Sentences with phrase «level of adaptation»

Our findings support a family systems risk model14 that explains children's cognitive, social and emotional development using information about five kinds of family risk or protective factors: (1) Each family member's level of adaptation, self - perceptions, mental health and psychological distress; (2) The quality of both mother - child and father - child relationships; (3) The quality of the relationship between the parents, including communication styles, conflict resolution, problem - solving styles and emotion regulation; (4) Patterns of both couple and parent - child relationships transmitted across the generations; and (5) The balance between life stressors and social supports outside the immediate family.
This would go some way to allowing for recognition of Indigenous peoples» rights to culture and would also clarify the level of adaptation allowable under the law.
This would go some way to allowing for Indigenous peoples» rights to culture [69] and would also clarify the level of adaptation allowable under the law.
striking similarities with the accounts of earlier writers, allowing for what he regarded as an acceptable level of adaptation to changed circumstances;
They then criticised Justice Wilcox for what they considered to be giving little consideration, as required by Yorta Yorta, to the level of adaptation and change that was acceptable.
The level of adaptation generally allowed under s 223 of the NTA has been interpreted quite narrowly [170], retaining a romanticised image of how Aboriginal Australians ought to live in order to be «cultural» or «traditional».
No difference was found in the level of adaptation of dogs who underwent front leg amputation compared to hind leg amputation.
While specific protein requirements are heavily debated in the fitness industry, there is research that suggests protein intake shortly after a workout (30 minutes) is beneficial for both recovery and to maximise the rate and level of adaptation to exercise.
The degree of satisfaction then corresponds to the level of adaptation.
High levels of adaptation could save an additional 1,198 lives.
Crop model simulations were conducted for the baseline climate and for each of the three climate scenarios, with and without CO2 enrichment (to estimate the relative contributions of CO2 and climate to crop yield changes), and assuming different levels of adaptation capacity.
Natural spatial and temporal variability in the pH / pCO2 conditions experienced by marine populations provide the potential for different levels of adaptation (genetic) and acclimatization (phenotypic) to decreased pH and elevated pCO2, emphasizing the importance of understanding physiological variation existing along natural environmental gradients (macrophysiology) in understanding global change impacts [29].
The program national office at APA has articulated messages and language defining acceptable levels of adaptation, necessary due to cultural diversity.

