Sentences with phrase «lianas increase»

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By contrast, liana removal increased reproduction in palms and understory plants only slightly.
Ola Olsson stressed that the present study does not give any definite answers to how the composition of the forests could change, but in his view, there could well be an increase in bushes and lianas.
The effect of atmospheric CO2 on flowering has diminished over the most recent decade for lianas and canopy trees, whereas flowering of midstory trees and shrub species continued to increase with rising CO2.
These include rising temperatures, increasing carbon dioxide levels, fires, more destructive storms, insect infestation and the impact of woody vines known as lianas.
«A forest with more lianas has less woody biomass (long term carbon storage), tree growth is reduced and tree mortality is increasing,» said Hans Verbeeck of Ghent University.
Habitat fragmentation and biomass reduction on isolated forest islands at the Balbina dam — with trees replaced by lianas — resulted in increased carbon emissions.
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