Sentences with phrase «liberal attitude»

But the Swedish experience shows that a society can combine progressive, liberal attitudes towards sexual freedom with zero tolerance of the exploitation of women.
In the present atmosphere of the regime's open - door policies and more liberal attitudes toward religion, Ting's strategy seems sensible.
I am a fun loving very unorthodox person who loves life, loves music, loves to travel, loves rain, loves to drive, very focused on life.i got very liberal attitude towards life, as it says i...
Liberals have long hoped for the moment when the Catholic Church stops being «anti-modern,» which doesn't mean engaged with science, philosophically sophisticated, and capable of formulating a vision for modern political and economic life — the Church does all that — but instead means adopting liberal attitudes toward moral truth.
Displaying remarkably liberal attitudes for a Church famed for its conservatism, bishops meeting in the Vatican today also said that a couples» decision on the use of contraception should be respected.
Another facet of the Christian's problematic relationship to the public - order - and - safety issue may be found in our conscious or unconscious acceptance of the popular liberal attitude toward history.
AFTER Anders Breivik killed 77 people in Norway on 22 July, analysts pinned responsibility on everything from liberal attitudes towards extremists to anti-Muslim bigotry.
The social changes of the last generation fostered by globalization and the technological transformations in communication systems have significantly changed the young minds of the country and augmented the exposure to western culture, which promotes liberal attitude in gender mix and premarital relationship.
This is driven, of course, by the overwhelming support of young voters, but also by white Catholics, who have grown more open - minded on gay rights as they have become more affluent and educated, and as their children return from college with more liberal attitudes.
This seems to have entailed a more liberal attitude toward some of the strictures of Jewish law but an appreciation for the sentiments of conservative religion nonetheless.
Christians in most European nations have a much more liberal attitude towards s - ex.
The experts believe it may take many years for Americans to adopt a liberal attitude toward the economy and finances again.
After the election, Matthew Yglesias described the liberal attitude well:
(Even Sweden, the poster country for women's equality and liberal attitudes toward human sexuality, strictly regulates abortion after the eighteenth week of pregnancy.)
Well - versed in all things surrogacy, from legal contracts to health care to initial health screenings, and based in California, we benefit from the state's liberal attitude to the process.
As Sonia Purnell's new biography of Clementine Churchill reminds us, Clemmie often adopted more liberal attitudes than her husband, Winston.
Labour has always been a broad church, but a move towards the liberal attitudes of its metropolitan voters has in turn alienated a working class with genuine social concerns.
Liberal attitudes, in US terms, to abortion, civil partnerships and illegal immigration, have not impressed those who booed him at the Conservative Political Action Conference a few weeks ago.
No such correlation was discernible in for people with a liberal attitude.
I'm a outgoing person with a liberal attitude I take people the way that is respectful and appreciate their individuality.
Since dating is such an important aspect of life for men, women, teen boys, and girls in countries where the custom of arranged marriage is absent and where sexual freedom and liberal attitude towards intermingling of opposite sex is a norm.
Singles these days have a more liberal attitude than ever before:
Kayla, meanwhile, is coddled by her affectionate, overly emotional dad, Mitchell (John Cena), whose paranoia far outweighs her mother's (Sarayu Rao) liberal attitude.
we need to retrench and fix our problems before we begin to go back to the liberal attitudes of the past.
Hockney was easily tempted away from the UK to California, where the liberal attitudes of Los Angeles gave him artistic freedom and resulted in his now iconic homoerotic modernist abstractions featuring naked men in swimming pools, such as «Peter getting out of Nick's Pool» (1966).
With the Web's advertising engine stalling just as newspapers are under pressure, some publishers are second - guessing their liberal attitude toward free content.
This is a very liberal attitude to take regarding any type of tobacco use, and occasional cigar smokers will appreciate the gesture.
Cohabitators are expecting the same rights as the married, poor families are penalized for marriage, and liberal attitudes toward single parenthood, divorce, and cohabitation are at fault partially.
Cambridge: known as the home of Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge is also known for its liberal attitudes and diversity.
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