Not exact matches

And while some of these are already unavoidable, making adaptation to climate change a necessity, the level of risk we face depends on how quickly and deeply we cut carbon pollution.
Cities are projected to require at least USD 1.7 trillion a year for climate change mitigation and adaptation above business as usual in order to align GHG levels with those that limit global warming to 2 °C and avoid the worst effects of climate change.
The Jesuit Alessandro Valignano (1539 - 1606) was among the first to articulate missionary policies, not only emphasizing the importance of «accommodation and adaptation to Chinese culture,» as historian Daniel H. Bays writes, but also «indirect evangelism by means of science and technology to convince the elite of the high level of European civilization.»
The term macroevolution, by contrast, refers to the origin of new species and divisions of the taxonomic hierarchy above the species level, and also to the origin of complex adaptations, such as the vertebrate eye.
At the macroscopic level societies of occasions are preserved in their dominant patterns through adaptation to their environment.7 This adjustment is pursued ultimately not for its own sake, but for the sake of providing a stable actual world in which the constituent occasions may be nurtured toward the achievement of greater intensities of self - realization.
Also note that «adaptation» per se is not a required component of microevolution, only a change at the micro (i.e. typically primary genetic code level) level (e.g. genetic drift).
Man is in reality, many persons now tell us, a biological species, with a superficial adaptation to those artificial conditions of life which we call civilization; but under his skin, and beneath the thin top level of his inquiring, aggressive, clever mind, he is still what he has always been — an acquisitive, competitive, power - seeking, warring beast, with which the divine Spirit must still «strive,» even as at the beginning of human history.
Users can also consult IFOAM experts with regards to the appropriateness of certain adaptations, and whether they would likely have an impact on the credibility and acceptability of the national system at the international level.
Guided by staff, children engage in conversations at their level of understanding about the appearance, behavior, habitat, and adaptations of our resident reptiles, birds, and small mammals.
The level of discomfort on feeding newborn babies depends mainly on mothers» adaptation to taking care of the baby, lifestyle, and availability.
«Our study illustrates that the complexity of climate change, adaptation, and flood damage can be disentangled by surprisingly simple mathematical functions to provide estimates of the average annual costs of sea - level rise over a longer time period.»
«We [Canadians] are constantly faced with negotiations, complications, and adaptations, so when we get to the international level, it's just a continuation of it.»
Professor Ed Hill, Executive Director of the National Oceanography Centre commented, «We trust that these findings will help inform coastal sea level adaptation and mitigation strategies.
«In moving from two to four degrees you really do see, in all our best estimates, a major increase in the level of action required,» says climate - adaptation expert Mark Stafford Smith, science director for Australia's national science agency.
«Until recently, only West Antarctica was considered unstable, but now we know that its ten times bigger counterpart in the East might also be at risk,» says Levermann, who is head of PIK's research area Global Adaptation Strategies and a lead - author of the sea - level change chapter of the most recent scientific assessment report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC.
Weis celebrates crabs» many adaptations to deal with different depths, temperatures, salinity and oxygen levels both in and out of the sea.
However, considerable increase in flood risk is predicted in Europe even under the most optimistic scenario of 1.5 °C warming as compared to pre-industrial levels, urging national governments to prepare effective adaptation plans to compensate for the foreseen increasing risks.
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — A possible mechanism for the adaptation of a trait that boosts the survival of some Tibetan children, apparently by raising the level of oxygen in their mothers» tissues, was announced at the American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting, held here from 28 to 31 March.
Such changes could be due to gastric disease development or the consequence of long - term use of acid - suppressing drugs that cause changes to the stomach pH - levels, i.e. changes that contribute to more rapid adaptation by mutations of H. pylori.
His research focuses on the origins of adaptations and biodiversity at both the molecular and organismal levels.
And since mitigation reduces the rate as well as the magnitude of warming, it also increases the time available for adaptation to a particular level of climate change, potentially by several decades.
«The Mediterranean climate reconstructed for the archaeological levels at Pakefield suggests that these pioneers were able to spread northward in familiar climactic conditions, using their existing adaptations,» the team writes in the current issue of Nature.
Important gradients in stress levels, and therefore local adaptation of the coral holobiont exist on coral reefs across today's oceans.
A route - map approach is taken, identifying adaptation measures to span the plausible range of extreme water levels and creating timetables for investment and...
Pruitt and Goodnight's study of spiders shows that a group - level adaptation — a critical ratio of two types of females — is, in fact, a potent evolutionary force in nature.
Such adaptation at the molecular level is seen in most primitive forms of life and has been evolutionarily conserved all the way up to humans, he adds.
The study, «Ecological genomics meets community - level modeling of biodiversity: mapping the genomic landscape of current and future environmental adaptation,» was published by Matthew Fitzpatrick of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and Steven Keller of the University of Vermont.
Living at an altitude of up to 4000 metres above sea level, the Atlas Day gecko has a suite of adaptations to help it cope with the cold
Studies have linked their altitude adaptation to several genes including EPAS1, part of the system that helps the body react to low levels of oxygen.
So researchers assumed, Golombek says, that higher levels would increase the sensitivity of the circadian system and, in the process, «accelerate adaptation to a changing light schedule.»
A single generation of adaptation to the hatchery resulted in observable changes at the DNA level that were passed on to offspring, scientists reported.
The brains of the control participants kept decreasing their level of activation with repeated exposures to the patterns being learned — showing adaptation — whereas the decreases in the brain of participants with ASD were significantly smaller.
«EbA is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation to help people and communities adapt to the negative effects of climate change at local, regional, and global levels
Dr Jochen Hinkel from Global Climate Forum in Germany, who is a co-author of this paper and a Lead Author of the coastal chapter for the 2014 IPCC Assessment Report added: «The IPCC has done a great job in bringing together knowledge on climate change, sea - level rise and is potential impacts but now needs to complement this work with a solution - oriented perspective focusing on overcoming barriers to adaptation, mobilising resources, empowering people and discovering opportunities for strengthening coastal resilience in the context of both climate change as well as existing coastal challenges and other issues.»
Researchers will look next at whether the adaptation affects how the killifish are able to respond to other kinds of stressors in their environment, such as low oxygen levels.
One of these, the Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Zones of West Africa (ACCC) project, brings together delegates from Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal to discuss solutions to climate change problems such as rising sea levels and coastal erosion.
If we instead consider our clean up efforts to be a form of adaptation to prior mess making, then we have a choice between effective adaptation in the clean up and panicked and unseemly adaptation in the response to sea level rise etc....
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