Sentences with phrase «liberal positions on»

The Guardian has some useful analysis of the Conservative and Liberal positions on the environment, and how they may come together.
What about all of his liberal positions on guns, gays, choice, etc?
Campaigning with conservative and national liberal positions on domestic, social and family policy, they have fared better in regional elections.
It is the latest in a line of increasingly liberal positions on drugs from the party, as it becomes more confident in demanding wholesale reform of Britain's drugs laws.
Liberal positions on abortion and same - sex marriage have repelled more voters than they have attracted.
But the liberal position on abortion and euthanasia is «a mystery, a bafflement to me.»
This commitment to neutrality has become the liberal position on church and state.
This liberal position on the question of our knowledge of the historical Jesus and the relationship of that knowledge to Christian faith is too well known to need further elaboration, so let us turn at once to the combination of theological and critical considerations and external historical circumstances which led to its downfall in Germany.
For example, what is the liberal position on economic freedom?
So is the conservative position supposed to be the opposite of the liberals position on economic freedom, or specifically against the positions stated above?
Cameron's liberal position on drugs changed once he entered Downing Street and he has shot down subsequent demands for a more liberal approach to the issue, including one from the group he used to be a member of.
«While our opponents fight to take the most extreme liberal position on the issues, we are taking nothing for granted and have made early investments in our campaign infrastructure to earn the support of every voter,» said Nicholas Weinstein, Reed's campaign manager.
Scalia, of course, recently deceased, was the most conservative of the conservative wing, which has had the upper hand in recent years, modified to some extent by the presence of Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative who has taken a liberal position on some social issues.

