Sentences with phrase «level of clarity»

They're tuned by pro gamers and top audio designers to deliver the highest level of clarity at every frequency.
Behind every corporate legal team or law firm inspired to deliver exceptional value to their corporate clients is a leader who recognizes the need for new levels of clarity and transparency in performance.
However, the brakes don't offer quite the same level of clarity that the rest of the car does.
The extra level of clarity HD provides, lets you see more detail in the game's environments.
This increased level of clarity will allow you to bring your highest Self more fully into every aspect of your life, both on and off the mat.
Every pixel is razor sharp, producing an astounding level of clarity.
The result is a figurative imagery brought on the very verge of the abstract, with its varying levels of clarity and decay.
This sort of increase in the same sized screen results in a screaming level of clarity and a much sharper picture.
With a new level of clarity, you'll be surprised at how much better you will feel.
You may experience a higher level of clarity and focus which can provide mental stimulation needed to sustain increased energy levels.
You simply can not get the same level of clarity and depth with this design right now.
The formats provide high levels of clarity in what is to be conveyed to the organization while applying for Administrative Assistant jobs.
The 1366x768 pixel resolution and 148ppi is not quite in the realms of the iPad 4 (2048x1536 and 264ppi) and the Nexus 10 (2560x1600 and 300ppi) but it still ensures impressive levels of clarity for video and font even if it lacks the vibrancy and colour of Samsung tablet screens (such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1).
The 1366x768 pixel resolution and 148ppi is not quite in the realms of the iPad 4 (2048x1536 and 264ppi) and the Nexus 10 (2560x1600 and 300ppi) but it still ensures impressive levels of clarity for video and font even if it lacks the vibrancy and colour of Samsung tablet screens (such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1).
You don't get the same level of clarity as the 23 - megapixel Sony Xperia Z5, but there's essentially no noise or sharpening - related artefacts when viewing photos from the Nexus 5X that are taken outdoors.
Audio comes in a Dolby 4.0 discrete mix that has a good level of clarity but relies upon its centre channel to the exclusion of several good rear - speaker opportunities (more parties and clubs in here than you can shake a stick at).
Since we all crave different levels of clarity between work and personal time, and because that sentiment often shifts based on workplace - related factors, the most effective companies are realizing that Millennials need autonomy to set their own boundaries.
The internet is flooded with articles about how top leaders and CEOs budget their time, promising you superhuman levels of clarity and focus — if you just mimic their schedules.
How do you balance the tension of creating ownership amongst all of the people with the reality that those in leadership may also bring a necessary level of clarity, strategic thinking and focus to the ministry?
«By the 21st century, many of the natural, human and social sciences have achieved acceptable levels of clarity, and their practitioners have learned to reconcile differences through sober dialogues,» he continued.
If you want to take this work deeper and access new levels of clarity so that you can manifest the life you desire, join me for my next free training on Knowing Your Purpose with Certainty and Manifesting Everything You Want.
PlayStation Vita owners have come to expect a certain level of clarity and detail; unfortunately, this game looks as if it was made for the PSP.
As part of the Driver Assistance Plus package, wide - angle cameras front and rear offer crisp, HD - like levels of clarity, and combine to provide a birds - eye view in tight parking quarters.
The screen is bright and vibrant enough for watching video and the 189 PPI pixel density means it does have improved levels of clarity compared to the Note 10.1 and the iPad Mini.
The resolution may have dropped from 1,280 x 800 to 1,280 x 720 and spread across a bigger screen, but it still delivers excellent levels of clarity particularly for video.
We work with pro gamers and top audio designers to deliver the higest level of clarity at every frequency.
This will offer our clients an important and sought after level of clarity and understanding in an increasingly uncertain global environment.»
First, the 7.1 Dolby surround sound is absolutely stunning, and it provides an unprecedented level of clarity for a headset in its price range (which is now under $ 100, FYI).
The 20MP telephoto camera maintains a high level of clarity when you zoom in.
The XL's display is crystal clear, lending high - res photos and videos a satisfying level of clarity.
Squeezing in 170 ppi which is more than the Galaxy Tab 10.1, meaning you can expect impressive levels of clarity and rich blacks which make it ideal for watching movies and using it as an ereader.
For instance, the first of the four exhibits is Relúmĭno — a visual aid app for the Gear VR that can help visually impaired people watch TV and read again «with new levels of clarity
The leap in quality isn't life changing or staggering, but the card does provide a better level of clarity, bringing out details in music, films and games that otherwise went unnoticed.
Different levels of clarity, density and blankness, like different levels of depth within the sculptures, provide the visual equivalent of poetic rhythm and metaphor.
Although I've been trading for a few years, the PAT content and more importantly its structured approach to trading, have brought an extra level of clarity to my analysis of the markets.
I can't say these are my favorite cans since that remains my beloved Steelseries H Wireless since they're perfect for my console and blu - ray setup, but they also happen to be vastly more costly than the Revolver and don't offer quite the same level of clarity.
The image sustains a high level of clarity with good detailing and contrast.
Goal setting with this level of clarity will help a team measure results and make adjustments for any new product launch in the future.
Selective profanity often portrays a level of clarity of conviction or belief.
Carolina Clear provides a high level of clarity, coupled with a mild flavor that makes it perfect for use in multi juice blends.
Study coauthor James Parham, PhD — Academy Research Associate, Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences at Cal State Fullerton, and turtle expert — says cutting - edge testing techniques bring a new level of clarity to more than two decades of his turtle research.
Since this level of clarity is so unprecedented, only time will tell how it changes the state of cell biology research.
But, they lack the tools to reach this level of clarity, specifically for processing under operating conditions.
Without meditation, there is no hope for the level of clarity that is needed for a big life.
How we think, our level of clarity on what we want to create, and how we manage our emotional energy are the greatest factors in how the creative process works through us.
For example, although it's a primary driver for me, the level of clarity and communication may be overwhelming for someone else.
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