Sentences with phrase «level than her classmates»

My daughter is on a higher reading level than her classmates but the teachers allow her to be pulled out and join a third grade reading class.

Not exact matches

These children also exhibited higher levels of wellbeing than their classmates.
These staggeringly figures are especially disconcerting, because these students are likely to need remediation in college — and far less likely to complete a degree — than classmates who enter with higher levels of skill.
At the seventh -, eighth -, and ninth - grade level, students who have access to technology at home and at school did better than their classmates on the writing portion of state tests.
The Matthew Effect For a student like Molly to catch up and meet grade - level reading expectations, she will need to improve her skills at a faster pace than her current classmates.
Results of national tests known as Sats taken by 10 and 11 - year - olds in England show that children on free school meals do less well than their classmates, and the pattern continues to GCSE level.
In 50 years of evaluation, PCHP has documented important longitudinal impacts for program participants: graduates enter school as well or better prepared than their classmates, perform significantly better than their socioeconomic peers and as well as or better than the overall population on school readiness measures in kindergarten and first grade, and are reading and doing math on grade level in third grade.
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