Not exact matches

On a host of issues normally instrumental to winning the support of the conservative media, he had famously taken liberal positions.
He says Trump campaigned on constant complaints about Mexico, not Canada, and Harper appears to suggest it was unwise of the Liberals to insist upon renegotiating a trilateral NAFTA: «How did we get ourselves in this position?
Mr. Speaker, I enjoyed the member's remarks in the main, but he made a fairly major error when it came to talking about the previous Liberal government's position on the banks.
After an intervention from the Bloc Quebecois it was Jack Layton's turn to stand and take credit for the Liberal party's position on corporate tax rates.
BC Liberal environment minister Terry Lake said Horgan's comments show Dix is not being clear with voters on the party's pipeline position.
We believe the BC Liberal policies on GHG emissions are in line with the stated positions of the GVBOT, especially their recommitment to revenue neutrality.
A 2011 Maclean's survey of historians on Canada's prime ministers ranked John A. Macdonald, of course, the top Conservative (in second spot, after Liberal Wilfrid Laurier) and pegged Borden as the next highest - rated Tory PM (in eighth position overall).
@johnfrichardson funny how you white demonic perverted liberals twist every issue at every turn, lets see the white man does for the whiteman when he gets in leadership position, the mexican helps the mexican, the asian helps the asian, and so on.
The association with the Religious Right has cost Grey some support among liberals, who believe that by working with the right, Grey legitimates their position on other issues, such as abortion and gay rights.
Unfortunately, though, with people being discouraged to pursue the liberal arts in the 21st century, openings for these positions are becoming few and far between, and people who have that philosophical blood running through their veins sometimes take on preacher positions as a way to make ends meat, which is wrong because it is the essence of living a lie.
Early on, in the chapters on contraception, Wills appears to take the familiar «liberal» position that the popes and their apologists are guilty of thwarting authentic development of doctrine and of ignoring the sensus communis of the laity.
So, (1) whatever position one takes on this matter, left or right, conservative or liberal, one should acknowledge that the law really does forbid homosexual sex between males but not between females.
You see, I am not a liberal, but because I disagree with your position on religion and science you automatically assume that I am.
Given the latest medical data concerning the distinct characteristics of the fetus and its ability to survive outside the womb at a startlingly early age, it is little wonder that in the past few years several of the denominations that once took a more open position on abortion have retreated somewhat: the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is now studying the issue; in a 1980 statement on social principles, the UMC moved to a more qualified position; the Episcopal Church and the recently formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America seem to be in the process of toning down their earlier positions (or those of a predecessor body) The Lutherans defeated a resolution in their 1989 Assembly which would have been consistent with the liberal position of the LCA predecessor body, and a 1988 Lutheran - Episcopal dialogue report refers to the fetus as «embryonic humanity» with claims on society.
Tim Farron resigned from his position as leader of the Liberal Democrats on Wednesday saying he was «torn between living as a faithful Christian... More
Tim Unsworth on the liberal fall - back position regarding Ex Corde Ecclesiae in National Catholic Reporter, November 5, 1999.
The magazines move from the strongly traditional viewpoint of Moody Monthly (a viewpoint carrying on the social ethic of late nineteenth century American revivalism), through the moderately conservative stance of Christianity Today (a stance that seeks perhaps unconsciously to revive the social activism of American fundamentalism prior to the repeal of Prohibition and the Scopes trail), to the socially liberal commitment of The Reformed Journal (a position seeking to be contemporary, and yet faithful to Calvin's thought) and the socially radical perspective of Sojourners (a perspective molded in the Anabaptist tradition).
One need not agree with NicholasWolterstorff's politics — for instance, his position on the Palestinian - Israeli conflict - to welcome his commitment to the liberal - democratic project that makes possible the engagement of disagreements, including disagreements over the merits of the liberal - democratic project.
Romney has struggled to win over many social conservatives who felt that his past positions on social issues were too liberal and many evangelicals who raised theological concerns over Romney's membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints.
With the assistance of a massive lobbying effort on the part of liberal interest groups, Bork's detractors prevailed and Judge Bork did not obtain the position for which he was so eminently qualified.
The Roman Catholic and the fundamentalist Protestant positions, though with obvious differences, meet in holding to an authoritarian and traditionalist point of view as over against the liberal emphasis on free inquiry.
A major shouting match, as we know, has also developed between religious liberals and religious conservatives, the two sides taking widely differing positions not only on theological orientations but also on social and political issues, and holding strongly negative views toward the other.
In contrast, sectors of the population linked to international trade, occupying a dominant position in world markets, and depending on open diplomatic channels might well find themselves more in sympathy with lower defense budgets, higher education outlays, cosmopolitan values, and liberal religious institutions whose theologies favor universalism and whose moral teachings favor relativism and discretion.
Liberal churches, on the other hand, may be in a more precarious position.
Even granted the unspeakable crimes committed in the 20th century by communist nations (a close inspection of the history of the century, however, would disclose that such societies have had no monopoly on unspeakable crimes) the morbid anti-Communism of the American right, and the tendency to assimilate every kind of socialist or even liberal position to that of Communism, indicates, I believe, some serious failure to come to terms with the balance between dependence and independence, solidarity and autonomy, that are part of any mature personality or society.
He wanted the Church's bishops to follow the lead of Vatican II and see themselves first and foremost as teachers and sanctifiers; but he not infrequently appointed bishops with a tendency to liberal authoritarianism to key positions in their respective countries, with grave effects on episcopal leadership throughout the world.
The 19th century also witnessed the growth of the Liberal movement, which campaigned for a separationist constitutional amendment but was undone in part by the unpopularity of it's equivocal position on obscenity.
In building his case for why we can still believe the Bible, Blomberg effectively positions himself between liberal scholars who refuse to acknowledge the firm textual base on which the scriptures stand and ultraconservatives who insist on a rigidly literal reading of the Bible (often in the King James only) in the face of legitimate developments in our understanding of ancient manuscripts and genres.
Thank you for enquiring about the Liberal Democrats» position on early child nutrition and breastfeeding.
And I'd like to help get the well - meaning liberals out of that absurd position, of accidentally endorsing the far right on a supposedly anti-racist ticket, and being massively behind where most people got to when it came to England and football - without thinking so much about it - at least 15 - 20 years ago.
For decades, it was the position of the liberal ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) that it was unconstitutional to prevent non-profit corporations from speaking out on candidates.
Voteview allows users to view every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal - conservative ideological map including information about the ideological positions of voting Senators and Representatives.
As a result, Italian liberals suddenly found themselves in the position of Phaedrus's fly who, sitting on the neck of the mule, is convinced he is leading the chariot when he is in fact only a rather unimportant passenger:
Mr Blunkett, rising to leave the meeting, left the Liberal Democrats on the platform with a sage piece of advice: «Opposition's dreadful but being in the position you're in might actually turn out to be worse.»
As Cuomo increasingly seeks to position himself at the national level, potentially with an eye on a future White House run, by embracing a host of liberal policy proposals, look for the Senate Democrats and their allies to keep up the «we could accomplish so much more together» drumbeat, even though at this point it's pretty much a done deal that the Republicans and the IDC have renewed their power - sharing relationship.
The Sun's change on the issue hints at why Labour has not savaged the Liberal Democrats for the liberal position the party has adopted over recent Liberal Democrats for the liberal position the party has adopted over recent liberal position the party has adopted over recent months.
But while Tomasi's critique of egalitarianism and trenchant defense of capitalism enrich the classical liberal position and extend the debate on what constitutes justice, ultimately they don't hold up.
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