Sentences with phrase «level of authority»

In order to deal with these problems, the parents must stay united and show that they have the same level of authority.
Effective managers know that different levels of authority are appropriate for different people — and for different situations.
Approved payment of claims within appropriate level of authority.
The relevance of your source to your domain may also factor into the quality of your source, especially at lower levels of authority.
Considering he's 89, how many kids could be sent to college, etc. with the money spent on finding a low - level of authority figure?
Ask your adviser why they have suggested a particular level of authority, what it will allow them to do, and what other options are available.
Now, it's evident that one of the panel's own conclusions on glaciers appears to have precisely the same level of authority.
It can have different levels of authority, but it seems to operate most commonly as a record repository of previously used plans, best practices, and lessons learned.
As a parent, you will learn to function with an appropriate level of authority, while children learn to thrive within your family's unique system.
The chapter on Finland describes the importance of the decision «to devolve increasing levels of authority and responsibility for education from the Ministry of Education to municipalities and schools....
I assume in an autonomous corporation in which the plan is merely a shareholder, there is a greater level of level of authority provided to the operators on how money is managed than provided by the Solo
Like the phrase «this is,» there is a certain level of authority when you say «the most.»
You must let the kids know that there is a new paternal figure in the house who has the same level of authority as you.
The claims manager resume sample begins each bullet in the work history section with an action verb, using «oversee» instead of «supervise» to convey a higher level of authority when discussing managing agent teams, and «implemented» instead of «put in place» or any other passive verbiage when discussing process deployment.
This marketing method involves inviting and measuring engagement and mind share at different roles and levels of authority within an organization, as opposed to attracting leads who turn into customers on a linear progressive path.
This provides an arbitrary level of authority to the Minister which is, at best, concerning.
In the Church I attend, the Church of England we have various levels of authority our top guys, (male, maybe not for long) are called Archbishops, the Arch as in Monarch means the top person the covering a bit like an umbrella which shields us from the elements, the top person is there to shield the people under them, not to lord it over them, thats the devils way.
its supporters and detractors argue over its nature (what level of authority does the document command?).
States at their highest level of authority entered into an agreement to cooperate in the enterprise of state terrorism.»
While this new law provides a great opportunity for states to tailor their education systems to meet the needs of their students — including students with disabilities — this new level of authority will also require an increased amount of responsibility for states to ensure they close achievement gaps.
The novels of Siobhan Cunningham offer a fresh level of authority and sincerity rare in fiction.
Charity Girl lays bare an ugly part of our past, when the government exercised a questionable level of authority at the expense of its citizens» rights.
Male and female wolves develop separate managerial levels of authority that often overlap with some females dominating some males.
Reliability coordinator (electric): The entity that is the highest level of authority who is responsible for the reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System, has the Wide Area view of the Bulk Electric System, and has the operating tools, processes and procedures, including the authority to prevent or mitigate emergency operating situations in both next - day analysis and real - time operations.
In theory, a JD could been earned with a level of gravitas for a national level of authority, but as the US has already failed, one can only conclude that there are NO such qualified individuals.
Again, in our view, the appeals committee will be the third level of authority in the complaint process, after the Registrar and the discipline committee.
Testimonials speak not only of the quality of the work but also of the varying levels of authority and the fields in which these clients have maneuvered.
This example of a CFO resume sentence demonstrates the candidate's ability to take on a wider level of authority and deliver corresponding results:
The film attempts to fairly depict and grapple with moral dilemmas and how various systems and levels of authority engage with the truth; leaders must decide (and follow protocols) around whether or not to destroy a compound containing two suicide bombers preparing to attack (as well as 3 of the top 5 most wanted terrorists), at the expense of killing innocent bystanders and civilians, which include a young girl selling food for her family.
Explore the «Levels of Authority for School Food Systems» from the Center for Ecoliteracy book Smart by Nature to understand where decisions affecting school food are made.
She places the same level of authority in ancient traditions and the personal views of uninspired authors on passages like the Creation account as she does in scripture itself.
For instance, a bank teller needs to «act with authority» when explaining why a check bounced — Saying «It looks like you might have not had the funds in your account; I guess maybe that's why it bounced» with hesitation doesn't have the same level of authority as «Your account balance was $ 50.00 short of the check amount when it came into the bank and you don't have any overdraft protection set up, so an automatic process began.
He had access to and invoked the highest levels of authority in Battleford, consulting with «Mr. Brelland» (likely Paschal Breland, Metis member of the North - West Territories Council), who sent him to Magistrate Richardson (who was also a member of the Council).4 Clearly, Richardson had sent a message to Ballendine through Lazare, and Poundmaker's English was sufficiently good to understand Ballendine's «rough reply.»
If that fails, I would go to successively higher levels of authority (e.g., vice-principal, principal, school board, city council, board of supervisors, mayor or board of directors if a private school) until somebody does their job and gives you that transcript.
Remember that each step is bringing you closer to an influencer's level of authority.
Peter Williams, a Catholic writer and speaker for Catholic Voices, told Premier's News Hour: «An encyclical is one of the levels of authority that says to Catholics this is what you must be aware of and take account of when acting in the public sphere.
On the level of authority, the Scripture is set over against reason and tradition (understood both ecclesiastically and as the cumulative and collected wisdom of personal experience).
Any sort of «creeping infallibility» that would attach the same level of authority to every papal utterance or document must be avoided.
IMO, to discuss the level of authority these things have or are to have in a christian's life is to miss the point.
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