Sentences with phrase «levels of a particular protein»

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In particular, Substance P makes one type of these proteins extremely sensitive to zinc, so that natural trace levels of zinc in circulation are enough to dampen their activity and suppress the neuronal responses.
«Now, through our new study, we show that lowering levels of a particular cohesin protein called Rad21 in embryonic zebrafish produces similar types of heart defects to those found in people with CdLS,» Associate Professor Horsfield says.
The study, which will be published December 21 in the Journal of Cell Biology, suggests that the loss of these particular Numb proteins makes breast cancers more aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy, but points the way toward new therapeutic approaches that could improve patient outcome by preserving p53 levels.
Previous work had shown that two variations in the COX - 2 gene, with either a guanine (G) or a cytosine (C) molecule at a particular spot in the gene's DNA sequence, lead to different levels of COX - 2 protein.
They also identified targets for potential therapies: bolstering levels of either a particular chaperone or a growth factor in brain cells can protect against the toxic effects of misfolded proteins.
By detailing certain features of cells and tissues, such as methylation patterns, protein levels and other characteristics, Dr. Volpi said that the new studies will «help paint a clearer picture of how genomic variation leads to particular diseases.»
A new study details the minute changes — down to the level of individual atoms — that cause a particular protein to form cell - damaging clumps associated with ALS and other diseases.
A team from Saint Louis University has found that switching off a particular protein decreased the body fat and improved the blood sugar levels of mice.
Packed full of protein, high in calcium and with omega - 3 levels that rival flaxseeds, sacha inchi is a great source of nutrients for vegans in particular.
The Hero line of Quest Bars in particular is the number one Keto protein bar on this list because of its stellar balance of healthy saturated fats and low levels of net carbs and protein.
So, what we did in this experiment here, we gave 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and so forth and we learned something really interesting which turned out to be really quite a momentous idea later because in terms of this application to humans, in terms of this application to nutrition and health in general, what you can see in this particular presentation is that protein fed up to a level about 10 % of the calories, it..., it doesn't..., it doesn't turn on the cancer, but where..., when AS SOON AS THE PROTEIN BEGINS TO EXCEED 10 % THEN IT TURNS ON THEprotein fed up to a level about 10 % of the calories, it..., it doesn't..., it doesn't turn on the cancer, but where..., when AS SOON AS THE PROTEIN BEGINS TO EXCEED 10 % THEN IT TURNS ON THEPROTEIN BEGINS TO EXCEED 10 % THEN IT TURNS ON THE CANCER
A study published in 2013 in the journal Gut Microbes found that taking a particular microbe could reduce a person's level of inflammatory proteins (called cytokines).
This is why to decide on which particular taste attract you most and then go for picking up mass gainer supplement that will contain the highest level of ingredients.It is good to take 0.6 to 1.0 - gram protein / pound body weight.
Spiegelman and his colleagues suspected that FNDC5 (and the irisin created from it) was responsible for exercise - induced benefits to the brain — in particular, increased levels of a crucial protein called brain - derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is essential for maintaining healthy neurons and creating new ones.
Even vegans eating the same amount of protein as meateaters still had lower levels of the IGF - 1, so it's apparently not about excessive protein in general, but about animal protein in particular.
In our quest to increase the protein levels and reduce the carbohydrate levels in our diets often the fat component of our diet is left to chance, being made up from whatever happens to be included with the particular foods we choose to eat rather than selected based on it's nutritional merit or our physiological needs.
For instance, if the level is accurate, your albumin is 4.5, and you have SHBG dysfunction (an extreme elevation of this particular protein, I used a level of 250 nmol / L), you could have a calculated free testosterone of 1.69 ng / dL, which is normal.
In particular, consuming sunflower seeds more than five times per week was associated with reduced levels of C - reactive protein (CRP), a key chemical involved in inflammation.
Finally of particular interest to the sport enthusiasts, HCl levels are, for obvious reasons, linked to protein digestion.
Most reputable food companies will want a particular level of protein to be present in the product which means that there needs to be much more meat than bone.
The problem is the product, dry food in particular, is so susceptible to bacteria because of the high protein level and because it's treated with flavoring.»
This is another breed with lower than average levels of the particular allergen protein in their saliva.
Even if a particular brand of dog food does contain an increased level of protein, it is very possible that it comes from plants and so will not do your cat any good at all.
Thus increasing the temperature may populate a particular protein fluctuational state at a level (say 1 % of the total distribution) where it might be detectable spectroscopically.....
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