Sentences with phrase «level of public education»

We are embarking on an unprecedented agenda to modernise our education system and lift improvement at every level of public education,» said the Minister for Education and Child Development Susan Close.
To see how those goals might be implemented throughout a student's academic career, let's explore a Florida program at each level of public education.
CEI's leadership is comprised of highly revered educators who have experience at every level of public education — from the classroom to district, state and federal organizations.
Most educators backed I - 884, which would have dealt out big bucks to every level of public education, from preschools and K - 12 to colleges and universities.
We've come from many backgrounds, worked at every level of the public education system from the classroom to administrative leadership, taught in both school district and public charters, from grassroots to national networks.
Committee re-organizes itself as private, non-profit advocacy group and expands its charge to encompass all levels of public education.
JIM GARVER has experience at all levels of public education — from teacher to associate superintendent, kindergarten through high school, small schools to large.
Dr. Jim Garver has experience at all levels of public education — from teacher to associate superintendent, kindergarten through high school, small schools to large.
Gates seems to think MOOC - like instruction will infiltrate all level of public education, and that doesn't seem like a bad thing.
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