Sentences with phrase «liberal view about»

Even if the judge takes a more liberal view about you moving in with someone else before your divorce is over, doing that still inserts a total stranger into your children's lives.
The county is noted for its distinctive Pacific Ocean coastline, its location along California's «Lost Coast», Redwood forests, wine production, microbrews, and liberal views about the use of cannabis and support for its legalization.

Not exact matches

I hope to convince J.D. that while I grew up with very liberal, Jewish parents (dad from South America) in California, and in a nuclear family without alcohol or violence, I experienced surprisingly similar parallels to many of J.D.'s societal views — even if we may have drawn moderately different conclusions about the underlying solutions.
She says the typical Waldorf parent, who has a range of elite private and public schools to choose from, tends to be liberal and highly educated, with strong views about education; they also have a knowledge that when they are ready to teach their children about technology they have ample access and expertise at home.
Every time I get annoyed at Justin Trudeau and the way he manages the country all I do is listen to the radio and Charles Adler rant about him or read articles by Lorne Gunter and Rick Bell from the Edmonton Sun (who formerly worked at the Alberta Report, and helped Ted Byfield run the Alberta Report into the ditch, or read anything written by Colby Cosh or Ezra Levant and soon I realize the propaganda and hate these clowns try and spread about their own political / religious views I revert back to supporting the more liberal viewpoint).
Several disgruntled former employees have expressed concerns about «groupthink» being ingrained in what is widely known as a hyper - liberal company culture value system where expressions of other views are not welcome and can lead to being ostracized or being shown the door.
TUTORIAL: The Austrian School Of Economics The Classical - Liberal Perspective The accepted mainstream view about central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, is that we need them to manage economic growth and ensure prosperity through interest rate manipulation and other interventions.
I am a Christian who attends a Pentecostal church, but I'm pretty liberal in my views as well and don't always agree with my fellow Christians about certain heavier topics.
But there is perhaps a use we might make of the postmodern in apologetics, for the collapse of modernity may allow believers to speak once again about God without defensiveness or self - consciousness, may allow believers both to escape political categorization as liberal or conservative and to escape the modern view that sees political categories as fundamental.
• Traditional liberals, writes our friend Robert P. George, have promoted their views as a way that people holding conflicting comprehensive doctrines» «an integrated set of beliefs about the human good, human dignity, and human destiny»» can live together.
The point about all these pontifications, I thought at the time, whether over the airwaves or in the print media, either by secular commentators or by the kind of Catholics the liberal media like to give a platform to because their views on the Catholic tradition are so similar to their own (it seemed by the beginning of the conclave that it had all been going on for ever) was — or so I reflected then in my simple way — that this wonderful free - for - all was the only chance for many of them to be heard at all on this subject.
Bernstein sees Dewey's liberal, political outlook as completely consistent with his view that philosophy's main task is «to become practical, where this means addressing itself to the basic issues and conflicts that confront us, and making practical judgments about what is to be done» (PA 225).
She said: «We're worried as Liberal Democrats and I'm personally worried about the divided nation we now have with people taking very extreme views and the rise of racism and hate crimes.
In terms of the former, liberal Protestants were concerned about unbridled consumerism and an emerging mass culture while neo-evangelicals sought to buttress a world and life view that curbed socialism and a confessionless moralism on the part of liberal Protestants.
Third, in view of scattered signs among some evangelicals of an awakening concern about national and world problems, can all of us in churches — liberal as well as conservative, laity as well as clergy — have the grace to seize every opportunity for dialogue, to the end that we may begin to realize that behind our pluralism lies a God - inspired hunger for a better, more just world?
George treats most severely the «anti-perfectionist» liberals - including Dworkin, Rawls, and David Richards - who contend that the state should, so far as possible, establish laws without reference to controversial views about the best human life.
Instead of putting some anti-Christian garbage on the front page which promotes a liberal agenda why not show how «fair» you are when it come to the news and carry a Christian view on say sodomy which is what we're talking about?
Thank you for your email enquiring about the Liberal Democrats views on infant feeding.
Voteview allows users to view every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal - conservative ideological map including information about the ideological positions of voting Senators and Representatives.
I don't know how to explain my question but basically I don't follow politics much and for instance can't really tell the difference between liberal / conservative vs Democratic / Republican, but recently someone asked me about my views and they were surprised because apparently I like some things from Democratic party and some from Republican (or from both conservatives and liberals).
Nick, But when do ex-jihadis (about 29 years old), who have written of how they were close associates of the jailed Glasgow bomber, and who have never contacted the Fabians or IPPR, become experts on liberal - left think - tanks in the view of columnists for a major liberal newspaper?
The answer is for the left to win arguments with real people and stop is time honoured Fabian strategy of, manipulating the system to vastly exaggerate the power held by a small minority whilst simultaneously complaining about their inability to concentrate even more power with Left Liberal courtiers via PR What the left hate and what they can not admit is that their leaders despise the views of many of their voters, perhaps a majority.
He said: «There is a view now in many parts of the world that the only way to ensure prosperity and stability is to suppress freedom to crack down on pesky NGOs and irritating journalists and independent judges and generally to deprecate the western liberal consensus about how a society should be ordered.
