids 3 - D is especially disappointing, because it could have been a worthy successor to the first two movies.
Unquestionably marvellous is the (anachronistic) 5.1 Dolby Digital audio, featuring more gut - churning bass than Dolby owners will be used to as the robots march on New York City, though this showpiece use of the LFE channel occurs so early in the action that it's a mild letdown when no other facet of the mix proves quite as memorable.
It's kind of a letdown when compared to the roaring adrenaline rush of the beginning.
A guy that's addicted to football will endure a serious emotional letdown when his team loses.
While that is cause for excitement, it was kind of a letdown when looking at their profiles as they weren't quite my type.
SO sorry to hear about your prom night — it gets so hyped up that it's almost more of a letdown when it doesn't look the way it does in teen movies.
I am going to keep pumping but i am prepared for the letdown when my little one isn't interested in nursing..
This preferred state sets us up for the letdown when these hormones inevitably die down and stress, life, and relationship differences cause conflict.
If you are the only one who takes care of the baby, you may have to prepare them to be alone for you not to get a total emotional letdown when they join preschool.
The pain can occur right after feeds as your breasts begin to refill and during letdown when your milk is traveling through the ducts at a high force.
Here is everything you need to know about how letdowns work, including what a letdown looks like, how to boost milk supply when pumping by getting more letdowns, and what to do if you have a hard time getting a letdown when you're pumping....
Studies show that mothers produce more milk and have a better milk letdown when they are calm and relax.
It's can be difficult to help kids deal with their feelings of letdown when you're struggling with your own, similar feelings.
Eventually, your body will train itself to only letdown when you need to nurse.
I think my milk supply is low because I don't feel the letdown when my LO is nursing, how can I increase it?
Of course, it is always a letdown when they make it to the break room only to discover a veggie and cheese platter and a box of store bought cookies.
Plus, USC is prone to big letdowns when they start the season with high expectations.
She may or may not have dysphoria with letdowns when pumping and before spontaneous letdowns, this also is dependent of the intensity of her D - MER.

Not exact matches

When Apple confirmed the feature as the device's big marquee innovation a few weeks ago, it was a letdown.
I think she feels that when she has to stop [during intimacy] she feels it's a real letdown to herself and she feels she's letting me down as well.
With all of my experimentations lately I fully understand the complete letdown you feel when you've dedicated time, energy, and money into something that just doesn't produce the results you were looking for.
Everyone expected an emotional letdown to follow, but the Flyers won their 12th straight game that Saturday in Hartford, beating the Whalers 5 - 2, and on the flight home Keenan, so proud of his young team that his eyes misted over when talking about it, helped the stewardesses serve meals.
The signing was viewed as a letdown in Dortmund at the time when he signed as Lewandowski's replacement, & then for the duration of his first season - after which 2 more strikers were brought in - including Ciro Immobile.
When switched on, the pump automatically starts in gentle stimulation mode to encourage letdown.
Since oxytocin, the hormone responsible for milk letdown is the same released when you orgasm, you could spring a leak at the most inopportune time.
But some babies — like those who are fussy when they nurse, or those whose moms produce an overabundance of milk or have a very swift milk letdown — do gulp air as they swallow.
If your breast pain happens in both breasts and starts at the beginning of a feed when your baby starts gulping, it could be due to a strong milk letdown.
«It could be foremilk / hindmilk imbalance with a more abundant milk supply, or it could be that her letdown is too forceful for him when she has more milk.
I first coined the term when I was breastfeeding my second child in 2014 and discovered that relaxation really helped trigger my letdowns while feeding.
Very Well noted that being relaxed when you pump encourages a quick letdown.
In the first few weeks, babies tend to fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk is slow (this slowing of the flow occurs more rapidly if the baby is not well latched on, since the baby depends on the mother's «letdown» or milk ejection reflex to get milk).
While letdown was sometimes a problem for me when in new places or even in my office building, I found it easier to change gears into the pumping mindset in my car.
When baby suckles at his mum's breast the hormone oxytocin is released which helps the letdown reflex.
It occurs when there's a fast letdown — something that moms can prevent quickly.
When my daughter latched and my milk letdown, I experienced a rush of negative emotions about myself, my daughter, and life in general.
Then, around 4 months, she started to lose interest when my letdown slowed down and I started using an SNS (supplemental nursing system) to start each feeding until my letdown happened because otherwise she wouldn't stay latched on.
The study's authors hypothesized that a drop in dopamine may take place when letdown occurs, which causes D - MER, but that has yet to be confirmed by further research.
When the letdown or flow of milk is too fast for baby to manage, it can make nursing a stressful and sometimes scary experience for baby, sort of like trying to drink from a fire hose.
When your baby suckles, the combination of his compression of the nipple and areola and the negative pressure he creates by sucking — along with the internal rush of milk from the «letdown» reflex — delivers the milk directly to him.
Or it can happen when the hormone oxytocin triggers the muscle cells in your breasts to squeeze out milk — also known as the «letdown reflex».
When you're pumping, some of the things that can interfere with letdown and your breast milk supply are feeling rushed, pumping in an uncomfortable environment, and the stress of having a sick or premature infant.
When that wave of oxytocin hit with letdown in a nursing session, I felt invincible.
Yes, I would gaze tenderly at the baby in my arms and I totally felt the warm rush of bonding hormones flood my system when letdown occurred.
It occurs as the result of overly full breasts or your letdown reflex happening when you didn't intend it to (like when you hear a crying baby in the supermarket and your boobs inexplicably start leaking milk.)
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