Sentences with phrase «level of stimulation»

It's not necessary to use high levels of stimulation.
People make mistakes with remote collars and dog aggression by starting at a low level of stimulation and then waiting until the dog is actually being aggressive to stimulate the dog.
One of my favorite lunches because chocolate gives me a healthy level of stimulation and drives up my dopamine.
These children do not find their appropriate level of stimulation until they reach college.
Psychology research about sensation seeking tells us that people often seek to adjust their experiences and their environments so that they provide just the right level of stimulation.
If your dog becomes overly aggressive, you can apply a certain level of stimulation until it shows a positive response.
If the dog has been conditioned to remote collar training, the working level of stimulation varies from dog to dog, but it can be quite low and still get excellent results.
Without an adequate level of stimulation this dog will not only become bored but they can also become depressed.
Several variations of no - bark collars exist on the market, most of which have multiple levels of stimulation based on how quickly the dog learns.
In the same group, 30 percent said they had no pain after receiving the highest level of stimulation, compared to 6 percent of those receiving the sham stimulation.
You want to work the dog at the lowest level of stimulation that he can just perceive.
Because premature or sick babies need different levels of stimulation for their development, St. John implemented a variable light and sound system that can be changed for each baby's developmental stage.
The former might find a comfortable level of stimulation from doing a crossword puzzle, or from a one - on - one conversation.
If your dog requires a hard physical correction, don't assume that he will also need a high level of stimulation on an e-collar.
«When that muscle gets the proper levels of stimulation and protections against stress that a nurturing caregiver provides, people tend to do much better.»
As Little explained to New York Magazine, introverts are naturally overstimulated by their environment, while extraverts are under the optimal level of stimulation.
They also involve a very low level of stimulation which negelets adequate muscle fiber recruitment.
After a few days of our detox diet, the palate used to a high level of stimulation cleanses and natural foods are tasty again.
If your dog continues to bark, gradually increase the intensity level of the stimulation.
One of my favorite lunches because chocolate gives me a healthy level of stimulation and drives up my... Read More
When working at low levels of stimulation on our E-collars, we've noticed that there is an inconsistent output rate — for example, levels 8, 9, and 10 may feel exactly the same to the dog, but level 11 will show a drastic increase in the stim output.
Instead, you can work wherever you feel offers the right level of stimulation, be it in your room, a library, a coffee shop or a co-working space.
People who reported seeking high levels of stimulation or excitement had reduced cortical thickness, or gray matter, in brain regions associated with decision making and self - control.
The level of stimulation we each find comfortable has something to do with both nature and nurture.
Parents of highly sensitive infants may need to reduce the level of stimulation with different activities until the baby develops a certain level of tolerance and is eager to continue with the activity.
The electronic toy itself turns 90 degrees vertical to face your baby and allows parents to modify the level of stimulation.
For those who started with moderate to severe pain, their pain was reduced to mild or no pain in 58 percent of people at the highest level of stimulation, compared to 24 percent of those during the sham stimulation.
The New America Foundation has reviewed some literacy apps, but their effectiveness may depend on the level of stimulation and the child's age.
They found that people who reported seeking high levels of stimulation or excitement had reduced cortical thickness, or gray matter, in brain regions associated with decision making and self - control.
The circuit diagram focuses on the links among the central thalamus, the cortex, and regions (such as the globus pallidus and the striatum) that closely regulate the level of stimulation between cortex and thalamus.
Increasing the level of stimulation only made them take longer.
A study analyzing the positive and negative effects of energy drinks on athletes has seen that, although in principle their sports performance was seen to improve by between 3 % and 7 %, there was also an increase in the frequency of insomnia, nervousness and the level of stimulation in the hours following competition.
«However, the energy drinks increased the frequency of insomnia, nervousness and the level of stimulation in the hours following the competition.»
The third area was level of stimulation.
PB: Yes, the main findings broadly split into the three areas of naturalness, individualisation and level of stimulation.
We looked at «naturalness» which, if you like, are comfort factors — these are the things that people normally look at; but we also looked at individualisation and the level of stimulation, and these are areas that don't normally get considered.
The other two areas are individualisation and level of stimulation.
An additional benefit is that field - test results have shown that some people have been able to stop dog barking quicker, easier, and with far less confusion (stress), and, in many cases, at lower levels of stimulation.
Take it much slower and gradually get him used to this level of stimulation.
When that happens you can often reduce the level of stimulation and only go with a nick.
This means the instant the dogs see another dog they get the highest level of stimulation.
When training your dog with the Dogtra YS - 300, it is important to start on the lowest level of stimulation.
With many dogs they learn how to take higher and higher levels of stimulation - where as had the owner used the highest level at first they can often quickly go to lower levels.
Therefore, the premise of the general arousal theory of criminality is that individuals inherit a nervous system that is unresponsive to low levels of stimulation and as a consequence, these individuals have to seek out the proper stimulation to increase their arousal.
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