an abridged version of an August 2013 Liberator Article A senior Liberal Democrat, when recently asked about their view of the prospects for the Party is rumoured to have replied, «The Valley of Death», evoking thoughts of the Crimean War.
«All I would say to you is, whatever your views are about the events of the last few years, never ever ever let anyone question the motives of the Liberal Democrats,» he said.
One MEP, Bill Newton Dunn, Liberal Democrat for the East Midlands and member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group, had approached the BMF for clarification as he had had numerous emails from constituents complaining about the regulations, but as they had not been specific, consistent or even accurate over their concerns, he found it difficult to form a view.
Mr. de Blasio has often urged his party to move unabashedly to the left, rather than the center — and he has been asked before about the tension between that point of view and his long - standing support of Ms. Clinton, whom some liberal groups like the WFP view as not progressive enough compared to a candidate like Ms. Warren.
But if the RNC — officially neutral — tilted toward Lazio, the officially neutral Republican Governors Association seems to be tilting the other way, brushing off concerns about Levy's Democratic past and liberal views on abortion and other issues, and buying the impression among many New York observers that Levy might have a real shot against Andrew Cuomo.
Alongside discussing the Palestinian issue, he talked about the Liberal Democrat view on Syrian refugees, Islamophobia, the Prevent programme and Muslim parliamentary candidates.
From my point of view the main embarrassment has been and continues to be Liberal Democrat support for Osborne's economic policies: others may be concerned about other issues (support for the restructuring of the NHS, or the creation of «free» schools and extension of the academy programme, for example).
It's classic Boris Johnson, but that quote on the Liberal - Democrat favoured plans for Lords reform just about sums up the views of a significant chunk of Conservative MPs.
The Liberal Democrats were influenced not just by this official advice but by the views of the Governor of the Bank of England about the need for spending cuts this year to reassure the markets.
Still, there were things about Penney Toyota that he would remember fondly, he told me: the time he spent with his buddies in the body shop, their amusement when he showed up for his first day of work dressed in suspenders, the endless teasing about Prasher's liberal views as they watched Fox News around the clock, the question one of them asked when Prasher was about to slice open a kiwi at lunch: «Are you going to eat that fuzzy potater?»
Match found that 91 percent of liberals say they judge potential dates negatively for having voted for Trump, and more than half said they're more likely to ask about their political views since the election.
Our complaint about the syllabi is a classic liberal one: students were not being exposed to a variety of important arguments and points of view.
The volume, The Urban Underclass, also contradicts many liberal and conservative views about urban poverty.
Their historical value is especially great, for, regardless of his personal aloofness and his liberal views, everyone of any importance in Tsarist Russia sat for Serov, yet not one of the resulting paintings has anything of the official portrait about it; each is a sincere and illuminating document.
I was engaged in a discussion with Monckton about his views of climate science and some disputes we'd had over stories I'd written when Brad Johnson, a climate blogger and editor at the liberal Center for American Progress, walked by — creating one of those volatile moments, as if matter and anti-matter had come a bit too close for comfort.
If Mahatma Ghandi were still alive and dared to express scepticism about the climate issue, «liberals» reading the «liberal media» would struggle to identify the difference between his views, and those of Ann Coulter.
I'm more of a descriptivist, and I happen to believe that overly - presciptive assertions about political taxonomy are invariably self - serving and unscientifically subjective (perhaps you might read Kahan about «liberal» vs «conservative» w / r / t his world view matrix).
If we take the Politicians, Oil, Coal & Chemical companies out of the picture for a moment and just look at the people that they designed their Skeptical Anti-man induced Global Warming spins for... you clearly see a huge group of hateful and stupid people who don't care what the issue is about, as long as it deviates from what they consider a Liberal view... they're happy.
In this paper we tested four hypotheses: (1) perceived conflict about global warming will be negatively associated — and (2) climate expertise, (3) liberal political ideology, and (4) perceived scientific consensus will be positively associated — with (a) higher personal certainty that global warming is happening, (b) viewing the global warming observed over the past 150 years as mostly human - caused, and (c) perception of global warming as harmful.
«We will respect the views of rural constituents by giving their MPPs free votes»: If that was true, Liberal MPPs wouldn't be responding to furious complaints from their constituents about having industrial wind turbines rammed down their throats with form letters.
«This study finds, however, that liberal and moderate Republicans — about a third of the party — often have views relatively similar to Democrats, while conservative Republicans have very different opinions.»
Looked at from a viewpoint which (sensibly) notes both the ruin to which Cockburn views both liberal and conservative elites to have pushed most of us to the brink of, and profiting from the process all the way, Cockburn doubts that those elites would be honest or altruistic enough to be honest about GW.
And some of it will have to do with the fact that whatever liberal legal academics used to say about Posner, his recent views and his opinion (mostly a very good opinion, in my view) in Baskin v. Bogan will wash away any former ill - will in a tide of good feelings.
About Blog This is a blog that comments on both Paganism and politics in the United States, from a leftist - liberal point of view.
USA About Blog PoliticusUSA brings you news, political commentary & analysis from a liberal point of view.
The pattern is similar (though not as large) for those who are «consistently liberal;» 49 % of consistent liberals report that most of their close friends share their political views, 39 % report that some of their friends share their views while many do not, and 12 % do not know what their friends think about politics.
About Blog This is a blog that comments on both Paganism and politics in the United States, from a leftist - liberal point of view.
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