Sentences with phrase «level of punishment»

I have a 2 year old lab dog and a six month old Boston Terrier and i would like to put up a underground fence but I don't want to have the same level of punishment for each one i like to have each dog at its own setting what is the best system to get in this situation.
Yeah, that seems like the appropriate level of punishment
Clearly the ref wanted to even things up for some reason and if that same level of punishment was aimed at every player who pushed another player we'd be staring at eight - a-side games every week.
Juries in criminal cases typically decide if someone is guilty, then a judge determines a suitable level of punishment.
There has been lots of condemnation that the Gacaca is not the best approach, but Rwanda argues that Gacaca is most suited for Rwanda context, in this case her history and the fact that both the perpetrators and victims will for ever share the same country and thus there was need for forgives and acceptable level of punishment but same time guarding against retribution (Molenaar, 2005).
Since those other related activities aren't being legalized, he predicts those offences will be treated the same way in the courts, perhaps even with the current level of punishment depending on the situation.
A proposed European Commission Directive would set fines and jail terms for nine offences, and assign minimum levels of punishment for the most serious of these.
Nurse visited mothers showed higher levels of punishment and restriction, but the authors suggest that their analysis shows this level was associated with the lower instance of injuries and ingestions for the treatment group.
The issue remains a vexed one, with the judiciary's sentencing of offenders and government initiatives to crack down on child abuse often clashing with social perceptions of the culpability of these offenders and the appropriate level of punishment.
That can only be a good thing, because the brutality of those matches serve no one, least alone the poor victims that enter the rings at the lower level, perhaps without the skills necessary to protect themselves from long term effects of that level of punishment.
The House of Representatives has three levels of punishment: expulsion, censure, and reprimand.
A glance at the acceleration curves shows exactly the level of punishment that was dished out.
Unfortunately, the level of punishment was increased until it effectively inhibited the dog from growling.
The jury right implicates substantive concerns critical to the left, such as innocence, appropriate levels of punishment, and proportionality, as well as structural concerns critical to judicial conservatives, such as separation of powers and democratic theory principles.
To the broker, the level of punishment he risks for any infraction by his sales force must seem disproportionate to the amount of control he has over the situation.
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