Sentences with phrase «liberal attitudes towards»

But the Swedish experience shows that a society can combine progressive, liberal attitudes towards sexual freedom with zero tolerance of the exploitation of women.
Indeed, many sexually liberal attitudes towards m4w 25 yrs.
AFTER Anders Breivik killed 77 people in Norway on 22 July, analysts pinned responsibility on everything from liberal attitudes towards extremists to anti-Muslim bigotry.
Christians in most European nations have a much more liberal attitude towards s - ex.
Since dating is such an important aspect of life for men, women, teen boys, and girls in countries where the custom of arranged marriage is absent and where sexual freedom and liberal attitude towards intermingling of opposite sex is a norm.
I am a fun loving very unorthodox person who loves life, loves music, loves to travel, loves rain, loves to drive, very focused on life.i got very liberal attitude towards life, as it says i...

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Yale, Michigan, and Cornell were specifically and often mentioned as models to be followed, away from the liberal arts colleges and their more casual attitudes towards scholarship.
Attitudes towards sex, gender, homosexuality, race, abortion and drugs have moved towards a more liberal, social democratic position.
Labour has always been a broad church, but a move towards the liberal attitudes of its metropolitan voters has in turn alienated a working class with genuine social concerns.
There has been a lot of discussion of a new report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on attitudes towards tackling economic inequality (at Directionless Bones, Left Luggage, Sunder Katwala on CiF, Don Paskini at Liberal Conspiracy, and David Osler).
In a sign that public attitudes towards drugs are becoming decidedly more liberal, an Ipsos - MORI poll for the Transform Drug Policy Foundation found 53 % of people want cannabis legalised, while just 14 % want tougher penalties for users.
The pair also say that correlations with attitudes towards social issues like gender or racial equality could explain the differences, with those interviewed on the phone seemingly more socially liberal than average, while those polled online are more socially conservative.
He is described as «a Victorian thinker fated to live in an unsympathetic modern age», part of an «ultimately disappointing effort to turn the cloth of «science» into a wardrobe of a philosophy of life and a programme for social progress», a liberal on race who was «a reflection of elitist English upper - class attitudes towards the others, be they the races of Empire, the lower classes in England, or Blacks in the American South».
As expected, attitudes towards Muslims and toward immigrants were more negative following the attacks than before, but only among liberals; conservatives» views stayed relatively constant.
Starring a young Christof Wackernagel, the film focuses on Benno (Wackernagel) and his increasing inability to cope with his liberal factory - owning bourgeois foster parents who gradually suffocate this «troubled» teenager by relentlessly exhibiting their tolerant attitude towards him and the world at large.8
Whereas we imagine governments in liberal democracies largely to respond to people's wishes, under the rubric of climate change and other issues, government and its agencies increasingly seek to change behaviour and modify attitudes towards policies that have already been determined.
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