Sentences with phrase «level of disclosure»

Otherwise there would be no need to evaluate the necessary level of disclosure in a patent / whether to also consider the knowledge of the person skilled in the art.
The working group also asks what the appropriate level of disclosure of prior contacts should be.
For example, hedge funds are not required to provide the same level of disclosure as you would receive from mutual funds.
There are varying levels of disclosure about exactly what services are offered by these different debt help companies.
It also requires a certain level of disclosure before any sexual act.
Finding someone to date can be a daunting task for such people because it involves a high level of disclosure, before engaging in sexual activities.
I'm otherwise encouraged by the improved level of disclosure.
In addition, each profile included a status update that had varying levels of disclosure about the relationship.
Here is a guide to which states require what levels of disclosure.
Sometimes people with high avoidance fear commitment and do not allow relationships to progress to deeper levels of disclosure, openness, and mutual reliance.
If you left because of differences with a boss, I don't recommend this same level of disclosure.
A certain level of disclosure (statements / documents) is required.
What factors favour some degree of disclosure at the investigation stage above the minimum level of disclosure required by statute or procedural fairness?
Well fortunately, management been providing an increasing level of disclosure in the past year (to be commended).
John Kaehny, director of good government group Reinvent Albany, which supports the proposed procurement legislation, applauded the new level of disclosure required of campus foundations by the comptroller's office.
Recommendations include the introduction of representative actions for competition law breaches, opt - in collective actions in which victims can choose to participate and an EU - wide minimum level of disclosure inter partes involving judgecontrolled disclosure.
Content and account restrictions: Yandex disclosed little about how it enforces its terms of service (F3, F4), although it had a similar level of disclosure as Apple.
Insist on reciprocity of disclosure: If asked to provide references to companies in your industry, seek commitments for the same level of disclosure when you call them.
Rather than exclude an entire vertical from participating in crowdfunding markets, we propose that the OSC consider creating an appropriate level of disclosure and reporting requirements for these transactions to address any issues they have concern with in this asset class.
There will be many more levels of disclosure with much smaller brackets, more or less mirroring the bill passed by the Legislature and vetoed by former Gov. David Paterson in February 2010.
I'm still frustrated sometimes at level of disclosure and / or English, and / or the presentation of the accounts.
Looking at almost 1,700 companies across 14 countries and 11 sectors which disclose climate - related information to CDP, the report looks at the four main areas covered by the TCFD — governance, strategy, risk management and metrics and targets — and highlights whether companies are adequately prepared for the recommended level of disclosure.
Although I understand that providing an increased level of disclosure about your financial position makes it easier for readers to identify with you, it's simply not a trade - off that I'm willing to make.
The company has responded with a new level of disclosure, including around its shale sale.
Cuomo's proposed budget legislation contains numerous non-budgetary matters, including changes to state Freedom of Information Law that would, among other things, make the state Legislature subject to the same level of disclosure as the Executive Chamber, state agencies and other public entities.
It outlines a number ways to improve accountability, advising that the the DfE should consider applying the same level of disclosure to academy trustees as applied to members of the Civil Service.
The half - dozen diverse stories are a must read for anyone who has lived under the shadow of depression, covering the founders» level of disclosure about their condition, recommended approaches to staying healthy, and opinions on the level of stigma remaining in the industry.
The companies vary in their level of disclosure of the investments, but some disclose the number of tax credits they receive from the facilities.
«If someone thinks that's overly onerous to provide that level of disclosure and to obtain an appropriate consent I suspect that many Canadians would say perhaps that's not something I want on my system.»
A: When a company receives low support for its say - on - pay proposal (generally less than 75 %), we believe at a minimum the company should provide some level of disclosure regarding the company's response to shareholder opposition; such disclosure, which often includes a discussion of engagement meetings and feedback received, should be accompanied by relevant changes and / or rationale intended to address outstanding concerns.
The donors to league's charitable arm are published and posted on its website annually, a level of disclosure that goes beyond what's required by law.
Earlier in the day, Senate Education Committee Chairman John Flanagan said disagreements remain over the level of disclosure the bill allows for, specifically whether non-parents can figure out who teachers are even under a limited disclosure provision in the bill.
Dating with HIV can be a daunting task for such people because it involves a high level of disclosure, before engaging in sexual activities.
They're also very vocal about these intentions, making for a level of disclosure that keeps learners engaged and conscious of the learning process as a whole — this consciousness is a critical part of Knowles» adult learning theory and a foundational component of heutagogy.
I was unfortunately expecting to be disappointed by the level of disclosure on certain items: No mention of the dissolution of their Indian JV with Tata — but revenues weren't significant, and profits were obviously non-existent, and I far prefer they concentrate on a consolidation strategy in Europe, so who cares...
Yes, the upfront exercise cost is (in theory) inexpensive, but if completed my opinion would depend on the level of disclosure regarding capex / working capital required, plus the quality of any resources / reserves statement (if any).
Also, usually, the level of disclosure from the company and / or liquidator will continue to be reasonable after a delisting.
However, we should also see the $ 17.6 m stake in TAF increase to $ 19.1 m. [Considering the value of this holding exceeds Argo's entire market cap, it's worth noting Andreas Rialas also committed to improving the level of disclosure re TAF].
ii) We also welcome your commitment to improve the level of disclosure re changes in AUM.
«Even though pets may not fully understand or respond verbally, the level of disclosure to pets was no less than to siblings,» says Cassels.
«Even though pets may not fully understand or respond verbally, the level of disclosure to pets was no less than to siblings,» Dr Cassels said.
«In submitting my academic writings I have always complied with what I understood to be disclosure practices in my field generally, consistent with the level of disclosure made by many of my Smithsonian colleagues,» he wrote.
«In submitting my academic writings, I have always complied with what I understood to be disclosure practices in my field generally, consistent with the level of disclosure made by many of my Smithsonian colleagues.
Not only do they provide useful guidance as to the factors to consider when assessing the level of disclosure required and the proper approach to confidentiality in the context of public consultation, but they also tend to confirm an increasingly rigorous attitude to consultation.
We suggest that it is likely that the detailed and technically complex nature of the decision - making process and the consultation, coupled with the technical expertise of the claimants and other consultees (of which there was a limited number) is highly relevant to the scope of that consultation and, therefore, the level of disclosure required.
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