Sentences with phrase «level of collaboration»

And it requires a new level of collaboration between brain researchers, engineers, and computational scientists that, until recently, didn't exist.
«Our goal is to promote a high level of collaboration across disciplines and increase competitiveness for larger, [more] complex interdisciplinary grant opportunities,» she says.
Despite these setbacks, the scientific basis for developing vaccines has never been better, and the current level of collaboration among scientists, private industry and research institutions is unprecedented.
I'm not going to say that's easy, but it was basically the same level of collaboration.
All offering different levels of collaboration, flexibility, and access to information.
Clearly outlining these roles and processes will help you develop the right infrastructure that encourages the right levels of collaboration and communication needed for successful content marketing programs.
The white paper identified the following levels of collaboration and teamwork performance levels.
Having members that live and work in different parts of the world allows for various levels of collaboration and involvement in each other's projects.
The company has a supreme level of collaboration, solidarity, unparalleled support, and an unbeatable company culture.
We seek ever increasing levels of collaboration among family educators.
A further level of collaboration will occur between governments at the federal, state, territory and local level.
The modeling process introduces a higher, more precise level of collaboration to the design and construction process.
All but two schools decided to continue with the digital - literacy - teacher position, and classroom teachers reported higher levels of collaboration and support as a result of the pilot.
As time went on, their site colleagues not only began to see evidence of focal student progress, but also experienced a different level of collaboration.
Such transformation also demands new levels of collaboration with parents, community, higher education, business and industry partners to create authentic learning experiences for students and the educators who guide them.
Building the community capacities to support such a public health approach to toxic stress will require unprecedented levels of collaboration and coordination between the healthcare, childcare, early education, early intervention, and home visiting sectors.
Stone believes the new paperwork will initiate «a new level of collaboration between the lender and the settlement agent that we probably haven't seen before because the forms combine information from the two parties.»
«It demonstrates the high level of collaboration across the university in the field of clinical research.
On the sidelines of the Auto Expo, the 11th Indo - German Joint Working Group meeting was organized to develop industrial synergies between both the countries and the 8th «Auto Trade Dialogue» conference was also organized at Auto Expo, where global industry experts dwelled upon the need for greater levels of collaboration for the development of driverless, connected and autonomous zero emission vehicles for future mobility.
But, when I enter my office each morning, I walk past five generations of colleagues — all working together with remarkable levels of collaboration and focus, each bringing the insights and expertise unique to their individual experiences while also representative of their generation.
This session is designed for co-teaching pairs who are looking to push their current level of collaboration to the next level.
Integrated learning is the most rudimentary level of collaboration across disciplines.
Hakipuʻu Learning Center has established a clear philosophy and purpose that is grounded in Native Hawaiian values, traditions and systems partnered with a belief that each student's success depends on multiple levels of collaboration resulting in continuous, lifelong learning.
Collective action is the third and rarest level of collaboration — when a group of people commit themselves to a shared effort where it's an «all in» kind of thing.
Clay Shirky describes three levels of collaboration referenced as the Shirky Ladder: sharing, cooperation and collective action.
I believe neither is best but rather one where shared vision and values are developed and a reasoned level of collaboration is embedded.
«The SAFE - T program is a total team effort with a high level of collaboration between Temple nurses and physicians, and it's inspiring to see the impact that this program is having on the well - being of our patients and their families,» says Jennifer Rodriguez, BSN, RN, Director of Nursing Services at TUH.
«The SAFE - T program is a total team effort with a high level of collaboration between Temple nurses and physicians, and it's inspiring to see the impact that this program is having on the well - being of our patients and their families,» says Jennifer Rodriguez, BSN, RN, Director of Nursing Services at TUH.
«Our industry's record performance in the past twelve months has been the result of unprecedented levels of collaboration and partnership marketing between the industry and our public diplomacy partners at UKTI and the Foreign Office and Visit Britain.
Radisson Hotel Group's global leadership team provides guidance and strategic counsel to management teams that fosters a deeper level of collaboration and communication.
The IoE is also committed to greater levels of collaboration and shared management practices: «Our relationship with other universities working in proximity to us is being scrutinised, and we will look at ways that we can work with them, in procurement practices or sharing management staff, for example.»
I am pleased to work in partnership with Rome and Oneida County as we reach new levels of collaboration
Jane Killefer, president of the Salem Keizer Education Association that represents teachers at both ECHS and Roberts, credits a high level of collaboration among staff and a strong principal for the schools» successes.
As such, this section describes and documents various structures and internal mechanisms that foster a unique level of collaboration with the real estate industry.
This includes unprecedented levels of collaboration across brands and retailers, their supply chains, cities and governments, and collecting, sorting and reprocessing actors.
The researchers then conducted surveys to try to understand how the prevailing organizational mindset influenced workers» satisfaction, perceptions of the organizational culture, levels of collaboration, innovation, and ethical behavior, and how it affected supervisors» views of employees.
Asked what disagreements she has with the Mayor Sheehan she said, «As Council President for the last three years I've been very frustrated in that I believe the level of collaboration, of working with this mayor did not materialize.
Vowing an «unprecedented» level of collaboration to counter the threat of global terrorism, Governors Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie briefed reporters today on the initial findings of their ballyhooed bi-state plan to ensure the safety of the region.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NJ Gov. Chris Christie vowed an «unprecedented» level of collaboration to counter the threat of global terrorism.
It's likely, he said, that both the train station and convention center will end up being design - build projects, as their size and complexity will demand a high level of collaboration.
The level of collaboration and cooperation in the WSU testing from Pacific Northwest universities and major industry partners was unprecedented and reflects the common interest and goal of determining whether the genetically modified wheat discovered in Oregon was an isolated case or if the industry had a larger problem.
The high level of collaboration both in the department and with other areas such as agronomy, plant pathology and computer science is excellent training for students.
I had never before experienced this level of collaboration, engagement, and determination.
But when you're on set, the level of collaboration, the pursuit of what works the best and is the funniest, is not different than anything else.
Hopefully technology gives us the helping hand to overcome these obstacles - not only at the very obvious levels (top - down, one - way distribution of information, smart cataloging and search), but at the level of collaboration and sharing of knowledge too.
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